The KIMEP U Learning Support Center is strongly committed to giving students the outstanding academic support through the programs designed to:

  • help students acquire new and higher level study skills and strategies needed to master course content;
  • provide student-centered and collaborative academic support programs that promote active and independent learning;
  • assist outstanding students develop transferable leadership and professional skills
  • collaborate with faculty and college academic support programs to develop appropriate strategies for each major;
  • promote the academic success of students who are at risk due to diagnosed disabilities, other special needs, and insufficient preparation

The Learning Support Center resources and facilities are designed to serve a broad scope of student needs, ranging from the individually structured assistance and services to specialized, comprehensive, and concentrated support systems.

Discover Your Strength with Us! Our Goal is Your Academic and Life Success!
If you have any questions concerning your studies, don’t hesitate to contact us.


+7 727 270 42 68
+7 727 270 43 10
+7 701 309 17 47
+7 701 309 16 24

Working hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday.

KIMEP University
Orientation and Advising Program
Fall 2022

STUDENT DAY – August 23, 2022

Event Schedule
Team Building and KSA EXPO KIMEP U campus
11:00 – 11:30 Registration
11:35 – 12:40 Team Building
12:40 – 13:10 Group picture “ID2022”
13:10 – 13:30 Coffee break
13:30 – 14:00 KSA EXPO
Advising and Registration LSC office, #101 and/or Computer labs #301, 302, Valikhanov building
14:30 – 18:00 Advising & Registration for courses
Residence Hall Convocation party New Academic building, Starbucks area
18:00 – 20:00 Residence Hall Convocation party


Event Schedule
College Orientation


On Campus (open air)
11:00 – 11:30 Registration
11:30 – 13:30 College corners and campus tours
11:30 – 12:30 College of Social Science
(in front of the Great Hall)
12:30 – 13:30 College of Social Science
(in front of the Great Hall)
11:30 – 12:30 College of Humanities and Education
(in front of the Great Hall)
11:30 – 12:30 Bang College of Business
(across the Residence Hall)
12:30 – 13:30 Bang College of Business
(across the Residence Hall)
11:30 – 12:30 School of Law
(across the Residence Hall)
12:00 – 14:00 coffee break for students
14:15 – 15:15 Session for International Students
(Hall #2, NAB)
Session for Parents 11:40 – 12:40 Parents’ orientation session
(Hall #1, NAB)
Advising and Registration LSC office, #101 and/or Computer labs #301, 302, Valikhanov building
14:30 – 18:00 Registration for courses



Semester Event Data Mode
Spring 2025
1 Advising and registration period for the S2025 semester November 4, 2024 – January 6, 2025 E-Advising and/or face-to-face
2 Hiring and training of new team leaders / peer tutors for the S2025 semester December, 2024 –

January, 2025

on campus
3 Best tutor award ceremony (Fall 2024 results) December 20, 2024 on campus
4 Registration for courses

KIMEP policies and procedures

Pre-admission webinar for bachelors of S2025 intake

December 27,


5 Registration for courses

KIMEP policies and procedures

Pre-admission webinar for bachelors of S2025 intake

January 5, 2025 webinar
6 How to use the Moodle platform?

Pre-admission webinar for bachelors of S2025 intake

January 6, 2025 webinar
7 Session for parents

Pre-admission webinar for bachelors of S2024 intake

January 4, 2025 webinar
8 Winter orientation program: Welcome day January 11, 2025 on campus
9 Second payment deadline February 7, 2025
10 Parent advisory board meeting February, 2025 webinar or on campus
11 Third payment deadline March 7, 2025
12 Focus group with freshmen students April, 2025 on campus
13 Parent advisory board meeting April, 2025 webinar or on campus
14 Advising and registration period for the SUI and SUII / 2025 semesters March 31 – May 22, 2025 E-Advising and/or face-to-face
15 Best tutor award ceremony (Spring 2025 results) May, 2025 on campus
16 Hiring and training of new team leaders / peer tutors for the 2025-2026 AY May –

August, 2025

on campus

Mentoring and Advising Policy

The KIMEP University recognizes academic advising and mentoring to be a critical component of the educational experience and student success. Faculty, administrators, and professional staff promote academic advising as a shared responsibility with students. Academic advising and mentoring serves to develop and enrich students’ educational plans in ways that are consistent with their personal values, goals, and career plans, preparing them for a life of learning in a global society.

KIMEP University is committed to establish a strong program of effective academic advising for all students. This commitment embodies the academic advisement system that provides not only a mere assistance to students with course scheduling, but functions considerably broader rather than that. Thus, KIMEP University aims to establish a multi-level advising system that accumulates academic and administrative advising services, mentoring and assistance of students from the very beginning of their study period up to a successful completion of the degree.

Professional academic advisors (learning support coordinators) provide students with practical information about how to understand the Core Program curriculum and the administrative aspects of class selection and registration. They offer advice about how to navigate the various administrative offices at KIMEP U and the complexities of KIMEP U policies and procedures. Professional academic advisors have current information regarding other programs at KIMEP U, how to prepare for declaring a major, and transition to the degree program in the junior and senior years. They can also provide comprehensive information about university-wide student support services.

The functions of administrative and academic advisors additionally affirm their responsibilities to inform comprehensively each student about new Catalog versions, changes in academic policies and requirements. Advisors notify students in a timely manner of changes either in the university’s curricula or student’s academic standing, in order to help them properly evaluate course options, individual opportunities, and successfully plan the completion of educational goals.

Advisors guide students in developing decision-making skills, refer them to the various academic and student support services/programs on campus and help them in making their best of their educational opportunities.

Advisors also review student academic records and any deficiencies, assess student progress and performance, resolve academic difficulties, provide information on how to prepare for final exams, etc.

The student and the advisors are mutually responsible for establishing and maintaining communication. Newly admitted students are encouraged to communicate with their advisors as soon as possible.

Advisors can help students understand fully all of the options and avoid needless mistakes, but only if students take the initiative to seek their advice. Students’ responsibilities in the advising relationship are:

  1. To seek sources of information that assist in making academic/career decisions;
  2. To keep advisor informed about changes in academic progress, course selection, and academic/career goals;
  3. To be familiar with the requirements of the program they are pursuing, and to schedule courses each semester in accordance with those requirements;
  4. To be aware of the prerequisites for each course that student include in a semester schedule and to discuss with adviser how prerequisites will affect the sequencing of the courses;
  5. To follow university procedures, including deadlines, for registering courses and for making adjustments to class schedule;
  6. To carefully review each course syllabus, noting rules, regulations, and policies for each class;
  7. To participate fully in the courses for which they are registered by completing assignments on time and attending class;
  8. To understand the information provided by the university, including grades reports, and to know what to do in case student have a missing grade or one that you think may be incorrect;
  9. To understand academic performance standards, academic probation, academic dismissal, and to know GPA requirements;
  10. To comply with University rules on academic integrity and honesty with respect to any work they submit or examination undertake in satisfaction of course requirements including, but not limited to, University rules against plagiarism;
  11. To notify an advisor of new contact information whenever contact details (postal/email addresses and/or telephone numbers) change;
  12. To read emails sent by the University regularly and respond to them as required;
  13. To inform an adviser immediately whenever a serious problem (medical, financial, personal) disrupts an ability to attend classes or interferes with an ability to focus on education and to perform well.

Students are assigned to advisors based on their major and number of credits earned. Any student may ask for advice of both the KIMEP University Learning Support Center and designated academic units. The University Learning Support Center guides all at risk as well as advanced students.

Prior to enrolling for the first time at the university, all degree-seeking first-year students and transfer students are required to attend special orientation, advising, and registration sessions organized on campus by the KIMEP Learning Support Center. They are also required to meet with a professional advisor. Readmitted students must also meet with a professional advisor prior to reenrolling. The following groups of students are required to meet with an advisor during each tracking semester (fall and spring):
– All students with fewer than 30 credits earned.
– Students identified as at risk.
– Students on Academic Probation.

Equal opportunities policy

The KIMEP University is committed to provide fair and inclusive environment for all members of our diverse community and prohibits discrimination and harassment against any individual on the basis of ethnic or national origin, race, gender, age, personal beliefs, socio economic background, sexual orientation, physical or psychological disability unrelated to job or learning requirements.

This policy extends to all privileges, rights, and activities and applies to all recruitment, admission, scholarship, registration, housing, learning support policies and to all employment decisions including hiring, promotion, recruitment, termination, compensation and benefits.

The policy requires, for students, admission to the University and progression within graduate is to be determined only by personal merit and by performance. For staff, entry into employment and progression is to be determined only by personal merit and by the application/evaluation of criteria which are related to the duties and conditions of each particular position.

No student, member of staff, applicant for admission as a student, or applicant for appointment as a member of staff will be treated less favorably than another because of her or his belonging to a protected group.

If any person admitted as a student or appointed as a member of staff considers that he or she is suffering from unlawful discrimination, harassment, or victimization in her or his admission, appointment, or progression through the University because of belonging to any of the above protected groups, he or she may make a complaint, which will be dealt with through the agreed procedures for complaints or grievances or the procedures for dealing with bullying and harassment, as appropriate. The University will take whatever action may be needed to prevent, and if necessary, discipline behavior which violates this Policy.

Special need policy

KIMEP University is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and participation for students with diverse needs. It is the University’s policy that no qualified student with learning differences need be excluded from participating in any University program or activity, denied the benefits of any University program or activity, In this regard, KIMEP University:

  • strictly prohibits any form of discrimination on the basis of an individual’s special need
  • offers individualized academic placement and reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with special needs.

Definition of an Individual with a Special Need

For purposes of this policy, the term ‘special needs’ refers to a diverse range of needs often caused by a medical, physical, mental or developmental condition or disability. Special needs can include cognitive difficulties, physical or sensory difficulties, emotional and behavioral difficulties, and difficulties with speech and language. A student at KIMEP will need to demonstrate evidence of a record of such impairment.

Eligibility for Services

To be eligible for services, students with special needs must identify themselves and present professional documentation to the Medical Center for verification. Until appropriate documentation is provided, support for the student with a special need may be delayed.
Students may receive services in one or more (but not limited to) of the following areas:

  • Mobility, visual, hearing, or speech impairment
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Developmental delayed learner
  • Various Mental Health Issues
  • Other chronic or health-related limitations that adversely affect educational performance
  • Other chronic or health-related limitations that adversely affect educational performance

Professional Documentation and Verification

Documentation should be prepared by an appropriate professional who is not a family member. Documentation should be recent (within one year), relevant, comprehensive, and the original. The university has the discretion to require additional documentation.

Records and Privacy

Medical information provided to the University by students as a part of a request for accommodation(s) is treated as confidential medical records under applicable laws and university policies. Such information is provided only to individuals who are privileged to receive it on a need to know basis. Such confidential records shall be separately maintained by the Medical Center.

Priority Registration

Students with documented special needs are eligible for early registration times. Students should submit the list of preferred courses three weeks prior to the registration period to the Learning Support Center. This accommodation will give students more flexibility when planning their schedules and to help arrange adequate time between classes and ensure that classes are scheduled in the easy accessible facilities.

Reasonable academic adjustments and accommodations include but are not limited to:

  • Extended time for testing
  • Alternative testing sites
  • Permission to tape lectures
  • Volunteer readers
  • Scribes for classroom
  • Print materials in alternate format
  • Permission to bring food and drink into examination
  • Written instructions for those with a hearing impairment.
  • Enlarged font papers for those with a visual impairment
  • Take-home exam for students in wheelchair or with walking difficulty

Requesting Accommodations

Students are encouraged to speak directly with faculty members regarding any academic adjustments/accommodations they need. Discussing the needs with faculty members helps them better understand the student situation and allows them to get to know him/her personally.
Students should follow the below listed steps to request academic adjustments and/or accommodations:

  1. Apply for services as soon as possible and provide documentation of conditions that may warrant academic accommodations
  2. Provide all of the information regarding the type of expected accommodation to the LSC coordinator
  3. Explain the needs, and discuss possible accommodations with the instructor. If a student feels uncomfortable discussing his/her need with a faculty, the LSC coordinator will serve as a liaison between him/her and a faculty member
  4. Remind an instructor of the need for the accommodation, for extended time and/or quiet room accommodations for testing, before each test

Instructor’s responsibilities

  • Instructors should not compromise the academic integrity of a course by giving passing grades to students who have failed to demonstrate the required level of understanding or performance. Once instructors have provided accommodations, they should grade the work of students with special need as they would grade the work of any other students.
  • An instructor who has difficulty providing the accommodations or who disagrees with the accommodations should contact the LSC coordinator or the AVP of Student Affairs.
  • If the instructor and LSC are not able to come to agreement about an accommodation, they may contact VPAA who can assist in resolving the issue.
  • Instructors should not provide academic accommodations without notification from the Learning Support Center.
  • Instructors should ensure that all classroom materials, such as presentations, readers, handouts, media, and websites, are fully accessible.
  • Instructors will maintain student confidentiality.

Housing Services

Housing Services can assist students with special needs in securing priority for housing. In order to qualify for priority housing and receive the appropriate accommodations, student request has to be confirmed by the LSC.

Behavioral Concerns

The special need status does not excuse the inappropriate behavior of students.

  • An institution may discipline, with discretion and according to needs, a special need student for engaging in misconduct if it would impose the same discipline on a student with regular status.
  • Misconduct due to not following medical and/or therapeutic treatment protocols does not have to be accommodated.

Internal Grievance/Appeals Procedures

Students who have concerns about a granted service, accommodation, modification of a University practice or requirement, are encouraged to bring those concerns or complaints to the attention of the appropriate campus personnel, e.g., faculty, dean, student affairs for immediate resolution. Complaints or appeals related specifically to services for students with special needs provided by Learning Support Services should be immediately brought to the attention of the AVP of Student Affairs. He/she will review the matter and attempt to informally resolve the
situation. In the event that the matter cannot be resolved, students have the right to appeal to the Provost and General Deputy to the President. All grievances or appeals must be in writing. The complaint should include the student name and ID and describe the alleged complaint or concern.

Freshmen and First Year Students

The KIMEP U Learning Support Center Freshmen coordinator provides academic advising to all undergraduate freshmen students regardless of their program until they earn 30 credits. After that, students are reassigned to their college advisors.

The reasons to see Your Academic Advisor are:

  • To be acquainted with payment, registration and academic processes, academic policies, general education requirements, etc.
  • To develop an academic plan of studies consistent with student abilities and interests
  • To discuss any problems that affect academic performance
  • To select courses for the upcoming semester
  • To add or drop courses
  • To discuss academic progress
  • To ask questions related to General education program, checklist, and major/minor selection
  • To discuss career opportunities

The Academic Advisors play a crucial role in the student study process. Students are strongly encouraged to be in touch with their academic advisors during all steps of the process: the program determination phase, the major selection phase, and graduation phase as a finale.

If you have any questions concerning your studies, don’t hesitate to contact us.

+7 727 270 42 68
+7 727 270 43 10
+7 701 309 17 47
+7 701 309 16 24

Working hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday.

Freshmen with ‘at Risk’ Status

According to Fridlander (1980) at-risk students are “Those students who because of poor academic preparation, language handicaps, or low motivation may have difficulty to succeed”

Early warning indicators

  1. Freshmen are flagged for early intervention if:

Admission stage:

  1. Overall UNT score is below 60;
  2. UNT mathematics score (for BCB, BPMA and BAE programs only) is below 10;
  3. KEPT score is below 50 (Undergraduate English Foundation courses Level C and B).


  1. fails to attend the Fall Orientation Program;
  2. fails to attend Orientation Workshops/Webinars.

First semester:

Students are flagged for early intervention if:

  1. have more than 2(Undergraduate English Foundation) or 3 (Academic English or/and Kazakh language) unexcused absences, demonstrate poor performance or/and skills deficiency during the first two weeks of classes;
  2. identified as “at risk” by faculty based on attendance, performance and/or skills deficiency after the 3rd and/or 5th week of semester;
  3. earn less than 50% of the first and second assessment scores.
  4. have one F and/or one W by the result of the first semester

First Year Students (less than 30 credits earned) are flagged for early intervention if:

  1. do not pass Foundation A course during the first year after admission;
  2. took less than 24 credits and have GPA bellow 2.10;
  3. have one F and/or one W by the result of the first semester
  4. identified as at risk by faculty after the 3rd and/or 5th week of semester.

Senior Students (over 30 credits earned) are flagged for early intervention if:

  1. GPA is below 2.10 at the end of the term;
  2. identified as at risk by faculty after the 3rd and/or 5th week of semester;
  3. have more than one F and/or more than one W in one semester
Learning Support Program (LSP)

The main purpose of the Learning Support Program is to assist students to retain good academic standing at the KIMEP U. In order to ensure that students are able to meet the academic requirements in offline educational format and make the academic support program more comprehensive, the LSC established the following strategies:

  • Identify freshmen at risk of academic failure (English proficiency, math skills, UNT score, place of origin, etc. at entry level) before their first semester begins. Meet face-to-face with each student and assign an advisor to the student who will meet with the student on a weekly basis to hold the student accountable and help with potential problems before they develop.
  • Require all faculty who teach freshmen courses to submit reports every 3rd and 5th weeks on attendance, performance and skills deficiency.
  • Provide all at risk freshmen students with individual counseling, early alert intervention and tutoring sessions.

The Learning Support Program is mandatory for undergraduate students placed on AP or at risk statuses. The Program is available for students who were identified by faculty as in need of learning support. Students with more than one “F” or “W” in one semester are flagged for early intervention and must take part in the support program.

Early Alert Intervention System

The Early Alert Intervention System have been introduced by the Learning Support Center to identify at risk freshmen students based on their attendance, performance and skills deficiency.

In order to ensure smooth and successful transfer of freshmen students to the second year of their study and increase the retention rate, faculty teaching general education and some program required courses, enter data on freshmen attendance and performance into the Early Alert Intervention System after the 3rd and 5th weeks of the semester.

Program Outcomes:

Depending on their specific needs, students will be equipped with the skills of:

  • Effective Use of Resources
  • Successful Application of Learning Strategies
  • Effective Use of Self‐Assessment Strategies

Students will also

  • Gain “academic survival knowledge”
  • Summarize major principles of self-motivation
  • Define what an active learner is
  • Come up with strategies for returning to a good academic standing

Program requirements:

  1. Be enrolled for current semester
  2. Register for the LSP and attend individual mentoring sessions
  3. Attend at least 10 tutoring sessions
  4. Attend the mandatory counseling with the KIMEP University psychologist if poor academic performance is caused by behavioral problems rather than skills deficiency
Peer Tutoring Program

Program Description

KIMEP U Tutoring Program is a program designed for students who are seeking additional assistance to improve their academic performance. Tutors are available for most of the general education and program required courses. The Peer Tutoring Program primary targeting freshmen and first year students, students on Academic Probation and those at risk of academic failure.

  • Tutors are students who have been selected by the LSC and approved by faculty and completed a tutor training program conducted by the LSC. Tutors are trained to help students to understand the fundamental concepts, acquire problem solving, critical thinking, and research skills. However, the student is expected to put the effort to learn the course materials on their own, attend lectures, and make home assignments by deadline.
  • A tutor will not directly help students with course assignments, as this would violate the academic integrity.
  • Small group and drop-in by appointments tutoring are available at no additional cost to students. Some of the high demand and repeating courses may automatically be open to small groups.
  • Peer tutoring begins on the second week of classes and ends the last day of classes.

Faculty Involvement

The peer tutors work closely with faculty to ensure that tutoring meets academic standards and faculty expectations.

Students with “At Risk of Academic Failure” Status

According to Fridlander (1980) at-risk students are “Those students who because of poor academic preparation, language handicaps, or low motivation may have difficulty to succeed”

Early warning indicators

  1. Freshmen are flagged for early intervention if:

Admission stage:

  1. Overall UNT score is below 60;
  2. UNT mathematics score (for BCB, BPMA and BAE programs only) is below 10;
  3. KEPT score is below 50 (Undergraduate English Foundation courses Level C and B).


  1. fails to attend the Fall Orientation Program;
  2. fails to attend Orientation Workshops/Webinars.

First semester:

Students are flagged for early intervention if:

  1. have more than 2(Undergraduate English Foundation) or 3 (Academic English or/and Kazakh language) unexcused absences, demonstrate poor performance or/and skills deficiency during the first two weeks of classes;
  2. identified as “at risk” by faculty based on attendance, performance and/or skills deficiency two weeks before the midterm break;
  3. earn less than 50% of the first and second assessment scores.
  4. have one F and/or one W by the result of the first semester

First Year Students (less than 30 credits earned)are flagged for early intervention if:

  1. do not pass Foundation A course during the first year after admission;
  2. took less than 24 credits and have GPA bellow 2.10;
  3. have one F and/or one W by the result of the first semester
  4. identified as at risk by faculty two weeks before the first assessment.

III. Senior Students (over 30 credits earned) are flagged for early intervention if:

  1. GPA is below 2.10 at the end of the term;
  2. identified as at risk by faculty two weeks before the first assessment (midterm);
  3. have more than one F and/or more than one W in one semester.

Senior Students

We have an obligation to provide every student with the opportunity to get the maximum benefits possible from their KIMEP learning experience. A key objective of the LSC is to make continuous improvements in the quality of the KIMEP student learning experience. To achieve this ambition, our students need to be:
– challenged to achieve at their highest possible academic level; and
– supported if they fall behind, or are at risk of academic failure.

Student Learning Support and mentoring is a crucial determinant of the success of our students. We need to understand how best to provide this support. Learning Support Center gives guidance to students:
– who consider themselves to be in need of advice or/and tutoring;
– who wish to withdraw from, and transfer to another program;
– who are at risk of academic failure;
– who have special needs (such as physical disabilities or learning disorders); and
– who are high academic achievers.

If you have any questions concerning your studies, don’t hesitate to contact us.

+7 727 270 42 68
+7 727 270 43 10
+7 701 309 17 47
+7 701 309 16 24

Working hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday.

Academic Standing

Academic standing is a measure of the student’s academic achievement relative to his/her degree requirements, and determines his/her eligibility to precede in his/her academic plan and to qualify for graduation.

A student’s academic standing is determined in part by the Cumulative Overall Average (GPA). The GPA is calculated by dividing the number of grade points earned in courses that assign letter grades by the number of units attempted. Courses in which grades of I, W, and IP are assigned are not used in GPA calculation. Should we add more here?

Undergraduate Academic Standing
The four categories of undergraduate academic status are listed below:

1. Satisfactory Standing
Students are in satisfactory standing at the conclusion of any matriculated term in which they have both a cumulative total GPA and a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher.

2. At-Risk of Academic Failure
According to Fridlander (1980) at-risk students are “Those students who because of poor academic preparation, language handicaps, or low motivation may have difficulty to succeed”

Peer Tutoring Program

Program Description

 KIMEP U Tutoring Program is a program designed for students who are seeking additional assistance to improve their academic performance. Tutors are available for most of the courses. The Peer Tutoring Program primary targeting students on Academic Probation and those at risk of academic failure by offering carefully scheduled tutorial sessions for both introductory level courses and the most challenging upper-level courses. However, any KIMEP U student may register for the peer tutoring program.

  • Tutors are students who have been selected by SLSC and approved by faculty and completed a tutor training program conducted by the SLS. Tutors are trained to help students to understand the fundamental concepts, acquire problem solving, critical thinking, and research skills. However, the student is expected to put the effort to learn the course materials on their own, attend lectures, and make home assignments by deadline.
  • A tutor will not directly help students with course assignments, as this would violate the academic integrity.
  • Small group and drop-in by appointments tutoring are available at no additional cost to students. Some of the high demand and repeating courses may automatically be open to small groups.
  • Sessions are process-oriented, learner-centered, and require the active involvement of each student
  • In order to join the program, students should be currently registered for a course
  • Peer tutoring begins on the second week of classes and ends the last day of classes.

 Program Objectives

  • Teach students to help themselves, or to guide them to the point at which they can become successful and independent learners. A tutor is not responsible for teaching course material or completing course assignments. SLS tutors work with students on a continual basis, meeting weekly to review and reinforce course material.
  • Create synergy among students, faculty, and tutors in a collaborative academic environment where the student’s personal and academic growth and development is a priority. The Peer Tutoring Program is committed to working closely with the faculty in the academic departments in order to firmly ground tutoring as an extension of the classroom experience.

 Program Outcomes

Students learn how to process course material, sharpen their reasoning and questioning skills, and utilize available resources to become interdependent learners..

 Faculty Involvement

The Peer Tutoring Program works closely with faculty to ensure that tutoring meets academic standards and faculty expectations.


1. Academic Year

One academic year consists of 4 semesters:

  • Fall – 16 weeks (including 1 week break)
  • Spring – 16 weeks (including 1 week break)
  • Summer 1 – 6 weeks
  • Summer 2 – 6 weeks

To graduate a student on average takes 48 courses (146 academic credits). Students may choose classes, time and instructors.

2. Credit System

Credit is a number of contact academic (lecture) hours.

1 credit – 15 academic hours per semester, 1 hour a week

2 credits – 30 academic hours per semester, 2 hours a week

3 credits – 45 academic hours per semester, 3 hours a week

Transfer from one year of study to the next is based on the number of credits acquired.

  1. 0-30 –  1st year of study
  2. 31-68 – 2nd year of study
  3. 69-106 – 3rd year of study
  4. 107-146 – 4th year of study
3. Foundation – Intensive English Course

During admission to KIMEP University an applicant takes KIMEP English Proficiency Test (KEPT). The applicant scoring 80-100 at KEPT is released from taking Foundation courses.

The applicant scoring less than 80 points must take one to three Foundation courses:

A level – 51-79 points

B level – 30-50 points

C level – 0-29 points

4. Academic Load

On average a student takes 10-13 courses in one academic year.

Maximum possible number of courses taken during the first academic year (including two summer semesters) – 18.

5. Tuition

Cost per 1 credit (1 academic hour of classes/lectures a week) – 126,710 KZT

Cost for 2 credits (2 academic hours of classes/lectures a week) – 253,420 KZT

Cost for 3 credits (3 academic hours of classes/lectures a week) – 380,130 KZT



Course Number of credit/academic hours Cost
History of Kazakhstan or Kazakh language or Russian language 3 380,130 KZT
English Language 3 380,130 KZT
English Language 3 380,130 KZT
Computer Science 3 380,130 KZT
Elective general educational course from the category Art, society and culture 3 380,130 KZT
Major course 3 380,130 KZT
Physical Education or Cultural studies 2 253,420 KZT
Total 20 2,534,200 KZT


1/3 payment for courses 844,734 KZT
100% payment for courses 2,534,200 KZT
Student fees (each regular semester) 7,820 KZT
Mandatory medical check-up fee (once a year) 5,090 KZT
1/3 of payment 857,644 KZT
100% payment 2, 547,110 KZT


Course Number of credit/academic hours Cost
Undergraduate Foundation English, Level A,B,C 0 529,690 KZT
Modern History of Kazakhstan or Kazakh/Russian Language or Information and Communication Technologies (for A level only) 3 380,130 KZT
Physical Education 2 253,420 KZT
Total 5 1,163,240 KZT


1/3 payment for courses 387,747 KZT
100% payment for courses 1,163,240 KZT
Student fees (each semester) 7,820 KZT
Mandatory medical check-up fee (once a year) 5,090 KZT
1/3 of payment 400,657 KZT
100% payment 1,176,150 KZT

Library deposit in the amount of KZT 57,650 is paid separately from tuition. Payment designation – “For the Library”.

It is very important to make payments on time, since the late payment results in a fine. Please keep in mind that if the last payment was made after the deadline (2nd payment – September 20, 2024, 3rd payment – October 18, 2024), the system automatically withdraws a student from all registered courses and accrues the fine of KZT 29,950.  Student has the right to get reinstated for courses after 100% payment is made.

6. Payment Options

Payment can be made through a bank branch or mobile application:

Payment may take 2-5 days to process.

  • Bank CenterCredit JSC
  • Halyk Bank JSC
  • Kaspi Bank JSC (transactions may take 5 or more days to process)

The following is needed to make payment:

  • State identification document
  • Student’s full name and ID 2024XXXX
  • Payment designation: tuition or library

Since some time may be required to process a payment, it is advisable to make payments before the registration period starts.

Payment options

  • 1/3 of the total amount
  • 100% for the entire semester or academic year
  • 100% for 4 years of study; the amount is calculated based on the 2024-2025 AY pricelist and is fixed.
7. GPA – Grade Point Average

The main indicator of academic standing is the Grade Point Average (GPA), which is calculated based on the outcomes of each semester.

The highest GPA is 4,33 (А+). GPA of less than 2,00 means that a first-year student is at risk.

If a first-year student’s GPA is below 2.00 and the number of credits exceeds 24, such student is placed on academic probation. In this case, the student needs to improve their GPA within one academic year, otherwise, he/she will be expelled.

8. Grading System

KIMEP University exercises a letter-grading system:

Grade Points (GPA) Scale
А+      Highest grade 4.33 90 – 100
А        Excellent 4.00 85 – 89
А-       Very good 3.67 80 – 84
В+      Good 3.33 77 – 79
В        Good 3.00 73 – 76
В-       Good 2.67 70 – 72
С+      Satisfactory 2.33 67 – 69
С        Satisfactory 2.00 63 – 66
С-       Satisfactory 1.67 60 – 62
D+      Passing 1.33 57 – 59
D        Passing 1.00 53 – 56
D-       Passing 0.67 50 – 52
F         Failing 0.00 Less than 50

Grade for each course consists of three components:

  • 1st midterm/assessment – 30%;
  • 2nd midterm/assessment – 30%;
  • Final examination – 40%.

Total – 100%

9. Withdraw / Drop from the course

Those students who are registered for a course, but for some reason are not able to successfully pass an examination, can use “Withdraw / Drop from the course” option. In student’s transcript the course grade will be indicated as “W” and will not affect the GPA.

A student may drop a course before the examination period starts. Each student may drop a course no more than 10 times for the entire period of study. If a student drops a course, the refund is as follows:

  • Withdrawal from a course at the 2nd week – 80% refund
  • Withdrawal from a course at the 3rd week – 60% refund
  • Withdrawal from a course at the 4th week – 40% refund
  • Withdrawal from a course at the 5th week – 20% refund
  • Withdrawal from a course at the 6th week – 0% refund
10. Retakes

If a student received a low grade, he/she can retake that course.

If a student received an F grade for any required course, he/she needs to retake that course and pay full amount for retake!!!!!

11. Program Transfer

Transfer from one program to another is possible only during the registration period after the first semester is completed. To do this you need to fill out a request through the Student Portal –  -> Forms -> Transfer between program Request. Then the request is sent for consideration of a respective college dean.

12. Exchange Program

Student Exchange Program gives a unique opportunity to spend one semester or one academic year in a partner university abroad.

Besides exchange programs the International Office offers summer and winter schools in partner universities.

Main criteria for student selection: good academic standing and passing to the 2nd year of study.

If you have any questions, you may refer to the International Office.

1st entrance to the Residence Hall Building (ground floor).


Tel.: +7 727 237 48 00

13. KIMEP Medical Center

KIMEP University faculty pays great attention to student attendance. Attendance directly affects the final grade. If a student misses classes due to an illness, he/she needs to submit 037 Form to the KIMEP Medical Center no later than 2 weeks after the end date of sick leave. The KIMEP Medical Center will certify the student’s Form and will notify faculty.

Each year student must do chest x-ray and submit results to the KIMEP Medical Center (x-ray with description and conclusion of a radiologist certified by two stamps and two signatures). Otherwise, the registration for courses will be blocked.

Important! Students arriving from other cities of Kazakhstan and international students require a second reading of their x-ray image in one of Almaty Medical Centers.

14. Students with Special Needs

KIMEP University is committed to providing equal opportunities for students with special needs. To receive academic assistance such students need to submit all necessary documentation to the KIMEP Medical Center.

For more information, please, contact the KIMEP Medical Center:


Tel: +7 727 237 48 05

15. Military Department

The KIMEP University provides undergraduate students (citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan) an opportunity to study at the military department. Duration of studies is 1 or 2 years followed by a training at a military unit. In the event of successful completion of requirements, a student will be conferred the military rank of reserve sergeant or reserve officer in a relevant military specialty.

If you have any questions, please, contact Office of Student Affairs

Zhanna Baisalbekova, Student Affairs Coordinator


Tel: +7 727 237 47 80, Ext. 1083

Mobile: +7 701 327 58 39

16. Contacts

Dear Parents, if you have any questions, please refer to the Learning Support Center:




Tel: +7 727 270 42 68; +7 727 270 43 10 

Mobile: +7 701 309 17 47; +7 701 309 16 24