Mission of the program
The Program Mission is to develop outstanding scholars for careers in research and teaching at leading academic institutions throughout the world. The program involves a combination of course and research work over a period of approximately three to seven years. PhD Program guarantees a challenging, focused, and meaningful experience.
This degree will build the graduate’s capacity in the areas of teaching and professional business research, and ensures that graduates are placed in the leading positions in academia and businesses. The main objective of the program is to strategically affect all business and economics education in Central Asia, and foster international business techniques to assist in the development of Kazakhstan economy and educational system. With a team of internationally renowned professors and researchers, and extensive partnership with some of the top business schools in the world, we are well prepared to deliver a quality PhD program unrivalled in the entire region.
The PhD Program’s distinct academic approach is designed to enable students to excel as researchers, educators, and scholars in the future. Throughout PhD Studies experience, students focus on one of four areas of study.
Concentrations Offered
The PhD Program is offered in the following fields:
- Accounting and Auditing;
- Finance;
- Marketing;
- Management.
Learning Goals and Objectives
The PhD program at BCB aims at achieving the following goals:
- Create scholars who can advance business theory and practice,
- Develop effective business educators,
- Encourage analytical thinking, critical analysis and innovative problem solving.
The learning objectives of the PhD program allow students to:
- Make original and significant intellectual contributions to the body of knowledge in their chosen field;
- Know a field of study and apply theoretical knowledge to business problems;
- Design and implement a research process and apply a range of research methods;
- Evaluate critically and synthesize new and complex ideas;
- Teach at the higher education level;
- Communicate effectively with their peers, the larger scholarly community and with society in general about their areas of expertise;
- Effectively team work with other people;
- Appreciate high ethical standards, sustainability, cultural awareness and global impact of research in relevant area.
Intended Learning Outcomes
- Application of appropriate research methods (qualitative, quantitative and combined) in the field;
- Critical thinking, decision making and creativity;
- Theoretical knowledge of a body of literature in the relevant discipline or interdisciplinary field;
- Able to identify problems and issues in the discipline or interdisciplinary field;
- Significant intellectual contribution to the relevant discipline or interdisciplinary field;
- Gaining analytical skills and expertise in the relevant discipline or interdisciplinary field;
- Demonstrating oral and written communication skills;
- Publication of high impact journal and conference papers in the discipline or interdisciplinary field;
- Teaching skills at the Higher Education levels;
- Proactive teamwork;
- Cultural awareness and global impact of research in relevant area;
- Social and legal responsibility and ethical values.
Degree Requirements
Requirements for the Ph.D. program are as follows:
Requirements | Credits | ECTS |
Educational Component | 20 | 45 |
Program Foundation Requirements | 12 | 25 |
Core Courses | 6 | 10 |
Elective Courses | 3 | 5 |
Pedagogical Internship | 3 | 10 |
Program Specialization Requirements | 8 | 20 |
Specialization Courses | 6 | 10 |
Research Internship | 2 | 10 |
Research Component | 50 | 123 |
Research Work | 20 | 53 |
Dissertation | 30 | 70 |
Final Attestation | 5 | 12 |
Total | 75 | 180 |
Grade Point Average
A student must maintain a cumulative 3.33 GPA throughout the program. Courses in which grades below “B-” are received but are not accepted for the Ph.D. degree. Grades received in courses transferred from another institution are not included in calculation of the grade point average. If a grade of “C+” or lower is received, the student should repeat the course. More than one retake should acquire an approval from the Council. When the GPA is calculated, the grade for the repeated course will substitute for the original grade. Grades of “I” turn to “F” if work is not completed by the 7th week of the following semester.
Career Opportunities
Getting a doctor of Business degree doesn’t limit you to just one career path. A DBA degree is versatile, with hands-on training in a variety of areas related to running a business that can help you tap new career possibilities. Here are some lucrative career options with a doctor of Business.
- C-Level Executive Officer;
- Consultant;
- Analyst;
- Organizational Management;
- College or University Educator;
- Entrepreneur.
Core Faculty

Alimshan Faizulayev, Ph.D.
Director Research, Associate Professor of Finance
Name: Dr. Alimshan Faizulayev
Position: Research Director / Assistant Professor, Bang College of Business.
Educational Background: Ph.D. in Finance, Eastern Mediterranean University, N. Cyprus.
08.2019- Present => Assistant Professor/ Research Director BCB, Kimep University, Kazakhstan.
04.2021-Present => Research Director (co-owner), London Center for Development, London , UK.
10.2021-Present => Member (non-voting) of the AIXQI Index Committee of Astana International Exchange (AIX).
01.2017-01.2021 => Investment Advisor/ Coordinator in CIS regions, Dovec Group of Companies, Cyprus.
01.2011-09.2017 => Project Manager, Dogus Yol Tourism (education and tourism), Turkey.
09.2015-01.2019 => Senior Lecturer, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus.
01.2015-07.2015 => Guest Lecturer, American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute, USA.
Research Interest:
-Conentional Banking, Islamic Banking,
-Energy economics
Research Articles:
Damira, A., Narimanovna, J. G., Lyazzat, Y., Rustamov, B., Faizulayev, A., & Bekun, F. V. (2022). Competition Determinants of Eurasian Economic Union Oil and Gas Companies . International
Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(2), 336–341. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.12906
Isah Wada, Alimshan Faizulayev, Festus Victor Bekun (2021). “Exploring the role of conventional energy consumption on environmental quality in Brazil: Evidence from cointegration and conditional
causality”, Gondwana Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.06.009. ( (SCI / SCOPUS Q2
Faizulayev, A. Wada, I. Kyzdarbekova, A. Parmankulova, I (2021). “What drives the banking competition in Islamic Finance Oriented Countries? Islamic vs Conventional banks.” Journal of Islamic
Accounting and Business Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIABR-06-2020-0173
(Web of Scıence / SCOPUS Q2)
Solomon, P. N. Festus, V. B. Faizulayev, A. (2021) “Energy Consumption, Natural Resources, Urbanization, and Ecological Footprint in South Africa: The Moderating Role of Human Capital.” International
Journal of Energy Economics and Policy.
(Web of Scıence / SCOPUS Q2)
Faizulayev, A, Bakitjanovna, KR, Wada, I. (2020) Revisiting the dynamic impact of external debt on economic gth in Nigeria: Cointegration and conditional causality analysis.
Public Affairs;e2538. https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2538
(Web of Scıence / SCOPUS Q2)
Wada, I, Faizulayev, A, Khademolomoom, AH, Alzubi, A. (2020) Energy use, real output‐gth, FDI, energy‐intensity and CO 2 emission; the case of Kazakhstan.
Public Affairs;e2300. https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2300
(Web of Scıence / SCOPUS Q2)
Faizulayev A., Wada I. (2019) Spillover Effect of Interest Rate Volatility on Banking Sector Development in Nigeria: Dynamic ARDL Bound Test Approach. In: Ozatac N., Gokmenoglu K. (eds) Global
in Banking and Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30387-7_8
Faizulayev A., Wada I. (2019) What Drives the Banking Performance? Case of Eurasian Economic Union Countries. In: Ozatac N., Gokmenoglu K. (eds) Global Issues in Banking and Finance. Springer
Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30387-7_3
Hamed W., Faizulayev A. (2019) Does the Financial Performance of Banks Change During the Global Financial Crisis? The Case of Palestine. In: Ozatac N., Gokmenoglu K. (eds) Global Issues in Banking
Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30387-7_12
Faizulayev A., Bektas E. (2018) Profitability Determinants of Islamic and Conventional Banks During the Global Financial Crises: The Case of Emerging Markets. In: Ozatac N., Gökmenoglu K. (eds)
Emerging Trends in Banking and Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01784-2_17
Alimshan Faizulayev, Eralp Bektas & Abdul Ghafar Ismail 2018. “Profitability and persistency in the service industry: the case of QISMUT+3”, Service Industries Journal, https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2018.1461210. (SSCI/ SCOPUS Q1 IF-6

Larry Paul Pleshko, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing
Larry Pleshko (PhD. Marketing, M.B.A, B.S. Engineering) is a Professor of Marketing with more than thirty years of experience in university-level education. He has been a full-time faculty
at a variety of universities around the world, including Barry University, UAE University, Kuwait University, Curtin University, and American University of Ras AlKhaimah. His
area of
expertise is
marketing management and strategy. Dr. Pleshko has published more than fifty international journal articles, mostly in the area of service businesses such as banking, fast-food restaurants, or
coffee-shop retailing. His teaching is mostly centered upon marketing principles, marketing strategy, consumer behavior, market research, and promotion management

Norizan Binti Mohd Kassim, PhD
Professor of Marketing
Professor Norizan Mohd Kassim specializes in marketing and holds a Ph.D. from Southern Cross University in New South Wales, Australia, which she obtained in 2002. Her research interests are in
cross-cultural studies, consumer behavior, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service innovation, the competitiveness of organizations, and entrepreneurship. She has
collaborated actively with researchers in several other management disciplines. She has published numerous articles in reputable international journals, including the Journal of Business Research,
European Journal of Marketing, the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, the Asia Pacific Business Review, the International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, the
International Journal of Innovation Management, and the Electronic Markets. Prior to her affiliation with KIMEP University, she held the position of Professor and Assistant Dean for Graduate
and Research in the College of Economics, Management, and Information Systems at the University of Nizwa in Nizwa, Oman. Since May 2019, she has been Technical Director for the Oman Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Project. Additionally, she held academic positions in universities accredited by AACSB in Malaysia and abroad. Some universities included in this list are the United
Arab Emirates University, Qatar University, King Abdulaziz University, and the University of Dubai. Before pursuing an academic career, she acquired substantial expertise across multiple sectors,
as banking, finance, and stock brokerage, for a considerable period.

Nurlan Orazalin, Ph.D., DBA, CMA
Associate Professor of Accounting
Name | Nurlan S. Orazalin |
Position | Assistant Professor |
Contact detail |
270-44-40, ext. 2183 |
Education background |
· Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing, Kazakh State Academy of Management, Kazakhstan · Certified Management Accountant, the Institute of Management Accountants, USA |
Overview | Nurlan S. Orazalin has extensive teaching experience in the areas of accounting and finance. Dr. Orazalin has considerable practical and consulting experience and has worked with a variety of industries, including banking, oil and gas, constructions, communications, and manufacturing. In his current position, Dr. Orazalin teaches courses such as Introduction to Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Financial Reporting and Management Control Systems, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Auditing, Financial Statement Analysis, Introduction to Finance, Modern Research in Accounting etc. He has DBA in accounting from KIMEP University, Kazakhstan and MS in accounting from Texas A&M University, USA. He is a Certified Management Accountant and a Member of the Institute of Management Accountants of USA, and provides consulting services for domestic and international companies/banks. His research and professional interests are primarily focused on financial reporting, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, sustainability performance and integrated reporting, and fair value accounting. Dr. Orazalin is the author of several articles in peer- reviewed journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He received the best teacher award for outstanding teaching from KIMEP University in 2006 and the Kazakhstani business professor of the year award from the Lawyer, Academics and Consultants of Kazakhstan in 2009. |
Research Interests |
Selected Publications | · Orazalin, N. (2018), Working Capital Management and Firm Profitability: Evidence from Emerging Markets, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, accepted, forthcoming (SCOPUS listed) · Mahmood, M. and Orazalin, N. (2017), Green governance and sustainability reporting in Kazakhstan’s oil, gas, and mining sector: · Orazalin, N., Mahmood M. and Lee, KJ. (2016), Corporate governance, financial crisis, and firm performance: Lessons from top Russian · Orazalin, N., Makarov, R. and Ospanova M. (2015), Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in the Oil and Gas Industry of Russia, Journal of · Orazalin N., Mahmood, M. and Lee, K.J. (2015), Bank Ownership and Performance: Evidence from Russia in a post crisis period, Journal of Accounting, · Mahmood, M., Orazalin, N. and Zhakupova, B., (2013), Fostering Creativity and Innovation Through Leadership, International · Bhasin, M., Makarov. R. and Orazalin, N., (2012), The Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure in the Banking Sector of Kazakhstan, International · Absar, N., Orazalin, N. and Mahmood M. (2012), Human capital reporting in emerging economies: A comparative study on the banking · Mailibayeva, Z., Makarov, R. and Orazalin, N. (2012), Financial Reporting Practices in Emerging Economy: Determinants of Cash Flow · Orazalin, N. and Lee S.H. (2011), Portfolio Diversification Effect in the Capital Market of Kazakhstan: Empirical study based on KASE Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Teaching | Current Courses Taught
· Financial Accounting · Management Accounting · Selected Topics in Accounting · International Financial Reporting Standards · Modern Research Studies in Accounting · Auditing |
Grants | |
Awards |

Vladimir Garkavenko, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing
Name | Vladimir Garkavenko |
Position | Associate Professor of Marketing |
Contact detail | Phone: 270 44 40 Ext. 2171
E-mail: gvlad@kimep.kz |
Education background | PhD, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
MBS, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand PGDBA, (Management and International Business), Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand MA, (French and Arabic Languages and Literature), Kiev State University, Ukraine BA, (French and Arabic Languages and Literature), Kiev State University, Ukraine |
Overview | Professor Garkavenko research is focusing on the impact of information and communication technologies on distribution channels, cross-cultural marketing, service marketing, digital marketing, supplier-retailer-consumer relationships and consumer behavior as well as business practices in Central Asia. He also have a strong research interest in sustainable eco-tourism and hospitality, Health and Wellness Tourism Development in Kazakhstan, Heritage Tourism. His particular research interest revolves around building a case study on KZ tourism industry to identify main issues in the emerging industry in the contest of “green economy”. The |
Research Interests | Marketing: Services Marketing, International Marketing, Distribution Channel, Suppliers-Retailers-Consumers Relationship, Developing Markets;
ICT Adoption : Intermediation-Disintermediation-Reintermediation; ICT Penetration, Perception And Adoption;
Tourism:: Tourism Planning and Development in Central Asia; High-Yield Tourism; Authenticity And Tourism; Eco-Cultural Tourism Development; Niche Tourism; |
Selected Publications |
Main refereed peer-reviewed publications:
Garkavenko, V. (2009). New Zealand Travel Agents in the Internet Era: Impacts, Responses, and Relationships. VDM Verlag: Saarbrucken, Germany.
Smagulova, A., Shegebayev, M., Garkavenko, V. & Boolaky, M. (2009). Ethical Practices & Social Responsibility of Kazakhstani Tourism Business: A Pilot Study in the Tour Operator Garkavenko V. (2012). Attitudes of New Zealand consumers towards travel agents’ services in the internet era. Global Science and Technology Forum Journal on Business Review (GSTF Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2012). Money attitudes in Kazakhstan. Journal of International Business & Economics. 12(3), pp. 87-94. Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2012). Business ethical decision making in Central Asia: preliminary evidence from Kazakhstan. European Journal of Management Tiberghien, G., Garkavenko, V. & Ashirbekova, M. (2013). Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism development in Kazakhstan: a country branding approach. European Journal of
Garkavenko, V., Bremner, H. & Milne, S. (2003). Travel Agents in the Information Age’: New Zealand Experiences of Disintermediation. In Frew, A., Hitz, M. & P. O’Connor (eds). Garkavenko, V. & Milne, S. (2007). ICT and the travel industry: opportunities and challenges for the New Zealand travel agents’ market. In Pease, W., e, M. & M. Cooper (Eds.), Garkavenko, V. & Milne, S. (2008). New Zealand Travel Agents in the Internet Era: Spatial Differences in ICT Impact, Adoption and Perception. In O’Connor P., Hopken W. & U. Garkavenko, V., & Milne, S. (2008). ICT and the travel industry: Opportunities and challenges for the New Zealand travel agents’ market. In C. Van Slyke (Ed.), Information Baisakalova, A., & Garkavenko, V. (2014). Competitiveness of Tourism Industry in Kazakhstan. In Uysal M., Kantarci K. & V. Magnini (Eds.), Tourism in Central Asia: Issues Garkavenko, V., Tiberghien G. (2014). ICT diffusion and digital divide in Tourism: Kazakhstan perspective. In Uysal M., Kantarci K. & V. Magnini (Eds.), Tourism in Central Asia: Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2014). Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism development in Kazakhstan: Potential and Challenges. In Uysal M., Kantarci K. & V. Magnini (Eds.),
Garkavenko, V., Bremner, H. & Milne, S. (2002). Travel agents in the information age: impacts and responses. New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, 3-5 Garkavenko, V. and Milne, S. (2004). Travel Agents and disintermediation: exploring the complex competitive environment. International Conference “Tourism – The State of the Rybina, L. & Garkavenko, V. (2009). Internet adoption by prospective consumers: example of Kazakhstani, Russian and Ukrainian markets. VI KIMEP International Research Conference Garkavenko, V., Surnina, S., Tiberghien, G. & Gimranova, D. (2009). Kazakhstan’s Travel Agent Sector: Main Issues, Impacts and Relationships. VI KIMEP International Research Garkavenko, V., Surnina, S., Tiberghien, G. & Gimranova, D. (2009). ICT impacts on the Kazakhstan travel industry. VI KIMEP International Research Conference (6 th Smagulova, A., Shegebayev, M., Garkavenko, V. & Boolaky, M. (2009). Ethical Practices & Social Responsibility of Kazakhstani Tourism Business: A Pilot Study in the Tour Operator Garkavenko, V., Tiberghien, G., Surnina, S. & Gimranova, D. (2010). Information and communication technologies: Kazakhstan travel market perspective. Proceedings of & Tourism Technology and eBusiness Forum. 10th-12th February 2010, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano Switzerland. Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2010). Attitudes about Money in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of Garkavenko, V., Tiberghien, G. & Gimranova, D. (2010). Kazakhstan Travel Market and ICT Readiness: Consumer Dimension. Proceedings of Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2010). What is Authenticity and What is Authentic in a Modern World: a Pilot Study of Cultural Heritage Tourism. Proceedings of Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2010). Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism in New Zealand: the case of Whakarewarewa thermal village. Proceedings of the Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). Exploratory study on contributions of Information and Communication Technologies to the development of eco-cultural tourism in Central Rybina, L., Garkavenko V., Ha Jin Hwang. (2011). Information and Communication Technology Adoption in Tourism: A Review of Theoretical Models. Proceedings of Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). Business Ethical Decision Making in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of Kadyrova, D., Maratov, A., Bolatbekuly, O., Laulanov, A., Gimranova, D. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). The ICT development Index in Kazakhstan: The Focus on Business Environment. Proceedings Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). Attitude about money in Kazakhstan: extended research. Proceedings of Garkavenko, V., Tiberghien G. (2011). Information and communication technologies adoption by the Kazakhstan travel market. Proceedings of Tiberghien G., Garkavenko, V. (2011). Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). Doing business in Central Asia: the meaning of money in Kazakhstan. (Extended Abstract). Proceedings of Garkavenko, V. & Tiberghien G. (2011). Kazakhstan’s travel industry: its history, current structure, and perspective for global integration. Proceedings of the Tiberghien G. & Garkavenko V. (2011). Exploratory study on contributions of the perception of authenticity to the development of eco-cultural tourism in Central Kazakhstan. Proceedings Abubakirova J. & Garkavenko V. (2012). Tourism development in Central Asia from potential to tourism product: Marketing issues. Proceedings of IX KIMEP International Garkavenko, V. & Tiberghien, G. (2012). Kazakhstan’s travel industry: past and future – perspective for global integration. Proceedings of IX KIMEP International Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2012). Eco-cultural tourism development and perception of authenticity in Kazakhstan: a supply side analysis. Proceedings of IX KIMEP Akhmetbayeva, A. & Garkavenko, V. (2013). Managing New Product Development Process: Case of Samsung Electronics. Proceedings of X KIMEP International Research Challenges and Opportunities”, (10 th) April 4-6, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Nugumanova, Z. & Garkavenko, V. (2013). Market of Small Hotels in Almaty: Marketing Strategic Planning of Hotel ALMA. Proceedings of X KIMEP International Research Conference “Central Asia in the Global Community: Challenges and Baisakalova, A. & Garkavenko, V. (2013). Trends in International Competitiveness of Tourism Industry in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of X KIMEP International Research Challenges and Opportunities”, (10 th) April 4-6, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Abylkassimova Z., Garkavenko V. & L. Rybina (2014). Issues and challenges of medical tourism development in Kazakhstan: Case of Alakol. Proceedings of XI KIMEP Aleshkina Y., Garkavenko V. & A. Ostrovsky (2014). Social marketing as a part of brand platform building. Proceedings of XI KIMEP International Research Conference Izbassarova M., Garkavenko V. & L. Rybina (2014). Ethical Issues in Marketing Research in Telecommunication Industry of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of XI KIMEP Kozhakhmetova D., Garkavenko V. & L. Rybina (2014). Green Marketing: A Study of Consumers’ Attitude towards Environment Friendly Products in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of XI Maikibaeva N., Garkavenko V. & A. Ostrovsky (2014). The Role of Marketing in formation of Corporate Culture of Kazakhstani companies. Proceedings of XI KIMEP Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2015). Basic Human Values of Students at KIMEP University, Kazakhstan . XII KIMEP International Research Conference “Central Asia Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2015). Universal values in Kazakhstan: An empirical examination. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 2015 Conference – Istanbul, May Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2015). Money and Values in a Transitional Economy: Illustrations from Kazakhstan. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 2015 Garkavenko, V. (2016). An overview of Silk Road Collaborative Initiatives: Tourism Perspective. Proceedings of XIII KIMEP International Research Conference “Economic Yessengulova, A., Garkavenko, V. & Dumlupinar, B. (2016). Online Advertisement in Kazakhstan: Customers’ Preferences and Factors that Influence Consumer Behavior. Proceedings Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2017). Past, Present and Future Research on Money Attitudes in Kazakhstan: A Developing Research Agenda. Proceedings of XIV KIMEP Lee, S., Garkavenko, V. & Erdener, C. (2017). An Integrative Model for Examining Money Attitudes in Central Asia: An Application of Cultural Perspectives to Finance. Proceedings Sandibekova, A., Dumlupinar, B. & Garkavenko, V. (2017). Instagram as a marketing tool for small and medium sized businesses in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of XIV KIMEP Ostrovsky, A., Garkavenko, V. & Rybina, L. (2017). Consumer animosity and conservatism of Kazakhstani consumers toward foreign products. Proceedings of XIV KIMEP Ostrovsky, A., Garkavenko, V. & Rybina, L. (2017). Application of mixed methods in marketing research. Proceedings of XIV KIMEP International Research Conference, Rybina, L., Garkavenko, V. & Abylkassimova, Z. (2017). Issues and Challenges of Health and Wellness Tourism Development in Kazakhstan: Case of Lake Alakol . Proceedings of the 1 Rybina, L., Garkavenko, V. & Ostrovsky, A. (2017). Transition Age Youth’s Conflict Resolution Strategies in Selecting Travel Destination by Tourists from Central Asia. Proceedings Rybina, L., Reardon, J. & Garkavenko, V. (2017). The Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism and its Antecedents on Airline Preference among Kazakhstani Travelers. Proceedings of the Rybina, L. & Garkavenko, V. (2017). From Heritage and Medicine to Fashion and Consumerism: Generations Gap in Korean Diaspora Tourism to Homeland. Proceedings of the 1st Rybina, L. & Garkavenko, V. (2017). Perceived Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy in Health-Oriented Tourism. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Health-Oriented
Garkavenko, V., Bremner, H. & Milne, S. (2002). Travel agents in the information age: impacts and responses. New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, 3-5 Garkavenko, V., Bremner, H. & Milne, S. (2003). Travel Agents in the Information Age’: New Zealand Experiences of Disintermediation. ENTER 2003 – Information and Communication Garkavenko, V. and Milne, S. (2004). Travel Agents and disintermediation: exploring the complex competitive environment. International Conference “Tourism – The State of the Garkavenko, V. & Milne, S. (2008). New Zealand Travel Agents in the Internet Era: Spatial Differences in ICT Impact, Adoption and Perception . ENTER 2008 – Rybina, L. & Garkavenko, V. (2009). Internet adoption by prospective consumers: example of Kazakhstani, Russian and Ukrainian markets. VI KIMEP International Research Conference Garkavenko, V., Surnina, S., Tiberghien, G. & Gimranova, D. (2009). Kazakhstan’s Travel Agent Sector: Main Issues, Impacts and Relationships. VI KIMEP International Research Garkavenko, V., Surnina, S., Tiberghien, G. & Gimranova, D. (2009). ICT impacts on the Kazakhstan travel industry. VI KIMEP International Research Conference (6 th Smagulova, A., Shegebayev, M., Garkavenko, V. & Boolaky, M. (2009). Ethical Practices & Social Responsibility of Kazakhstani Tourism Business: A Pilot Study in the Tour Operator Garkavenko, V., Tiberghien, G., Surnina, S. & Gimranova, D. (2010). Information and communication technologies: Kazakhstan travel market perspective. ENTER Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2010). Attitudes about Money in Kazakhstan. VII KIMEP International Research Conference (7 th KIRC), March 25-27, 2010 , Almaty, Garkavenko, V., Tiberghien, G. & Gimranova, D. (2010). Kazakhstan Travel Market and ICT Readiness: Consumer Dimension. VII KIMEP International Research Conference (7 Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2010). What is Authenticity and What is Authentic in a Modern World: a Pilot Study of Cultural Heritage Tourism. VII KIMEP International Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2010). Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism in New Zealand: the case of Whakarewarewa thermal village. International Conference “Eco-tourism in Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). Exploratory study on contributions of Information and Communication Technologies to the development of eco-cultural tourism in Central Rybina, L., Garkavenko V., Ha Jin Hwang. (2011). Information and Communication Technology Adoption in Tourism: A Review of Theoretical Models. VIII KIMEP International Research Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). Business Ethical Decision Making in Kazakhstan. VIII KIMEP International Research Conference (8 th KIRC), April 22-23, Kadyrova, D., Maratov, A., Bolatbekuly, O., Laulanov, A., Gimranova, D. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). The ICT development Index in Kazakhstan: The Focus on Business Environment. VIII Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). Attitude about money in Kazakhstan: extended research. VIII KIMEP International Research Conference (8 th KIRC), April 22-23, Garkavenko, V., Tiberghien G. (2011). Information and communication technologies adoption by the Kazakhstan travel market. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 2011 Tiberghien G., Garkavenko, V. (2011). Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism in Kazakhstan. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 2011 Conference – Istanbul, June 1-3, Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2011). Doing business in Central Asia: the meaning of money in Kazakhstan. The European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) 24 th Annual Garkavenko, V. (2011, Accepted as the oral paper). Kazakhstan’s travel industry: its history, current structure, and perspective for global integration. World Research Summit for Tiberghien G. & Garkavenko V. (2011, accepted as the poster paper). Exploratory study on contributions of the perception of authenticity to the development of eco-cultural tourism Abubakirova J., Garkavenko V. & Tiberghien, G. (2012). Tourism development in Central Asia from potential to tourism product: Marketing issues. IX Ashirbekova M., Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2012). Current issues in Kazakhstan nation branding. IX Erdener, C. & Garkavenko, V. (2012). An application of business ethical theories in Kazakhstan. IX Garkavenko, V. & Tiberghien, G. (2012). Kazakhstan’s travel industry: past and future – perspective for global integration. IX Tiberghien, G. & Garkavenko, V. (2012). Eco-cultural tourism development and perception of authenticity in Kazakhstan: a supply side analysis. IX Tiberghien, G., Garkavenko, V. & Ashirbekova, M. (2012). Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism development in Kazakhstan: a country branding approach. 1st EJTHR International Akhmetbayeva, A. & Garkavenko, V. (2013). Managing New Product Development Process: Case of Samsung Electronics. X KIMEP International Research Conference “Central Asia in the Challenges and Opportunities”, (10 th) April 4-6, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Baisakalova, A. & Garkavenko, V. (2013). Trends in International Competitiveness of Tourism Industry in Kazakhstan. X KIMEP International Research Conference “Central Asia in Challenges and Opportunities”, (10 th) April 4-6, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Nugumanova, Z. & Garkavenko, V. (2013). Market of Small Hotels in Almaty: Marketing Strategic Planning of Hotel ALMA. X KIMEP International Research Conference “Central Asia in Challenges and Opportunities”, (10 th) April 4-6, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Abylkassimova Z., Garkavenko V. & L. Rybina (2014). Issues and challenges of medical tourism development in Kazakhstan: Case of Alakol. XI KIMEP International Research Aleshkina Y., Garkavenko V. & A. Ostrovsky (2014). Social marketing as a part of brand platform building. XI KIMEP International Research Conference “Central Asia in the Izbassarova M., Garkavenko V. & L. Rybina (2014). Ethical Issues in Marketing Research in Telecommunication Industry of Kazakhstan. XI KIMEP International Research Conference Kozhakhmetova D., Garkavenko V. & L. Rybina (2014). Green Marketing: A Study of Consumers’ Attitude towards Environment Friendly Products in Kazakhstan. XI KIMEP International Maikibaeva N., Garkavenko V. & A. Ostrovsky (2014). The Role of Marketing in formation of Corporate Culture of Kazakhstani companies. XI KIMEP International Research Rybina L., Reardon J. & V. Garkavenko (2017). The Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism and its Antecedents on Airline Preference among Kazakhstani Travelers. The 1st Global Rybina L., Garkavenko V. & Z. Abylkassimova (2017). Issues and Challenges of Health and Wellness Tourism Development in Kazakhstan: Case of Lake Alakol. The 1st Global Rybina L., Garkavenko V. & A. Ostrovsky (2017). Transition Age Youth’s Conflict Resolution Strategies in Selecting Travel Destination by Tourists from Central Asia. The 1st Global
Chairman of the Workshop on “Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism practices”. (2010). International Conference “Eco-tourism in Kazakhstan”, 26-27 August, 2010, Karaganda, Leader of the US Department of Commerce SABIT International Seminar “Strategies for the development of local sustainable tourism” for tourism business specialists (owners, top Round table “Community Based Eco-Tourism in Kazakhstan”, organized by Kazakhstan Tourist Association, Ecotourism Kazakhstan and Bloomingfeld. 22 April 2011, Almaty, Conference “The Future of Hospitality – Green Hospitality” with EHL (Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne) and the Embassy of Switzerland in Kazakhstan. Presentation “Sustainability in Abacus Corporate Travel Conference (2011). “New Opportunities in Travel Management”. 14 September 2011, Almaty, Kazakhstan. UNDP Seventh Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe” (2011). Organized by UNECE and UNDP. 21-23 September 2011, Astana, Kazakhstan. KIMEP University BCB Research Seminar (2011). Garkavenko V. & G. Tibergien: Business Ethics in Central Asia – A Research Agenda in Tourism, 21 October 2011, KIMEP, Almaty, KIMEP University BCB Research Seminar (2012). Garkavenko V. & G. Tibergien: Current issues in Kazakhstan national branding. April 2012, KIMEP, Almaty, Kazakhstan. KIMEP Central Asian Studies Center (CASC) public lecture series (2012). Garkavenko V. & G. Tibergien: Tourism in Kazakhstan: To Be or Not to Be? 27 April 2012, KIMEP, V Astana Economic Forum (2012). 22-24 May 2012, Astana, Kazakhstan. Leader of the Seminar/Workshop “Strategic Marketing” for ‘Sberbank Kazakhstan”, November 2012, Almaty, Kazakhstan. VI Astana Economic Forum (2013). 22-24 May 2013, Astana, Kazakhstan. UNWTO Silk Road round table: Enhancing collaboration for Sustainable Tourism Development – Developing a Roadmap for the Silk Roads Heritage Corridors, Tourism Strategy Workshop (2013). World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), UNESCO, World Heritage convention and Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of RK (MINT). 7-8 October 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan. UNWTO First Euro-Asian Ski Resorts Conference: Developing New Destinations for Snow Tourism (2013). Organized by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and Ministry of Abacus Corporate Travel Conference (2013). “How to save on Business Trips? Opportunities in Travel Management”. 29-30 October 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Leader of the US Department of Commerce SABIT International Seminar “Strategies for the sustainable development of tourism and hospitality” for tourism business specialists VII Astana Economic Forum (2014). 21-23 May 2014, Astana, Kazakhstan. International Conference (2015). “Social Tourism: Accessibility for All”, 23 September 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan. KIMEP University BCB Research Seminar (2015). Vladimir Garkavenko & Carolyn Erdener: “Egyptian Tourism Industry Responses to Currency Devaluation in 2001: Are There Some International Workshop (2016). “Accessible tourism in the natural zones of Kazakhstan”, 02 June 2016, Almaty, Kazakhstan. |
Teaching | · Advanced Marketing/Intermediate Marketing
· Strategic Marketing · Cases in Marketing · Principles and Practices in Tourism · Hospitality Management · New Product Development · International Marketing · Research Methods in Marketing (Undergrad, Graduate) · Marketing Research (Undergrad, Graduate) · Cross-Cultural Marketing · Services Marketing (Undergrad, Graduate) · Marketing Management (MBA) · Special Topics in Marketing (DBA) · Research Methods (DBA) · Special Topics in Information Systems (DBA) · Marketing Research and Strategy (ExMBA) · Research Methods (ExMBA) |
Awards | 2017 – KIMEP University Faculty Teaching Excellence Award for 2016-2017 Academic Year. |

Dennis Orlenn Olson, PhD
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Research Chair / Professor of Finance, Department of Accounting and Finance
Prior to coming to KIMEP, Dennis Olson was a visiting scholar at Oregon State University-Cascades in the USA. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Wyoming (USA) and a Canadian Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation, as well as the American professional designations of Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and Chartered Life Underwriter CLU). He has taught economics, finance, and accounting classes in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Denmark, Colombia, Oman, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). His research primarily uses econometric techniques to address issues in banking, investments, corporate finance, economic efficiency, and public finance. This research has appeared in journals, such as, the undefinedJournal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Accounting, Journal of Corporate Finance, European Economic Review, International Journal of Forecasting, Economic Inquiry, Southern Economic Journal, Energy Economics, Emerging Markets Review, and Financial Review.
Outside of academia, he is married with two gn children who previously accompanied him to various universities around the world. His hobbies include traveling, fishing, golf, chess, and learning languages.

Mira Nurmakhanova, Ph.D.
Chair of Accounting and Finance departments
Professor of Finance
Name | Mira Nurmakhanova |
Position | Associate Professor of Finance, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Program |
Email address | miranur@kimep.kz |
Education background | PhD. Iowa State University, USA
MA KIMEP University, Kazakhstan BSc. Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan |
Overview | Professor Nurmakhanova’s primary research interest focuses on studying the influence of oil prices on macroeconomic performance of the country. Specifically, she examines the effect of oil prices on the economic gth, real exchange rate, stock market, inflation rate, etc. Another research interest is related to performance of microfinance institutions: extend of trade-off between financial sustainability and outreach of MFIs, effect of regulation on performance of microfinance institutions. Third research interest is related to stability of banking sector. Specifically, she examines the effect of bank market power on both the credit risk-taking attitude of Kazakhstani banks and overall stability of banks. |
Research Interests | · The Effect of Regulation on Performance of Microfinance Institutions: effect of regulation on MFIs performance. When evaluating the impact of regulation following questions are of primary interest: (1) what is the effect of regulation on performance of actually regulated MFI? and (2) what is the effect of regulation on performance of MFIs that opt for regulation once they start taking deposits? In a new contribution to existing literature, our results show the impacts of regulation on performance of actually regulated MFIs and MFIs that opt for regulation once they start taking deposits. · Stability of banking sector: effect of bank market power on both the credit risk-taking attitude of Kazakhstani banks · Effect of oil prices: effect of oil prices on the economic gth, real exchange rate, stock market, inflation rate, etc. |
Selected Publications |
· Katenova, M., M. Nurmakhanova. 2017. “Financial Development and Economic Gth: The Case of Kazakhstan”. International Review of Business · Nurmakhanova, M., G. Kretzschmar, H. Fedhilla. 2015. “Trade-off between Financial Sustainability and Outreach of Microfinance · Nurmakhanova M., O. Pak. 2013. “The Effect of Market Power on Bank Credit Risk-Taking and Bank Stability in Kazakhstan”, Transition · Nurmakhanova M., O. Pak. 2013. “Bank market power and credit risk-taking in Kazakhstan”, Economics: strategy and practice,
Conference Papers
· 1st International Conference on Energy, Finance and the Macroeconomy. November 22-24, 2017, Montpellier, France. “The Effect of · Sixth Regional Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS). June-July 2017, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, “Oil and Gth Challenge · Eurasian Business and Economics Society, EBES 2017, May 2017, Rome, Italy. “Oil prices and stock market in Kazakhstan”. · Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business, July 2016, Belgrade, Serbia. “Oil and Gth Challenge in Kazakhstan”. · The Economics Education and Research Consortium (EERC) 40-th Research workshop, May 2016, Kiyv. “Oil and Gth Challenge in · The Economics Education and Research Consortium (EERC) 39-th Research workshop, December 2015, Kiyv. “Oil and Gth Challenge in · The Economics Education and Research Consortium (EERC) 37-th Research workshop, December 2014, Kiyv. “Oil and Gth Challenge in · The Economics Education and Research Consortium (EERC) 36-th Research workshop, June-July 2014, Kiyv. “Oil and Gth Challenge in · Portuguese Finance Network, PFN 2014, Algarve University, June 2014, Faro, Portugal. “The Effect of Regulation on Performance of · The Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance, RCEF-2014, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis Rimini, June 2014, Italy. “Oil Prices, · Eurasian Business and Economics Society, EBES 2014, Bilim University, Istanbul, June 2014, Turkey. “Financial Loss Distribution · ESNIE 2014, Dauphine University, Paris, May 2014, France. “The Effect of Regulation on Performance of Microfinance Institutions”. · Rimini Bayesian Workshop, University of Bologna, Rimini Campus, June 2013, Italy. “Financial Loss Distribution Behaviour Associated · Research seminar, Dublin Institute of Technology, November 2012, Dublin, Ireland. “The impact of bank market power on bank credit · Business and Social Science Research Conference, January 2011, Dubai. “Kazakhstan- the real currency and gth challenge for commodity · 4th workshop of Centre for Advanced Studies in Economics and Econometrics, June 2010, Faro, Portugal. “Effect of Oil Prices on · AAEA meeting, July 2008, Orlando, USA. “Timing of Fertilizer Applications: Environmental Implications”. · AAEA meeting, July 2006, Los Angeles, USA.”Effect of Crop Choice on Split Fertilizer Application”. |
Teaching | Current Courses Taught
· Business Microeconomics · Business Macroeconomics · Principles of Finance |
Grants/Fellowships | · Principal investigator (2013), research grant sponsored by the Economic Education and Research Consortium, EERC, entitled by “Oil and Gth Challenge in Kazakhstan”. · Career Integration Fellowship (CIF) (2014) CERGE-EI Teaching Fellows program |
Awards | · Teaching Excellence Award, KIMEP, 2015 and 2018
· Paper titled “Kazakhstan – The Real Currency and Gth Challenge for Commodity Producing Countries” was presented on a Business and |

Hala Abdelmoneim Abdallah Abdelgaffar, PhD
Assistant Professor of Management
Hala Abdelgaffar is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior at KIMEP University.
- Management
- Human Resources
- Organizational Studies
Research Interests
She is predominantly interested in the individual behavior and organizational socio-cultural climate and norms that influence the effectiveness of core human resource management processes, and the
challenges facing business schools in mainstreaming responsible management education in their academic activities and practices. Her current research focuses on career shock facing employees
crises, workplace challenges facing females in the MENA region, and psycho-social behaviors at the workplace. She has a wide portfolio of teaching expertise in OB and HRM at various levels of
Education (Undergraduate, Master, and MBA), and she has previously held teaching posts at Estonian Business School (EBS) and the American University in Cairo (AUC).
Hala’s research interests lie at the heart of human resource management examining how individuals can be motivated, inspired, engaged, and developed to perform better and more effectively. Her work
been published in leading academic journals including the Journal of Management Development; The International Journal of Management Education; Journal of Workplace Learning; International
of Public Administration; International Journal of Organizational Analysis; Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal;
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal; International Journal of Organizational Analysis; International
of Culture Tourism and Hospitality Research; Journal of Family Business Management; Tourism and Hospitality Research; and Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration.
Awards and Recognition
Hala’s Ph.D. thesis review article on ‘Responsible Management Education: practices, outcomes, and Challenges’ won the 2022 Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper. She graduated with an
BA in English language and literature, traveled as a Fulbright scholar to complete the international teacher training institute at Saint Bernardino, California, U.S.A., became a university fellow
AUC, Egypt, then later an international examiner for Cambridge Australia, and a certified UKIV and Life Skills examiner, Cambridge, UK, and was recently nominated and completed content creation
for an
open access national mega project with AUC.
Her teaching, mentorship, and workshops are infused with insights from her research and consultancy, as well as her strong international experience (aside from her homeland Egypt, she has lived,
worked, and/or studied as an academic scholar in Estonia, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, U.S.A., and the Netherlands).
She is highly committed to the future of management education, and she is particularly interested in the development of early-career academicians.

Mohd Zain Bin Mohamed, PhD
Professor of Management, Department of Management and Marketing
Chair of Management and Marketing departments
Professor M. Zain Mohamed received his PhD (Management) from the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK, in 1993. Prior to joining KIMEP University in August 2023, Prof. Zain was
Professor of Management in several AACSB/EQUIS accredited universities including Sultan Qaboos University, Oman; King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia; Qatar University; University of Dubai,
United Arab Emirates University; and Universiti Putra Malaysia. He was also a Visiting Professor at the college of business/economics of the Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan, and
University of Mauritius. Before becoming an academic in December 1980, Prof. Zain was an IT Consultant with the Information Systems Consulting Division of Arthur Andersen & Company (now known
Accenture), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prof. Zain’s research interests are in the areas of innovation and technology management, information management, competitiveness of firms, entrepreneurship,
corporate strategies. His publications have appeared in many refereed and scholarly international journals including Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Creativity and
Management, Information & Management, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Project Management, Journal of
Global Competitiveness, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Services Marketing Quarterly, Social Behavior and Personality, Technovation, and Thunderbird International
Business Review. Prof. Zain has also undertaken many consulting projects with public and private organizations in Malaysia in the areas of technology mapping, competitiveness of industries,
feasibility studies, market surveys, business processes and systems, and social & economic studies.

Monowar Mahmood, Ph.D.
Professor of Management
Professor of Management at Bang College of Business, KIMEP University. He completed Ph.D. in Management Science from Manchester Business School (AACSB, EQUIS, & AMBA accredited), University of
Manchester, UK; MA in Human Resource Management from University of Leeds (AACSB, EQUIS, & AMBA accredited), UK; MBA from Saint Mary’s University (AACSB, EQUIS, & AMBA accredited),
Dr. Mahmood has numerous peer reviewed articles and 5 book chapters published by different international publishers. His articles published in the International Journal of Human Resource
Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource Management, Education + Training, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Journal of Cleaner
Production, International Journal of Emerging Markets and other ranked journals. Book chapters are published by Routledge, UK; Springer, UK; and Business Expert Press, USA.
Research and Publications:
Dr. Mahmood has numerous peer reviewed articles and 5 book chapters published by different international publishers. His articles published in the International Journal of Human Resource
Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource Management, Education + Training, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Journal of Cleaner
Production, International Journal of Emerging Markets and other ranked journals. Book chapters are published by Routledge, UK; Springer, UK; and Business Expert Press, USA.

Yu Tongxin
Ph.D. Student Management

Kalizhan Kaliyev
Ph.D. Student Finance

Saule Dyussembina
Ph.D. Student Accounting
For enquires about the program:
Program Manager:
Lazzat Tashanova, office # 302-1 (Dostyk Building),
Tel. +7 727 270 44 40 (ext. 2356),
E-mail: bcb-graduate@kimep.kz
Working hours: Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 6.00 pm