Saule Dyussembina

Ph.D. Student


KIMEP Ph.D. program sets rather high standards, and I am proud of being a part of it.

I decided to join Ph.D. in Accounting program of Bang College of Business after having worked for many years in business in Kazakhstan. I wanted to return to research and to build my further career in academic sphere. My earlier studies at MBA KIMEP program opened many doors for me, and I was quite confident that KIMEP Ph.D. program would help me fulfil my dreams. In addition, KIMEP’s collaboration with the leading business schools makes it possible for students to participate in the international exchange programs. For instance, I had a chance to take courses from the Norwegian Business School, a high-ranked school in the world.

I am thankful to KIMEP professors who have provided such challenging and interesting training in the core course program. They have been guiding us throughout the process of building the research proposals, collecting data, and, finally, approaching the line of writing the dissertation. Now KIMEP provides students with an access to the necessary data sources such as Thomson Reuters Eikon, and it allows students to test the concepts and theories with the real-world data. Under the supervision of my advisors, Prof. Mira Nurmakhanova and Prof. Kunsu Park, I have upgraded my skills in econometric and statistical analysis.

KIMEP Ph.D. program sets rather high standards, and I am proud of being a part of it. The program is delivered by people who are passionate about their work and who are able to motivate us to plunge into research and enjoy it.