Продолжительность программы: 1,5 года
Максимальное количество кредитов в семестр: 18
Язык обучения: английский
Форма обучения: очная (занятия проходят преимущественно в вечернее время)
Количество кредитов, необходимых для получения степени: 48

Кафедра медиа и коммуникаций предлагает магистрерскую программу по международной журналистие (The Master of International Journalism, MIJ). Данная программа готовит специалистов в области цифровой журналистики, медиа- менеджмента, PR и рекламы. Студентам предлагаются следующие предметы: искусство написания высококачественных медиа текстов, менеджмент в СМИ, управление вовлеченностью аудитории, стратегические коммуникации, маркетинг в социльных сетях (SMM) и медиа исследования.

Программа предназначена для выпускников программ бакалавриата самых разных специальностей, а также для тех специалистов, работающих в различных областях, которые хотели бы углубить свои знания в области международной журналистики, глобальной коммуникации, и связей с общественностью.

Магистерская программа по международной журналистике предлагает две специализации:

  • Журналистика и медиаменеджмент
  • PR и реклама

Данная магистерская программа Университета КИМЭП предназначена для тех, кто хотел бы улучшить свои коммуникационные навыки, углубить навыки медиа грамотности, научиться создавать качественный медиа-контент и проводить медиа исследования.

Под руководством преподавателей кафедры медиа и коммуникаций ((Department of Media and Communications, DMC) студенты учатся создавать эффективные медиа тексты и контент для мультимедийных цифоровых платформ. Кроме этого студенты пишут исследовательские работы под руководством профессоров кафедры.

Так как студенты и качественное осмысление ими учебного материала являются ключевыми аспектами нашего образования, наши профессора ставят студентов и их академические потребности в ценр учебного процесса. Это позволяет студентам овладеть медиа и коммуникационными навыками и освоить теоретические знания в приятной атмосфере академической свободы.

Координатор программы, факультет социальных наук, Университет КИМЭП, проспект Абая 4, 050010, офис 503 А, Алматы, Республика Казахстан тел.: (727) 270 42 12, e-mail: css_coordinator@kimep.kz

Наша страница в Инстаграм @csskimep

Требования к соисканию степени MAIJ:

Кредиты ECTS
Основные программные требования 11 15
Программные требования к специализации 27 45
Экспериментальная исследовательская работа 6 18
Итоговая аттестация 4 12
Всего обязательных кредитов 48 90
Наименования предметов Кредиты КИМЭП ECTS — кредиты
Базовые дисциплины 11 15
Базовые основные 5 6
Профессиональный иностранный язык 2 2
Менеджмент в социальных науках 1 2
Психология в социальных науках 2 2
Базовые на выбор (2 дисциплины) 6 9
Политические коммуникации 3 4,5
Введение в казахстанский рынок СМИ 3 4,5
Менеджмент и стратегии PR-проектов 3 4,5
Специализированные дисциплины 27 45
Основные дисциплины 15 25
Методы исследования/ Тезис I 3 5
Теории СМИ и коммуникации 3 5
Международный опыт по PR-проектам 3 5
Продвинутый уровень анализа СМИ 3 5
Профессиональная практика 3 5
Дисциплины на выбор (любые четыре из списка) 12 20
Социальный медиа маркетинг 3 5
Международная журналистика 3 5
Критическое мышление и правописание 3 5
Продвинутый уровень редактирования новостей 3 5
Продвинутый уровень написания новостей 3 5
Принципы управления и бизнеса в СМИ 3 5
Реклама и медиа продажи 3 5
Подготовка материалов для СМИ, издающихся на русском (казахском) языках 3 5
Телерадиовещание на русском языке 3 5
Коммуникации в политике 3 5
Менеджмент и стратегии PR-проектов 3 5
Коммуникации в кризисных ситуациях 3 5
Практикум по радиотелевизионной журналистике 3 5
Онлайн журналистика 3 5
Актуальные темы в массовых коммуникациях 3 5
Коммуникации для убеждения 3 5
Управление особыми событиями 3 5
Повествование на основе информации из баз данных 3 5
Организационное поведение 3 5
Стратегическое планирование 3 5
Управление маркетингом 3 5
Поведение потребителей и стратегии маркетинга 3 5
Интегрированные коммуникации в маркетинге 3 5
Написание, планирование и стратегии рекламы 3 5
Вещание на русском языке 3 5
Экспериментальная исследовательская работа 6 18
Исследовательская практика 3 8
Исследовательский семинар 3 10
Итоговая аттестация 4 12
Защита диссертации 4 12
Итого 48 90

ПЕРЕВОД ДИСЦИПЛИН (КРЕДИТОВ) Кредиты за дисциплины, полученные на другой программе и/или в другом университете, могут быть переведены и приняты в зачет для получения степени магистра Университета КИМЭП в том случае, если данные дисциплины являются эквивалентными дисциплинам, предлагаемыми программой. Специальная комиссия кафедры рассматривает и принимает решение по каждому студенту индивидуально. С бакалавриата на программу магистратуры можно перевести максимально 25% от общего количества кредитов, необходимых для получения степени магистра.

JMC 5708 English for Media Communication II

Prerequisites: None

This course will develop students’ skills for journalistic and academic writing. Topics to be covered include: Proper citations (using both the conventions of journalism and of APA academic style); identifying and avoiding plagiarism; proper use and presentation of quotations; and clear writing styles for journalism and academic writing. Students will be introduced to good examples of academic and journalistic writing, and will produce their own examples using each style.

JMC 5621 Internship 1

Prerequisites: None

Students complete internships at print, broadcast outlets or public relations firms. The course is designed to provide hands-on knowledge of the field and the opportunity to network. Course may be retaken for credit with departmental permission.

JMC 5661 Thesis I and Specialized Writing

Prerequisites: None

This course prepares students to conceive and design research into Mass Communication. MAIJ students can choose either a professional or academic thesis, depending on their goals and interests. For example, a Professional Thesis includes a section of academic analysis and a

project, such as PR Campaign design or video. After introducing research approaches and major theories in the field, this course shows how to conduct a literature review, introduces principles of quantitative and qualitative research design, provides examples, and explains a range of methodological options. By the end of the semester, students need to select a Thesis Supervisor and submit a completed research proposal.

JMC 5662 Thesis II: Research Proposal and Literature Review

Prerequisites: None

This course helps students fully develop the research/ project design from Thesis I. Led by an experienced instructor, each student individually begins to produce their study, for example writing interview questions, designing an analytical matrix, and preparing a professional production (if any). Students learn how to acquire necessary skills of methods and data collection, understand procedures of planning and organizing their time and materials. The instructor complements the guidance of each student’s Supervisor. By the end of the semester, students typically finish the introduction, complete the theoretical framework and the methodology (completing the literature review) and gather a substantial amount of data. As the culmination of this semester, students must complete a Thesis Proposal Defense. (For details, please see the CSS Guidelines for Master’s Thesis.)

JMC 5663 Thesis 3 (Comprehensive Examination and Thesis Defense)

Prerequisites: None

During this course, the student works solely with their Supervisor to complete data collection, writing, and any professional component of the Thesis. The main goal of this semester is completing the analysis, polishing the writing, ensuring correct format, and preparing for the Comprehensive Examination and Defense- the final step, during which each student explains to the Thesis Committee their work, its background, conclusions, significance, etc.

JMC 5666 Introduction to Kazakhstani Media Market

Prerequisites: None

Surveys Kazakhstani media systems; examines how the Kazakhstani media industry is structured and how it differs from the US and European media markets, and compares it with media industries of the other CIS countries; analyzes political, economic, social, technological, and cultural issues affecting media industries in Kazakhstan.


Program Core Electives: 6 credits

Students must choose any 2 (two) of Program Core Electives:
JMC 4690 Special Topic in Mass Communication 3
JMC 5657 Online Journalism 3
JMC 5655 Crisis Communication 3

JMC 4690 Special Topic in Mass Communication

Prerequisites: None

This course will be offered whenever the department chair decides that a worthwhile topic in international journalism has been proposed by a faculty member. The course will generally be taught in a seminar format; it will focus on important issues that are not formal portions of the department’s curriculum.

JMC 5657 Online Journalism

Prerequisites: None

This is an advanced practicum course in journalism production. The project goal will be to plan, set up, launch and run a news oriented website. In the process of carrying out these tasks, project participants will learn practical skills in media management and journalism production and will also develop understanding of how new information technologies are affecting the practice of journalism. Although the project focus is online journalism, the skills and knowledge students will develop are relevant to public relations and to media management as well.

JMC 5655 Crisis Communication

Prerequisites: None

Students will learn how PR can prevent an organizational crisis and how to handle it when it occurs. This course is designed to prepare future public relations practitioners for handling crisis situations within their companies. It familiarizes PR students with crisis dynamics and major techniques of coping with crisis. The course cultivates in future PR practitioners an ability to see signs of potential crises and prevent them at their initial “warning” stages.


Journalism and Media Management Major: 18 credits


Major Required Course

All students will complete:
JMC5612 Advanced Media Writing 3

JMC 5612 Advanced Media Writing

Prerequisites: None

Professional news writing techniques for newspapers and magazines, such as hard news reporting, feature articles, investigative reporting, and government reporting.  Students are expected to report on events in the community, business, etc.


Major Core Courses

Students must choose any 3 (three) from :
JMC 5656 Broadcast Journalism Practicum 3
JMC 5610 Advanced News Editing 3
JMC 5611 Principles of Media Management 3
JMC 5623 Writing for Russian (Kazakh) Language Media 3
JMC 5624 Broadcasting in Russian 3


JMC 5610 Advanced News Editing

Prerequisites: None

This course builds on the basics of editing that students learned in Beginning Editing. It gives them skills dealing with finer detail and more subtle nuances in editing, while also offering them additional practice in the basics. This is a hands-on course, with students working on editing every class period.

JMC 5611 Principles of Media Management

Prerequisites: None

This course is designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge of public relations and hands-on, practical experience. It reviews PR-related communication theories. It covers the importance of PR-related research in developing PR plans, including appropriate strategies and tactics. It helps students develop skills in producing PR products and employing those tactics, including skills in the use of online media. And it discusses public relations professional ethics.


JMC 5623 Writing for Russian Language Media

Prerequisites: None

This course takes a skills oriented approach to train students in the basics of reporting and news writing in Russian language according to western professional standards. The main objective is to help develop a clear, concise writing style and a passion for thorough, accurate reporting. Students will report on local issues in Russian. The course also includes analysis of local media.

JMC 5624 Broadcasting in Russian

Prerequisites: None

Broadcasting in Russian is ideally taken after Broadcast Journalism (1) to continue building basic video technical skills and broadcast journalism skills initiated in the previous course, and (2) to better prepare students for potential employment especially within the dominant Russian-speaking broadcast/video industry. Students will continue developing on-camera and behind-camera skills, including news/script writing, video editing, and directing skills. They will employ their video/broadcast skills in real and/or realistic settings, producing news and informational programming.

Major Electives: 6 credits


Students must choose any 2 (two) from:
JMC 5619 Advertising and Media Sales 3
JMC 4690 Special Topic in Mass Communication 3
MKT 5201 Marketing Management 3
MGT 5201 Organizational Behavior 3
MGT 5203 Strategic Planning 3
JMC 5704 Persuasive Communication 3
JMC 5630 Political Communication 3
JMC 5622 Advertising Writing, Layout and Strategies 3
JMC 4614 Media Analysis 3
JMC 4702 Government Media Relations 3
JMC 5606 Research Methods in

Mass Communication



JMC 5619 Advertising and Media Sales

Prerequisites: None

This 3-credit course is designed to give a broad understanding of promotional mix in the framework of integrated marketing communication (IMC). Major focus is given to advertising as a rational and creative marketing medium – but not the only one.

JMC 5622 Advertising Writing, Layout and Strategies

Prerequisites: None

Advertising is the financial backbone of the mass communications industry. Media executives must be able to implement successful sales, presentation and production strategies. And those involved within the advertising department must understand and be able to employ successful copy writing, layout, and graphic or multimedia production. The Advertising Writing, Layout and Strategies course is designed to provide that foundation of knowledge and skills to be successful on the business side of the mass communications industry.

JMC 5630 Political Communication

Prerequisites: None

This interactive course will introduce and explain the principles and practices of communication in a variety of political contexts, such as election advertisements, constituent newsletters, and speeches. Since students could use such communication in many contexts, it will focus as much as possible on Kazakhstan but will be based on international concepts and activities. We will cover, but also challenge, basic ideas about the many sub-topics.

The course will be conducted more like a seminar, so you will be expected to arrive ready to contribute to the discussion, especially on issues related to your professional interests and other courses.

JMC 5704 Persuasive Communication

Prerequisites: None

This course covers key principles, practices, and contexts of persuasion in the current era of changing mass communication patterns. We will cover several important concepts of persuasion, but will mostly focus on practical ways to deal with persuasion….both your own and that of other people. It will introduce main skills of persuasion for professional and personal development, and develop your ability to prepare and create a variety of persuasive messages.

Most of the class will involve using and practicing, as well as critiquing, major and advanced persuasion techniques. Theories of persuasion, as well as essential methods to investigate it, will be featured. The course will also systematically consider the ethical aspects of using persuasion, with individuals, groups and societies.


Public Relations Major: 18 credits

Major Core Courses: 9 credits

Students must choose any 3 (three) from :
JMC 5653 PR Management and Strategies 3
JMC 5627 Public Relations Campaigns 3
JMC 5622 Advertising Writing, Layout and Strategies 3
JMC 5623 Writing for Russian (Kazakh) Language Media 3
JMC 5624 Broadcasting in Russian 3


JMC 5622 Advertising Writing, Layout and Strategies

Prerequisites: None

Advertising is the financial backbone of the mass communications industry. Media executives must be able to implement successful sales, presentation and production strategies. And those involved within the advertising department must understand and be able to employ successful copy writing, layout, and graphic or multimedia production. The Advertising Writing, Layout and Strategies course is designed to provide that foundation of knowledge and skills to be successful on the business side of the mass communications industry.

JMC 5623 Writing for Russian Language Media

Prerequisites: None

This course takes a skills oriented approach to train students in the basics of reporting and news writing in Russian language according to western professional standards. The main objective is to help develop a clear, concise writing style and a passion for thorough, accurate reporting. Students will report on local issues in Russian. The course also includes analysis of local media.

JMC 5624 Broadcasting in Russian

Prerequisites: None

Broadcasting in Russian is ideally taken after Broadcast Journalism (1) to continue building basic video technical skills and broadcast journalism skills initiated in the previous course, and (2) to better prepare students for potential employment especially within the dominant Russian-speaking broadcast/video industry. Students will continue developing on-camera and behind-camera skills, including news/script writing, video editing, and directing skills. They will employ their video/broadcast skills in real and/or realistic settings, producing news and informational programming.

JMC 5627 Public Relations Campaigns

Prerequisites: None

The course covers how to identify, create, implement and evaluate public relations strategies using research-based goals. This course will maximize practical activities based on key principles of the field, and bridge international and regional characteristics of a campaign.  This course will extend previous classes in PR and prepare you for final work on the topic and for work after you graduate. It will also increase skills of persuasive, clear and expressive writing for almost any kind of work.

JMC 5653 PR Management and Strategies

Prerequisites: None

This course is designed to provide students with advanced theoretical knowledge of public relations and advanced hands-on, practical experience. It surveys PR process and PR-related communication theories. It also introduces students to advanced PR strategies and tactics, and it discusses public relations professional ethics. The course offers students an opportunity to practice some of the strategies and tactics that public relations practitioners have actually used in their campaigns.


Major Electives: 6 credits

Students must choose any 2 (two) from:
JMC 5705 Image and Brand Management 3
JMC 5656 Broadcast Journalism Practicum 3
JMC 5619 Advertising and Media Sales 3
JMC 5623 Writing for Russian (Kazakh) Language Media 3
MKT 5204 Integrated Marketing Communications 3
MKT 5203 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy 3
JMC 5704 Persuasive Communication 3
JMC 4614 Media Analysis 3
JMC 5610 Advanced News Editing 3
JMC 4702 Government Media Relations 3
JMC 5606 Research Methods in

Mass Communication



JMC 5606 Research Methods in Mass Communication

Prerequisites: None

This course introduces students to quantitative and qualitative methodologies they will use to conduct research for their theses/professional projects. The course will examine such quantitative methods as surveys, content analysis and experiments. Qualitative methods introduced in the class include participant observations, in-depth interviews, focus groups and textual analysis.

JMC 5619 Advertising and Media Sales

Prerequisites: None

This 3-credit course is designed to give a broad understanding of promotional mix in the framework of integrated marketing communication (IMC). Major focus is given to advertising as a rational and creative marketing medium – but not the only one.

JMC 5623 Writing for Russian Language Media

Prerequisites: None

This course takes a skills oriented approach to train students in the basics of reporting and news writing in Russian language according to western professional standards. The main objective is to help develop a clear, concise writing style and a passion for thorough, accurate reporting. Students will report on local issues in Russian. The course also includes analysis of local media.

JMC 5656 Broadcast Journalism Practicum

Prerequisites: None

This course serves as an introduction to radio and television journalism. It examines gathering, evaluating, writing, and performing broadcast news copy. The emphasis for the course is placed on the writing of broadcast news. The course teaches students to write simple news stories that are accurate, clear, interesting and concise.

JMC 5704 Persuasive Communication

Prerequisites: None

This course covers key principles, practices, and contexts of persuasion in the current era of changing mass communication patterns. We will cover several important concepts of persuasion, but will mostly focus on practical ways to deal with persuasion….both your own and that of other people. It will introduce main skills of persuasion for professional and personal development, and develop your ability to prepare and create a variety of persuasive messages.

Most of the class will involve using and practicing, as well as critiquing, major and advanced persuasion techniques. Theories of persuasion, as well as essential methods to investigate it, will be featured. The course will also systematically consider the ethical aspects of using persuasion, with individuals, groups and societies.

JMC 5705 Image and Brand Management

Prerequisites: None

Image and Brand Management course discusses essential components of building a strong brand and impeccable image. The course helps students to learn how to create, maintain, and possibly regain an appropriate image of themselves in the eyes of stakeholders. Students will study theories and concepts that are crucial to organization’s well-being, including credibility, identity, image, and reputation. The objective of this course is to master the foundational principles of image and brand management and apply this knowledge to enhance personal or organizational image.

The Master of International Journalism program aims to educate highly-qualified international journalists
(correspondents, editors) and executives for media organizations, PR, and advertisement professionals.