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Electronic Resources Collection

CARD (Central Asia Research Database) (Accessible on the 3d floor, Reference room) Link
Ebook Central (ProQuest) Any Internet connection Link
Econlit, Business Source Complete (EBSCOhost) Any Internet connection Link
Emerald Any Internet connection Link
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia Online On-Campus Internet connection. Link
HeinOnline International Core On-Campus Internet connection Link
JSTOR Any Internet connection Link
JURIST VIP (Paragraph) Accessible on the 3d floor, Reference room. On-Campus Internet connection Link
Nexis Uni On-Campus Internet connection Link
Polpred.com Mass Media Review Any Internet connection Link
ProQuest One Business Any Internet connection Link
SAGE Any Internet connection Link
Scopus Any Internet connection Link
Taylor & Francis eBooks On-Campus Internet connection, access to 82 e-books on different subjects Link
Taylor & Francis eJournals Any Internet connection, access to more than 1400 e-journals on social science and humanities Link
The Chronicle of Higher Education Any Internet connection Link
Transitions Online Any Internet connection Link
Web of Science Any Internet connection Link
Wiley Online Library (journals) Any Internet connection Link
Zakon (РЦПИ) Accessible on the 2nd floor, Electronic resources laboratory. On-Campus Internet connection Link

For distant access to electronic resources please contact slena@kimep.kz





Year of publication






Accounting Principles Weygandt, J 2016 16,500.00 4,125.00
Along  these lines: writing paragraphs and essays : with writing from reading strategies Biays, J 2019 35,800.00 8,950.00
An introduction to political communication McNair, B 2018 14,027.00 3,506.80
Brand management : co-creating meaningful brands Beverland, M 2018 18,800.00 4,700.00
Business communication today Bovee, C 2021 41,000.00 10,250.00
Business model innovation : concepts, analysis, and cases Afuah, A 2018 38,492.00 9,623.00
Calculus for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences Barnett, R 2019 18,050.00 4,512.50
College mathematics for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences Barnett, R 2019 19,354.00 4,838.50
College mathematics for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences Barnett, R 2015 16,500.00 4,125.00
Contemporary management Jones, G 2022 25,700.00 6,875.00
Crafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage : concepts.. Thompson, A 2018 18,500.00 4,625.00
Critical language pedagogy: interrogating language, dialects, and power in teacher .. Godley, A 2018 28,500.00 7,125.00
Derivatives Pirie, W 2017 29,500.00 7,375.00
Economics of the public sector Stiglitz, J 2015 33,600.00 8,400.00
Essentials of economics Sloman, J 2019 21,168.00 5,292.00
Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management Scarborough, N 2019 47,900.00 11,975.00
Financial accounting Warren, C 2018 28,350.00 7,087.50
Financial accounting Williams, J 2021 35,100.00 8,775.00
Financial institutions management : a risk management approach Saunders, A 2018 18,500.00 4,625.00
Financial management : core concepts Brooks, R 2016 16,455.00 4,113.80
Financial management : theory and practice Brigham, E 2019 23,785.00 5,946.30
Forensic science : an introduction to scientific and investigative techniques James, S 2014 18,200.00 4,550.00
Fundamentals of futures and options markets Hull, J 2017 15,700.00 3,925.00
Halliday & Resnick principles of physics Walker, J 2014 22,952.00 5,738.00
Horngren’s cost accounting : a managerial emphasis Datar, S 2018 15,765.00 3,941.30
Human resource management Dessler, G 2020 19,800.00 4,950.00
International business : competing in the global marketplace Hill, C 2023 33,600.00 8,400.00
International financial management Eun, Ch 2021 33,500.00 8,375.00
Introducing interpreting studies Pochhacker, 2016 18,200.00 4,550.00
Introduction to hospitality Walker, J 2021 41,500.00 10,375.00
Introductory econometrics : a modern approach Wooldridge, J 2020 31,900.00 7,975.00
Investment analysis & portfolio managemen Reilly, F 2019 27,450.00 6,862.50
Language development in early childhood education Otto, B 2018 34,494.00 8,623.50
Lecture ready 2 : strategies for academic listening and speaking Sarosy, P 2017 10,100.00 2,525.00
Lecture ready 3: strategies for academic listening and speaking Frazier, L 2017 10,100.00 2,525.00
Lecture ready. strategies for academic listening and speaking 1 Sarosy, P 2017 10,100.00 2,525.00
Management information systems : managing the digital firm Laudon, K 2018 16,500.00 4,125.00
Managerial economics and strategy Brander, J 2019 18,100.00 4,525.00
Managing change Burnes, B 2017 16,455.00 4,113.80
Managing innovation : integrating technological, market and organizational change Tidd, J 2021 23,500.00 5,875.00
Mergers, acquisitions, and other restructuring activities:an integrated approach.. DePamphilis, D 2018 42,300.00 10,575.00
Modern management : concepts and skills Certo, S 2019 42,000.00 10,500.00
Personal finance Kapoor, J 2020 39,900.00 9,975.00
Principles of marketing Kotler, Ph 2018 17,900.00 4,475.00
Qualitative communication research methods Lindlof, Th 2019 43,900.00 10,975.00
Research methods for business : a skill-building approach Sekaran, U 2018 20,750.00 5,187.50
Research methods for business students Saunders, M 2019 41,000.00 10,250.00
Social entrepreneurship : managing the creation of social value Beugre, C 2017 32,992.00 8,248.00
Statistics : learning from data Peck, R 2019 36,800.00 9,200.00
Statistics for business and economics McClave J 2018 18,050.00 4,512.50
Strategic brand management : building, measuring, and managing brand equity Keller, K 2020 18,250.00 4,562.50
Understanding computers : today and tomorrow Morley, D 2017 33,700.00 8,425.00
# Title Type Frequency Publisher Subscription
1 FORBES KAZAKHSTAN Analytic monthly Almaty 2020-present
2 EDUCATION QUALITY ASSURANCE Analytic quarterly Kazakhstan 2020-present
3 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW Россия Analytic monthly Russia 2020-2022
4 MANAGEMENT Analytic quarterly Russia 2020-present
5 PETROLEUM Analytic bimonthly Kazakhstan 2020-present
6 АҚИҚАТ Socio-political monthly Kazakhstan 2020-present
7 БАНКИ КАЗАХСТАНА Analytic monthly Kazakhstan 2020-present
8 БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ДОГОВОРОВ РК Government publication bimonthly Kazakhstan 2020-2022
9 ДӘСТҮР Popular bimonthly Kazakhstan 2020-present
11 ЕВРАЗИЙСКОЕ СООБЩЕСТВО: Popular monthly Russia 2020-present
12 ЗАНГЕР ВЕСТНИК ПРАВА РК Scholarly monthly Kazakhstan 2020-2022
13 ЗНАМЕНАТЕЛЬНЫЕ И ПАМЯТНЫЕ ДАТЫ Popular yearly Kazakhstan 2022-2023
14 КАЗАХСКАЯ ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИЯ Popular quarterly Kazakhstan 2022
15 КІТАП ЖӘНЕ КІТАПХАНА Popular quarterly Kazakhstan 2020-present
16 МИРОВАЯ ЭКОНОМИКА И МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ Popular monthly Russia 2020-present
17 МЫСЛЬ Popular monthly Kazakhstan 2020-present
18 НАЛОГИ, ФИНАНСЫ И ПРАВО Popular bimonthly Kazakhstan 2020-2022
19 НАУЧНЫЕ И ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ БИБЛИОТЕКИ Trade monthly Russia 2020-present
20 САЯСАТ-POLICY Analytic monthly Kazakhstan 2020-present
21 СВОБОДНАЯ МЫСЛЬ Popular bimonthly Russia 2020-present
22 СОВРЕМЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ Analytic quarterly Kazakhstan 2020-present
23 СТАТИСТИКА, УЧЕТ, АУДИТ Scholarly quarterly Kazakhstan 2020-2022
24 ТРАНЗИТНАЯ ЭКОНОМИКА Scholarly bimonthly Russia 2020-present
25 УНИВЕРСИТЕТСКАЯ КНИГА Analytic monthly Russia 2020-present
26 ҮКІМЕТ БЮЛЛЕТЕНІ – ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВЕННЫЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ Government publication bimonthly Kazakhstan 2020-2022
27 ЭКОЛОГИЯ И ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТЬ КАЗАХСТАНА Analytic quarterly Kazakhstan 2020-present
1 EGEMEN QAZAGSTAN Analytic 5 times a week Kazakhstan 2020-present
2 БІЛІМДІ ЕЛ-ОБРАЗОВАННАЯ СТРАНА Analytic weekly Kazakhstan 2020-present
3 ВЕЧЕРНИЙ АЛМАТЫ Popular 3 times a week Almaty 2020-present
4 ДЕЛОВАЯ НЕДЕЛЯ Analytic weekly Kazakhstan 2020-present
5 ДЕЛОВОЙ КАЗАХСТАН Analytic weekly Kazakhstan 2020-present
6 КАЗАХСТАНСКАЯ ПРАВДА Analytic 5 times a week Kazakhstan 2020-present
7 КОМСОМОЛЬСКАЯ ПРАВДА В КАЗАХСТАНЕ Analytic weekly Kazakhstan 2020-present
8 ЛИТЕР Popular 5 times a week Kazakhstan 2020-present
9 ЮРИДИЧЕСКАЯ ГАЗЕТА Analytic 4 times a week Kazakhstan 2020-present
10 ALMATY AQSHAMY Analytic 3 times a week Kazakhstan 2023
11 QAZAQSTAN DAUIRI (ZAMANY) Analytic weekly Kazakhstan 2023

Major Business Periodicals

Financial Times  ProQuest One Business
Forbes EBSCOHost Business Source Complete
Fortune EBSCOHost Business Source Complete
Harvard Business Review ProQuest One Business
Wall Street Journal EBSCOHost Business Source Complete


President https://www.akorda.kz/en
Prime Minister https://primeminister.kz
Parliament http://www.parlam.kz/en/
Websites of government bodies https://www.gov.kz/?lang=en
Electronic Government https://egov.kz/cms/en
Supreme Court https://sud.gov.kz/eng
Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan https://assembly.kz/en/
“Kazinform” International news agency https://www.inform.kz/en
National Bank of Kazakhstan https://www.nationalbank.kz/en
Qazaqstan Halqyna fund https://qazaqstanhalqyna.kz
Samruk Kazyna fund https://www.sk.kz/?lang=en