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College of Social Sciences (CSS) – UN Collaboration

On the 19th of October the meeting with the UN Representative in Kazakhstan Vlastimil Samek and the representatives from the College of Social Sciences, took place. During this meeting the agreement was reached in the sphere of UN and KIMEP relationship and collaboration strengthening. According to this agreement, the following initiatives will be implemented at the College level:

  1. College of Social Sciences will offer the course “Model UN” in Spring 2017 semester. This course will be supported by UN and all students will receive certificates with UN and KIMEP Logos. The course is absolutely exciting on academic simulation, it allows students to get and practice knowledge in diplomacy, international relations and United Nations.
  2. In Spring 2017 semester five outstanding students from the College of Social Sciences will have an Internship (Practice) in UN Kazakhstan offices. This is quite a unique possibility for the students of College of Social Sciences to get to know the work of the organization and its agencies, and to apply the knowledge and skills received during their studying at KIMEP. All participants will be awarded with the certificates.
  3. A student organization aimed to strengthen student’s participation and involvement will be created. This organization will correlate to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and will be aimed to increase the awareness about the UN activities in the country and in the World, to raise active problems, and find better ways and policies to solve them.