The purpose of the Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing (BACTA) program is to train highly qualified personnel for accounting and auditing, owning multiculturalism, communicative skills, capable of creatively and highly professionally solving socially significant tasks in the field of activity at the modern scientific and practical level, as well as having high social and personal responsibility, able to carry out professional activities in the areas of accounting, auditing and taxation.After successful completion of the BACTA program, graduates will be able to:

  • demonstrate a proficiency in a second foreign language for efficient verbal and written business communication;
  • demonstrate and apply tools of mathematical and statistical analysis, and contemporary information technologies in solving managerial issues related to business processes and projects;
  • demonstrate and apply core business, management, and leadership principles and skills (in the field of management, marketing, operations management and business law), and integrate theory to practice aiming to solve managerial problems;
  • demonstrate and apply contemporary data collection methods related to business transactions and preparation of financial reports, as well as financial analysis and rational allocation of company’s resources;
  • identify the present and potential issues related to ethics, responsibility and sustainability in the field of accounting and audit, and to provide recommendations applying the main theories and concepts of ethics, responsibility and sustainability;
  • collect and analyze data related to company’s business transactions and prepare financial reports applying IFRS;
  • collect, classify, synthesize, and analyze the operational data applying tools of management accounting, in order to make operational and strategic decisions;
  • identify risks, select and apply the appropriate control and audit procedures, prepare the opinion and communicate it to main stakeholders;
  • be able to use the contemporary information technologies to collect and process data necessary for preparation of financial and tax reports, managerial decision making, and internal and external control needs;
  • prepare tax returns for individuals and enterprises in compliance with laws and regulations and the tax

To earn the Bachelor in Accounting and Audit degree, students should complete 146 KIMEP credits or 240 ECTS. The
following table illustrates the structure of the BACTA Program.

Category of Courses ECTS KIMEP credits
General Education 56 36
Program Foundation 112 68
Program Specialization 60 36
Final Attestation 12 6
TOTAL 240 146

Program Foundation Courses (112 ECTS/68 KIMEP credits):

  • Program foundation required courses (92 ECTS credits / 56 KIMEP)
  • Program foundation elective courses (20 ECTS credits/12 KIMEP)
Program Foundation Courses ECTS KIMEP


Program Foundation Required Courses 92 56
BUS4251.1 Internship Program I 2 1 30 KIMEP credits completed
ACC4251.2 / ACC4211.2 Internship Program in Accounting II/ Cases in Accounting (substitute) 2 2 60 KIMEP credits and BUS4251.1
ENG/GEN1100 Academic Speaking 5 3 ENG 1110/ GEN1010
ENG/GEN1121 Academic Reading and Writing 2 5 3 ENG 1120
KAZ2103 or RUS2103 Professional Kazakh (Russian) 3 2
FIN2105 Business Microeconomics 5 3 ENG1120
FIN2106 Business Macroeconomics 5 3 FIN2105
MGT3001 Principles of Management 5 3 ENG1120
ACC2102 Financial Accounting I 5 3 FIN2105
FIN3121 Financial Management 5 3 ACC2102 FIN2105
IFS2203 Management Information Systems 5 3 GEN/OPM1300/ 2301
MKT3130 Principles of Marketing 5 3 ENG1120
OPM3131 Introduction to Operations Management 5 3 GEN2402
GEN2402 Business Statistical Analysis 5 3 MATH1202/ GEN1201
ACC2201 Management Accounting I 5 3 ACC2102 FIN2105
FIN3101 Corporate Finance 5 3 FIN2105, ACC2102, FIN3121
LAW2202 Business Law 5 3
MGT4201 Strategy and Business Policy 5 3 MGT3001, MKT3130, FIN3121, ACC2201
OPM3011 Quantitative Methods for Business Data Analysis 5 3 GEN2402
GEN1201 Mathematics for Business and Economics 5 3 None
Program Foundation Elective Courses 20 12
XXXX Elective 1 5 3
XXXX Elective 2 5 3
XXXX Elective 3 5 3
XXXX Elective 4 5 3
TOTAL 112 68

Program Specialization Courses (36 KIMEP/ 60 ECTS credits):

  • Required specialization courses (27 KIMEP credits/ 45 ECTS) and
  • Elective specialization courses (9 credits/ 15 ECTS)
Program Specialization Courses ECTS KIMEP


Program Specialization Required Courses 45 27
ACC3101 Financial Accounting II 5 3 ACC 2102
ACC3201 Intermediate Financial Accounting I 5 3 ACC3101
ACC3202 Intermediate Financial Accounting II 5 3 ACC3201
ACC3110 Management Accounting II 5 3 ACC 2201
ACC4203 Auditing 5 3 ACC 3101
ACC3210 Taxation in KZ 5 3 ACC 2102
ACC4201 Advanced Accounting 5 3 ACC 3202
BUS3334 Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability in Business 5 3 MGT3001, MKT3130, FIN3121, ACC2102
ACC4251.3 Internship Program in Accounting III 5 3 ACC4251.2 or ACC4211.2
Program Specialization Elective Courses 15 9
ACC3204 International Financial Reporting Standards 5 3 ACC3202
ACC3205 Principles of Taxation 5 3 ACC 2102
ACC3299 Selected Topics in Accounting 5 3 ACC3202
ACC3212 Accounting Information Systems 5 3 ACC 3101 and GEN/ OPM 1300 /2301
ACC4205 Cost Accounting 5 3 ACC2201
ACC4208/FIN Financial Statement Analysis 5 3 ACC3110
ACC4209 Principles of Fraud Examination 5 3 ACC3101
ACC4210 International Accounting 5 3 ACC3101
ACC4211 Cases in Accounting 5 3 ACC3202
ACC4216 Professional Auditing 5 3 ACC 4203
ACC4220 Tax Planning 5 3 ACC 3210
ACC4240 Transfer Pricing and Taxation of Multinational Enterprises 5 3 ACC3205 or ACC3210
ACC4800 Digital Transformation of Accounting and Finance 5 3 ACC3101
ACC4880 Social Media and Accounting 5 3 ACC3101
ACC4881 Sustainability Accounting 5 3 ACC3101
BUS4800 Cases in Contemporary Business 5 3 MGT3001, MKT3130, FIN3121, ACC2201
CIT3805 Big Data Analytics 5 3 OPM3011
TOTAL 36 60

Final Attestation (6 KIMEP credits/12 ECTS)

Final Attestation Courses ECTS KIMEP


BUS4271 Thesis I/ Thesis Project I: Research Methods in Business Studies 6 3 102 credits and GEN2402
ACC4272 Thesis II/ Thesis Project II 6 3 128 credits and BUS4271
TOTAL 12 6


BACTA students have the opportunity to choose one of three majors:

(1) Professional Accounting

(2) Auditing

(3) Taxation

Professional Accounting (36 KIMEP credits / 60 ECTS)

Major in Professional Accounting is designed for students interested in pursuing a career of the professional
accountant. It provides intensive training in accounting and the international reporting standards.

To gain Major in Professional Accounting students are required to complete the following courses:

Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits KIMEP Credits
All 9 Program Specialization Required Courses 45 27
ACC3204 International Financial Reporting Standards 5 3
ACC3212 Accounting Information Systems 5 3
Any one course from:




Selected Topics in Accounting

Cases in Accounting

Advanced Financial Statement Analysis

Cost Accounting

Accounting Information Systems

5 3
TOTAL 60 36


Auditing (36 KIMEP credits / 60 ECTS)

Major in Auditing is designed for students interested in working as auditors. Graduates can joining “Big-4”
auditing firms or work as consultants or internal auditors for domestic and international companies. This
specialization enhances students’ skills in auditing techniques, providing them with additional tools to
understand company’s accounts and their consistency with the business operations.

For majoring in Auditing, students are required to complete the following courses:

Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits KIMEP Credits
All 9 Program Required Specialization Courses 45 27
ACC4209 Principles of Fraud Examination 5 3
ACC4216 Professional Auditing 5 3
Any one course from:




International Financial Reporting Standards

Cases in Accounting

International Accounting or

Accounting Information Systems

5 3
TOTAL 60 36


Taxation (36 KIMEP credits / 60 ECTS)

Major in Taxation is designed for students interested in a tax-related career – tax consultant, tax accountant
or in-house tax specialist in domestic and international companies. In addition to understanding of accounting,
students will learn theoretical and practical aspects of taxation, gain skills of reading, analyzing and
interpreting the provisions of tax legislation and will be able to apply them to specific business situations
and transactions. Students will develop a good  understanding of the tax system of Kazakhstan as well as
understanding of the principles of international taxation.

For specialization in Taxation, students are required to complete the following courses:

Course Code Course


ECTS Credits KIMEP Credits
All 9 Program Required Specialization Courses 45 27
ACC4240 Taxation of Multinational Enterprises 5 3
ACC4220 Tax Planning 5 3
Any one course from:





Accounting Information Systems

Principles of Fraud Examination

Cases in Accounting

International Accounting

Principles of Taxation

5 3
TOTAL 60 36



Minors for students of the Bang College of Business

Students are free to choose among different minors. They can also graduate without taking any minor. Graduating
without a minor provides more flexibility in selecting elective courses because major requires students to take
a particular set of courses.

To gain a minor the BCB students shall take particular courses for a total of 9 KIMEP credits/15 ECTS. A
particular course cannot be counted towards both a specialization and a minor.

Table below lists the requirements for Minors for the BCB students.

Minor Area Code Course Title KIMEP Credits ECTS Credits Prerequisite

(any 3 courses)

ACC3101 Financial Accounting II 3 5 ACC2102
ACC3201 Intermediate Financial Accounting I 3 5 ACC3101
ACC3202 Intermediate Financial Accounting II 3 5 ACC3201
ACC3212 Accounting Information Systems 3 5 ACC3101
ACC3110 Management Accounting II 3 5 ACC2201
Finance FIN3210 Corporate Finance 3 5 FIN3121
FIN3220 Investments 3 5 FIN3121
FIN3230 Financial Institutions Management 3 5 FIN3121
Information Systems in Business

(any 3 courses)

IFS3202 Database Management Systems in Business 3 5 GEN/OPM 1300 or GEN/OPM2301
CIT1303 Information Systems and Networking 3 5 GEN/OPM 1300 or GEN/OPM2301
CIT3745 Information Security Management 3 5 GEN/OPM 1300 or GEN/OPM2301
IFS4204 Decision Support System 3 5 GEN/OPM 1300 or GEN/OPM2301
Computer Applications CIT2731 Digital Graphics in Business 3 5 GEN/OPM 1300 or GEN/OPM2301
IFS4204 Decision Support System 3 5 GEN/OPM 1300 or GEN/OPM2301
CIT3734 Web Technologies in Business 3 5 GEN/OPM 1300 or GEN/OPM2301
Management        (any 3 courses) MGT3206 Leadership and Motivation 3 5 MGT3001
MGT3208 Innovation Management 3 5 MGT3001
MGT3210 International Business 3 5 MGT3001
MGT3212 Organizational Behavior 3 5 MGT3001
Leadership LDP3201 Leadership: Principles and Best Practices 3 5 MGT3001
LDP4201 Leadership: Making Principles Work 3 5 MGT3001
LDP4202 Leadership in Action 3 5 LDP 3201                   LDP4201
Human Resources Management MGT3204 Human Resource Management 3 5 MGT3001
MGT4208 Training and Development 3 5 MGT3204
MGT4210 Compensation and Performance Management 3 5 MGT3204
Entrepreneurship MGT3211 Principles of Entrepreneurship 3 5 MGT3001
MGT3216 Business Model Innovation 3 5 MGT3211
MGT3217 Building and Accelerating the Venture 3 5 MGT3211
Marketing  (MKT3150 and any 2 other courses) MKT3150 Strategic Marketing 3 5 MKT3130
MKT3201 Consumer Behavior 3 5 MKT3150
MKT3202 Marketing Communications 3 5 MKT3130
MKT3214 Brand Management 3 5 MKT3150
MKT4203 Marketing Research 3 5 MKT3150
Tourism and Hospitality Management MKT3222 Cross Cultural Tourism Marketing 3 5 MKT3130
MKT3221 Tourism Practices and Principles 3 5 MKT3130
MGT3215 Hospitality Management 3 5 MGT3001



In order to be eligible for the merit certificates under each Bachelor program, a student must:

  1. Take a set of three courses, offered by the BCB undergraduate programs, in a respective area.
  2. Meet exit criteria of a minimum overall GPA 4.00 in all courses required for a respective certificate.

III. All prerequisites must be met (waive of prerequisites, concurrent registration, CSS courses as equivalence
of BCB courses are NOT allowed).

Merit Certificate in Auditing (9 credits / 15 ECTS)

Required courses:
ACC4203 Auditing
ACC4209 Fraud Examination
ACC4216 Professional Auditing


Merit Certificate in Taxation (9 credits / 15 ECTS)

Required courses:
ACC3205 Principles of Taxation
ACC3210 Taxation in Kazakhstan
ACC4240 Taxation of Multinational Enterprises


Merit Certificate in Corporate Finance and Investment Management (9 credits / 15 ECTS)

Required courses:
FIN4224 International Financial Management
FIN4212 Mergers and Acquisitions
FIN4221 Investment Banking


Merit Certificate in Financial Institutions and Risk Management (9 credits / 15 ECTS)

Required courses:
FIN3230 Financial Institutions Management
FIN4224 Introduction to Financial Derivatives
FIN4232 Risk Management


Merit Certificate in Marketing Communications and Branding (9 credits / 15 ECTS)

Required courses:
MKT3202 Marketing Communications
MKT3201 Consumer Behavior
MKT3214 Brand Management


Merit Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management (9 credits / 15 ECTS)

Required courses:
MKT3221 Tourism Practices and Principles
MGT3215 Hospitality Management
MKT3222 Cross-Cultural Tourism Marketing



The purpose of the Leadership Development Program is to help KIMEP students develop the necessary skills to
assume key positions in Kazakhstani business and government.  It focuses on the practical application of
leadership skills, ending in a supervised internship.  Those students who fulfill all Program requirements
listed below receive a Certificate in Leadership.

Certificate in Leadership (9 credits / 15 ECTS)

Required courses:
LDP3201 Leadership: Principles and Best Practices
LDP4201 Leadership: Making Principles Work
LDP4202 Leadership in Action



ACC2102 Financial Accounting I (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: None 

This course introduces financial accounting and addresses such topics as; accounting principles and concepts,
the accounting cycle including recording transactions; preparing financial statements, adjusting and closing
accounts for proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. It also addresses; accounting for merchandising,
cash; temporary investments and receivables; inventories and cost of goods sold; plant and equipment, natural
resources, and intangible assets.


ACC3101 Financial Accounting II (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC2102 Financial Accounting I

This course continues the introduction of financial accounting and addresses the following topics; organization
and operations of corporations; corporate transactions; reporting income and retained earnings; earnings per
share; bonds as liabilities and investments; the cash flow statement, equity investments and international


ACC2201 Management Accounting I (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC2102 Financial Accounting I

This course introduces basic concepts in cost and management accounting. The course introduces the student to
internal uses of the financial data.  Topics that may be covered include Systems Design (Job Order & Process
Costing), Cost Behavior, Break-Even Analysis, Variable Costing, Activity-Based Costing, Profit Planning,
Standard Costs, Budgeting, and Segment Reporting.  Other topics may be included as time permits.


ACC3110 Management Accounting II (3 Credits; 5 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: ACC2201 Management Accounting I

This course builds on the basic cost and management concepts to focus more intensively on their use by managers
in organizations. This course introduces students to the basic concepts in cost accounting and teaches the
student how to measure, analyze, and report financial and no-financial information.  Topics that may be covered
include CVP Analysis, Job Costing, Activity Based Costing, Budgeting, Determining how Costs Behave, Decision
Making with Relevant Information, and Pricing Decisions.


ACC3200 Ethics in Accounting (3 Credits; 5 ECTS )

Prerequisites: ACC2102 Financial Accounting I

The course is designed for students’ understanding of the meaning of ethics; various aspects of moral reasoning
and how moral reasoning is used for ethical decision-making; and learning the tools and techniques for analyzing
ethical situations and using these tools to make ethical decisions. Specific topics include identification of
the stakeholders, development of  corporate codes of conduct, impact of business ethics and corporate codes on
corporate governance, the importance of ethics in management accounting, internal auditing and not-for-profit
accounting and legal liability issues that accountants face.

ACC3201 Intermediate Financial Accounting I (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC3101 Financial Accounting II

This course begins in depth analyses of accounting issues introduced in Financial Accounting. It addresses some
of the following topics; the accounting process, financial accounting and reporting, the income statement and
statement of retained earnings, the balance sheet and statement of cash flows, revenue recognition and income
determination, cash and receivables, inventory valuation and departures from historical cost and estimating
inventory cost.

ACC3202 Intermediate Financial Accounting II (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC3201 Intermediate Financial Accounting I

This course continues the in depth analysis and development of issues in financial accounting. Among the topics
addressed are accounting for capital assets, intangible assets and natural resources; investments; current
liabilities and contingencies; bonds (investments and payables) and long term notes payable, leases; accounting
for income taxes; shareholders’ equity including contributed capital, retained earnings and dividends; and
earnings per share.


ACC3204 International Financial Reporting Standards (3 Credits; 5 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: ACC3202 Intermediate Financial Accounting II

Reporting practices vary significantly throughout the world. Kazakhstan now requires that International
Financial Reporting Standards be used in accounting for business transactions. This course bridges the gaps
between the Chart of Accounts, GAAP methods and the methods used in International Financial Reporting Standards.
Upon completion, the students will be prepared to conduct business in Kazakhstan using past records and current


ACC3205 Principles of Taxation (3 Credits; 5 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: ACC2102 Financial Accounting I

This course provides a survey of tax concepts, structure and policy. Among the topics addressed are; types of
taxes and the jurisdictions that use them, tax policy and the standards for a good tax, taxes as transaction
costs, income tax planning, taxable income from business operations, property acquisitions, dispositions and
cost recovery deductions.

ACC3210 Taxation in Kazakhstan (3 Credits; 5 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: ACC2102 Financial Accounting I

This course is a survey of the tax structure including concepts and policies, which shape the law. Emphasis will
be on general concepts applicable to all taxpayers and on taxation of individuals. It also covers the taxation
of property transactions, accounting periods and methods, corporate formulation and income taxation, and the
taxation of partnerships and corporations.


ACC3212 Accounting Information Systems (3 Credits; 5 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: ACC3101 Financial Accounting II and GEN/OPM1300 Information and Communication Technologies or
GEN/OPM2301 Business Computer Applications

This course addresses issues of computer based accounting. The course will focus on teaching skills needed to
use modern accounting software for effective decision support. Students, through extensive hands-on experience
with such software, will acquire the skills necessary to manipulate data efficiently and accurately, to produce
useful information. Eventually, the students are expected to develop practical skills to handle common
business-related situations. The course includes discussions on the accounting software principles, and
concentrates on effective techniques of using software in the business world.


ACC3299 Selected Topics in Accounting (3 Credits; 5 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: ACC3202 Intermediate Financial Accounting II

The course examines particular issues in accounting. Topics vary according to the interests of the students and


ACC4208 Advanced Financial Statement Analysis (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC3110 Management Accounting II

The course provides deeper analysis of financial statements with in depth case problems that assess current/past
performance, using that to project future performance and enterprise value.


ACC4201 Advanced Financial Accounting (3 Credits; 5 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: ACC3202 Intermediate Financial Accounting II

This course builds on the intermediate accounting courses to develop the professional judgment, as well as the
more technical skills, needed by students for careers in accounting, auditing or finance. Among the topics
addressed are: pooling of interests, consolidated financial statements, inter-corporate investments, factors
affecting ownership interests, segmented and interim reporting, accounting for international activities, foreign
currency transactions, translating foreign operations, and reporting foreign operations.

ACC4203 Auditing (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC3101 Financial Accounting II

The primary emphasis of this course is on the auditor’s decision-making process in both, an audit of financial
statements, and an audit of internal control over financial reporting. The course teaches the fundamental
concepts and techniques including; determination of the nature and amount of evidence needed by the auditor
given the unique circumstances of each engagement, the demands imposed by the need to comply with the U.S.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the internal-control related Section 404, technology, e-commerce, and fraud.


ACC4205 Cost Accounting (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC2201 Management Accounting I

Cost accounting measures, analyzes and reports financial and non-financial information relating to the costs of
acquiring or using resources in an organization. Cost management refers to the approaches and activities
performed by managers to use resources to increase value to customers and to achieve organizational goals.
Topics covered in this course will include master budget and responsibility accounting, flexible budgets, direct
and overhead cost variance and management control, inventory costing and capacity analysis, pricing decisions
and cost management, management control systems, transfer pricing, and performance measurement, compensation and
multinational considerations.


ACC4209 Principles of Fraud Examination (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC3101 Financial Accounting II

The course is intended to provide fundamental and practical knowledge for all students to learn about the global
threat of fraud and to prepare for careers in the anti-fraud profession. The students will be able to identify
and assess appropriate fraud risk factors by increasing the body of anti-fraud knowledge in the current audit
environment, in which the identification of the fraud risk factors by auditors is required by law or standards
and emphasized.  The knowledge gained from this course, which regular auditing course do not fully cover due to
limited time frame, should be instrumental for the detection and deterrence of fraud in any types of audits.


ACC4210 International Accounting (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC3101 Financial Accounting II

The objective of this course is to give an overview of the main topics in international accounting and to
introduce the international dimensions of financial statement analysis. Students will learn about differences in
financial measurement and reporting practices that exist internationally, the reasons for these differences,
their resultant financial statement effects and methods that you can employ to cope with such differences.
Accounting has frequently been called the ‘language of business’. Understanding the two primary accounting
systems commonly used throughout the world and ways in which they differ will increase the students’ fluencies
in communicating with business professionals in the US and in a rapidly expanding international context. The
international financial reporting standards (IFRS) movement and the implications of reading financial statements
based on IFRS is also discussed during the course.


ACC4211 Cases in Accounting (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC3202 Intermediate Financial Accounting II

This course provides students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to address a series of real
life issues that have arisen in organizations. The variety of cases, in terms of issues addressed and different
organizational settings, provides the opportunity to accelerate learning in a manner not possible in real-life.
Moreover, learning can occur without the adverse consequences of real-life mistakes. Students can expect to
develop and apply not only their critical, analytical and decision-making skills but also those of written and
oral communication.


ACC4216 Professional Auditing (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC4203 Auditing

This course extends and upgrades the knowledge obtained in Auditing AC4203 to a professional level, preparing
students for entry positions in the international Accounting Firms. The course is designed to enhance students’
knowledge of auditing procedures, auditing standards and other standards related to attest engagements and the
skills needed to apply that knowledge to auditing and other attest engagements.


ACC4220 Tax Planning (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC3210 Taxation in Kazakhstan

Tax planning is an advanced taxation course designed to provide in-depth knowledge of direct tax laws and their
impact on decision making. The course encompasses major components of international taxation such as the concept
of permanent establishment and the arm’s length principle, which are used for international tax planning
schemes. Also it discusses the difference between legitimate tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion as well
as some tax planning techniques for multinational enterprises. The course provides both theoretical and
practical approaches. Moreover with the purpose to illustrate the key concepts learnt case studies and juridical
decisions would be used. The course is aimed to prepare the students who are interested in becoming tax
practitioners or tax advisers in their future careers.


ACC4240 Taxation of Multinational Enterprises (3 Credits; 5 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: ACC3210 Taxation in Kazakhstan or ACC3205 Principles of Taxation

This course will address advanced areas of taxation, with a particular focus on the interpretation and
application of tax legislation in the international and comparative perspective. The class will review different
areas of relevance to the taxation of multinational enterprises, providing theoretical and practical guidance on
how to navigate the complex rules of different jurisdictions while managing tax opportunities and challenges. It
will also review the tax attributes of financial statements.


ACC4275 Thesis (2 Credits; 4 ECTS)

Prerequisites: completion of the General Education and Program courses

A thesis is a research work on a topic that is in the area of Accounting and Auditing. Students will be
supervised by faculty members in the process. Further details on thesis requirements are provided under the
KIMEP University regulations on this matter.


ACC4277 State Examination (1 Credit; 3 ECTS)

Prerequisites: completion of the General Education and Program courses

Students are required to take the state examination in Accounting and Auditing. Further details on this
requirement are provided under the KIMEP University regulations on this matter.


ACC4280/ACC4290 State Specialized Examinations (2 credits; 4 ECTS) 

Prerequisites: completion of the General Education and Program courses

Students can take state specialized examinations under certain conditions. Further details on this requirement
are provided under the KIMEP University regulations on this matter.


ACC4251.2 Internship Program in Accounting II (2 Credits; 2 ECTS)

Prerequisites: BUS4251.1 Internship Program I and 70 credits completed

Familiarization with the organizational structure of the internship host-organization, with the area of its
activities; learning mode of operation of the organization; learning the organizational documents of the
organization; acquiring the skills of collecting and processing of primary information in the field of
management; carrying out a comparative analysis of the organization; identifying gaps and suggesting the ways to
improve the development of the organization.


ACC4211.2 Cases in Accounting (substitute) (2 Credits; 2 ECTS)

Prerequisites: BUS4251.1 Internship Program I and 70 credits completed

This course provides students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to address a series of real
life issues that have arisen in organizations. The variety of cases, in terms of issues addressed and different
organizational settings, provides the opportunity to accelerate learning in a manner not possible in real-life.
Moreover, learning can occur without the adverse consequences of real-life mistakes. Students can expect to
develop and apply not only their critical, analytical and decision-making skills but also those of written and
oral communication.


ACC4251.3 Internship Program in Accounting III (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: ACC4251.2 Internship Program in Accounting II or ACC4211.2 Cases in Accounting

The consolidation and intensification of theoretical knowledge and skills acquired by students through the
process of theoretical learning; the formation of professional competence; the familiarization
with real industrial, technological, and organizational processes going on at the place of internship; the
mastering of the profession’s basics  in the operational sphere: the familiarization with and acquirement of the
methodology and technology of professional problem-solving; the collection of the necessary for the preparation
and compilation of the internship report materials. Bases of internship are organizations related to careers in

Scholarship opportunities

There are many opportunities for merit-based scholarships for Kazakhstani and international students.
While studying at KIMEP University, students may also apply for part-time positions available on the University
Contact the Office of Financial Aid, if you would like to apply for scholarship.

Tuition & Fees