EBSCO Discovery Service
Electronic Resources Collection
CARD (Central Asia Research Database) (Accessible on the 3d floor, Reference room) | Link | |
Ebook Central (ProQuest) Any Internet connection | Link | |
EBSCOhost (Econlit, Business Source Complete, APA PsycArticles, HBS Select Case Studies) Any Internet connection | Link | |
Elsevier journals (Economics, Econometrics, Finance and Business, Management, Accounting collections) On-Campus Internet connection | Link | |
Emerald Any Internet connection | Link | |
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia Online On-Campus Internet connection. | Link | |
HeinOnline International Core On-Campus Internet connection | Link | |
JSTOR Any Internet connection | Link | |
JURIST VIP (Paragraph) Accessible on the 3d floor, Reference room. On-Campus Internet connection | Link | |
Nexis Uni On-Campus Internet connection | Link | |
Polpred.com Mass Media Review Any Internet connection | Link | |
ProQuest One Business Any Internet connection | Link | |
SAGE Any Internet connection | Link | |
Springer eJournals Any Internet connection, access to more than 2900 multidisciplinary e-journals | Link | |
Taylor & Francis eBooks On-Campus Internet connection, access to 94 e-books on different subjects | Link | |
Taylor & Francis eJournals Any Internet connection, access to more than 1400 e-journals on social science and humanities | Link | |
The Chronicle of Higher Education Any Internet connection | Link | |
Transitions Online Any Internet connection | Link | |
Web of Science Any Internet connection | Link | |
Wiley Online Library (journals) Any Internet connection | Link | |
Zakon (РЦПИ) Accessible on the 2nd floor, Electronic resources laboratory. On-Campus Internet connection | Link |
For distant access to electronic resources please contact slena@kimep.kz
Year of publication
Accounting Principles | Weygandt, J | 2016 | 16,500.00 | 4,125.00 |
Along these lines: writing paragraphs and essays : with writing from reading strategies | Biays, J | 2019 | 35,800.00 | 8,950.00 |
An introduction to political communication | McNair, B | 2018 | 14,027.00 | 3,506.80 |
Brand management : co-creating meaningful brands | Beverland, M | 2018 | 18,800.00 | 4,700.00 |
Business communication today | Bovee, C | 2021 | 41,000.00 | 10,250.00 |
Business model innovation : concepts, analysis, and cases | Afuah, A | 2018 | 38,492.00 | 9,623.00 |
Calculus for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences | Barnett, R | 2019 | 18,050.00 | 4,512.50 |
College mathematics for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences | Barnett, R | 2019 | 19,354.00 | 4,838.50 |
College mathematics for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences | Barnett, R | 2015 | 16,500.00 | 4,125.00 |
Contemporary management | Jones, G | 2022 | 25,700.00 | 6,875.00 |
Crafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage : concepts.. | Thompson, A | 2018 | 18,500.00 | 4,625.00 |
Critical language pedagogy: interrogating language, dialects, and power in teacher .. | Godley, A | 2018 | 28,500.00 | 7,125.00 |
Derivatives | Pirie, W | 2017 | 29,500.00 | 7,375.00 |
Economics of the public sector | Stiglitz, J | 2015 | 33,600.00 | 8,400.00 |
Essentials of economics | Sloman, J | 2019 | 21,168.00 | 5,292.00 |
Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management | Scarborough, N | 2019 | 47,900.00 | 11,975.00 |
Financial accounting | Warren, C | 2018 | 28,350.00 | 7,087.50 |
Financial accounting | Williams, J | 2021 | 35,100.00 | 8,775.00 |
Financial institutions management : a risk management approach | Saunders, A | 2018 | 18,500.00 | 4,625.00 |
Financial management : core concepts | Brooks, R | 2016 | 16,455.00 | 4,113.80 |
Financial management : theory and practice | Brigham, E | 2019 | 23,785.00 | 5,946.30 |
Forensic science : an introduction to scientific and investigative techniques | James, S | 2014 | 18,200.00 | 4,550.00 |
Fundamentals of futures and options markets | Hull, J | 2017 | 15,700.00 | 3,925.00 |
Halliday & Resnick principles of physics | Walker, J | 2014 | 22,952.00 | 5,738.00 |
Horngren’s cost accounting : a managerial emphasis | Datar, S | 2018 | 15,765.00 | 3,941.30 |
Human resource management | Dessler, G | 2020 | 19,800.00 | 4,950.00 |
International business : competing in the global marketplace | Hill, C | 2023 | 33,600.00 | 8,400.00 |
International financial management | Eun, Ch | 2021 | 33,500.00 | 8,375.00 |
Introducing interpreting studies | Pochhacker, | 2016 | 18,200.00 | 4,550.00 |
Introduction to hospitality | Walker, J | 2021 | 41,500.00 | 10,375.00 |
Introductory econometrics : a modern approach | Wooldridge, J | 2020 | 31,900.00 | 7,975.00 |
Investment analysis & portfolio managemen | Reilly, F | 2019 | 27,450.00 | 6,862.50 |
Language development in early childhood education | Otto, B | 2018 | 34,494.00 | 8,623.50 |
Lecture ready 2 : strategies for academic listening and speaking | Sarosy, P | 2017 | 10,100.00 | 2,525.00 |
Lecture ready 3: strategies for academic listening and speaking | Frazier, L | 2017 | 10,100.00 | 2,525.00 |
Lecture ready. strategies for academic listening and speaking 1 | Sarosy, P | 2017 | 10,100.00 | 2,525.00 |
Management information systems : managing the digital firm | Laudon, K | 2018 | 16,500.00 | 4,125.00 |
Managerial economics and strategy | Brander, J | 2019 | 18,100.00 | 4,525.00 |
Managing change | Burnes, B | 2017 | 16,455.00 | 4,113.80 |
Managing innovation : integrating technological, market and organizational change | Tidd, J | 2021 | 23,500.00 | 5,875.00 |
Mergers, acquisitions, and other restructuring activities:an integrated approach.. | DePamphilis, D | 2018 | 42,300.00 | 10,575.00 |
Modern management : concepts and skills | Certo, S | 2019 | 42,000.00 | 10,500.00 |
Personal finance | Kapoor, J | 2020 | 39,900.00 | 9,975.00 |
Principles of marketing | Kotler, Ph | 2018 | 17,900.00 | 4,475.00 |
Qualitative communication research methods | Lindlof, Th | 2019 | 43,900.00 | 10,975.00 |
Research methods for business : a skill-building approach | Sekaran, U | 2018 | 20,750.00 | 5,187.50 |
Research methods for business students | Saunders, M | 2019 | 41,000.00 | 10,250.00 |
Social entrepreneurship : managing the creation of social value | Beugre, C | 2017 | 32,992.00 | 8,248.00 |
Statistics : learning from data | Peck, R | 2019 | 36,800.00 | 9,200.00 |
Statistics for business and economics | McClave J | 2018 | 18,050.00 | 4,512.50 |
Strategic brand management : building, measuring, and managing brand equity | Keller, K | 2020 | 18,250.00 | 4,562.50 |
Understanding computers : today and tomorrow | Morley, D | 2017 | 33,700.00 | 8,425.00 |
# | Title | Type | Frequency | Publisher | Subscription |
Journals | |||||
1 | FORBES KAZAKHSTAN | Analytic | monthly | Almaty | 2020-present |
2 | EDUCATION QUALITY ASSURANCE | Analytic | quarterly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
3 | HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW Россия | Analytic | monthly | Russia | 2020-2022 |
4 | MANAGEMENT | Analytic | quarterly | Russia | 2020-present |
5 | PETROLEUM | Analytic | bimonthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
6 | АҚИҚАТ | Socio-political | monthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
7 | БАНКИ КАЗАХСТАНА | Analytic | monthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
8 | БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ДОГОВОРОВ РК | Government publication | bimonthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-2022 |
9 | ДӘСТҮР | Popular | bimonthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
11 | ЕВРАЗИЙСКОЕ СООБЩЕСТВО: | Popular | monthly | Russia | 2020-present |
12 | ЗАНГЕР ВЕСТНИК ПРАВА РК | Scholarly | monthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-2022 |
13 | ЗНАМЕНАТЕЛЬНЫЕ И ПАМЯТНЫЕ ДАТЫ | Popular | yearly | Kazakhstan | 2022-2023 |
14 | КАЗАХСКАЯ ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИЯ | Popular | quarterly | Kazakhstan | 2022 |
15 | КІТАП ЖӘНЕ КІТАПХАНА | Popular | quarterly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
16 | МИРОВАЯ ЭКОНОМИКА И МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ | Popular | monthly | Russia | 2020-present |
17 | МЫСЛЬ | Popular | monthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
18 | НАЛОГИ, ФИНАНСЫ И ПРАВО | Popular | bimonthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-2022 |
19 | НАУЧНЫЕ И ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ БИБЛИОТЕКИ | Trade | monthly | Russia | 2020-present |
20 | САЯСАТ-POLICY | Analytic | monthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
21 | СВОБОДНАЯ МЫСЛЬ | Popular | bimonthly | Russia | 2020-present |
22 | СОВРЕМЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ | Analytic | quarterly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
23 | СТАТИСТИКА, УЧЕТ, АУДИТ | Scholarly | quarterly | Kazakhstan | 2020-2022 |
24 | ТРАНЗИТНАЯ ЭКОНОМИКА | Scholarly | bimonthly | Russia | 2020-present |
25 | УНИВЕРСИТЕТСКАЯ КНИГА | Analytic | monthly | Russia | 2020-present |
26 | ҮКІМЕТ БЮЛЛЕТЕНІ – ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВЕННЫЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ | Government publication | bimonthly | Kazakhstan | 2020-2022 |
27 | ЭКОЛОГИЯ И ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТЬ КАЗАХСТАНА | Analytic | quarterly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
Newspapers | |||||
1 | EGEMEN QAZAGSTAN | Analytic | 5 times a week | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
2 | БІЛІМДІ ЕЛ-ОБРАЗОВАННАЯ СТРАНА | Analytic | weekly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
3 | ВЕЧЕРНИЙ АЛМАТЫ | Popular | 3 times a week | Almaty | 2020-present |
4 | ДЕЛОВАЯ НЕДЕЛЯ | Analytic | weekly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
5 | ДЕЛОВОЙ КАЗАХСТАН | Analytic | weekly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
6 | КАЗАХСТАНСКАЯ ПРАВДА | Analytic | 5 times a week | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
7 | КОМСОМОЛЬСКАЯ ПРАВДА В КАЗАХСТАНЕ | Analytic | weekly | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
8 | ЛИТЕР | Popular | 5 times a week | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
9 | ЮРИДИЧЕСКАЯ ГАЗЕТА | Analytic | 4 times a week | Kazakhstan | 2020-present |
10 | ALMATY AQSHAMY | Analytic | 3 times a week | Kazakhstan | 2023 |
11 | QAZAQSTAN DAUIRI (ZAMANY) | Analytic | weekly | Kazakhstan | 2023 |
Major Business Periodicals
Financial Times | ProQuest One Business |
Forbes | EBSCOHost Business Source Complete |
Fortune | EBSCOHost Business Source Complete |
Harvard Business Review | ProQuest One Business |
Wall Street Journal | EBSCOHost Business Source Complete |
President | https://www.akorda.kz/en |
Prime Minister | https://primeminister.kz |
Parliament | http://www.parlam.kz/en/ |
Websites of government bodies | https://www.gov.kz/?lang=en |
Electronic Government | https://egov.kz/cms/en |
Supreme Court | https://sud.gov.kz/eng |
Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan | https://assembly.kz/en/ |
“Kazinform” International news agency | https://www.inform.kz/en |
National Bank of Kazakhstan | https://www.nationalbank.kz/en |
Qazaqstan Halqyna fund | https://qazaqstanhalqyna.kz |
Samruk Kazyna fund | https://www.sk.kz/?lang=en |