
To focus the College research effort on areas of comparative advantage, the College has two research centers.

The Central Asian Studies Center
This is a CSS-wide initiative that link its diverse pockets of research and graduate teaching interests on Central Asia. It is becoming a regional hub for academic and graduate research on Central Asia that generates expertise on the region and facilitates international research projects.

Since the Academic Year 2010-11 the College of Social Sciences (CSS) of KIMEP University has created the Central Asian Studies Center (CASC) based in the College of Social Sciences (CSS) and led by the Department of International Relations and Regional Studies, for fostering cooperation on research with international scholars.

Central Asian Studies Center (CASC)
Facebook: CASC Almaty
Director: Associate Professor NargisKassenova
Deputy Director: Assistant Professor ZharmukhamedZardykhan

Central Asian Center for Media and Society
This initiative is develops, investigates and promotes new and emerging media in Central Asia, with particular attention on ways that new media are influenced by, and influence, social life. It serves as local contact and coordinator for technical improvements, such as the EU-funded CAREN network, and offers training in new media with state-of-the-art research, teaching, and collaborative facilities that support a variety of operations, such as online education and networks.

Applicants for academic rank