The mission of the Sports Center is to provide a wide range of sports activities, recreation, fitness, sports events, and wellness opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We strive to enhance a healthy lifestyle and well-being on KIMEP campus in a safe and welcoming environment. Students at KIMEP benefit from a fully equipped sports complex located on campus, including gyms for aerobics, cardio, free weights, and a universal hall. The facilities at the Sport Complex Building include several showers and lockers, which are accessible to all members of the KIMEP Community free of charge. Additionally, there is a summer football field located nearby. Students can challenge themselves in the “Workout zone” or enjoy some casual games in the “Street ball” zone. The intramural sports program is open to all regularly enrolled students. KIMEP sport teams participate in local, regional, and international competitions across various sports and can also play in several internal leagues. KIMEP University is unique for being the home of the first American football team created in Kazakhstan – the Titans.

Starting from 2014, KIMEP University has been offering a 2-credit course to its students called “Physical Education”. These courses include disciplines such as pilates, fitness, cardio, basketball, volleyball, mini football, ping-pong, and chess. At the end of the bachelor’s program, students receive 4 credits for completing 2 courses of Physical Education.

Our contacts
Tel: + 7 727 270 44 42
Assistance center
Yergazy Orazaliyev, Director of Sport Center
Dana Tursunova, Coordinator of Sport Center

Provision on Sport Center

1. General Provision
1. The Sports Center is a structural subdivision of the JSC KIMEP University.
2. Students, alumni, faculty, and staff visit sport facilities and recreational activities free of charge.
3. The activity of the Sports Center is carried out according to the approved plan.

2. Main mission and objectives
The main objective of the Sports Center is to strengthen the physical health of KIMEP students, as an obligatory condition for the successful mastering of the basic educational program, as well as for faculty and staff.

The purpose of the sports center:
• Realization of the Address of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan- “Kazakhstan-2030”
• Realization of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Physical Culture and Sport”
• Distraction of student youth from the harmful influence of bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drug addiction;
• Wide use of physical culture and sports in promoting healthy lifestyles among students;
• Popularization of national and popular sport activities;
• Engaging students in regular physical trainings and sports.

3. Functions of the Sports Center
• Provides health services to students, faculty and staff of KIMEP in the form of sports sections and health-improving classes in mini-football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, yoga and a variety of fitness programs;

Provision of sport teams activities at Sport Center is attached.

• Engages in teaching and coaching activities and providing health services highly qualified specialists;

• Provides medical monitoring of the health status of attendees;

• Promotes a healthy lifestyle through the involvement of youth in sports sections and wellness groups;

In the sports center, such sports as basketball, volleyball, football, American football, table tennis are cultivated, as well as dancing, yoga, chess, aerobics, pilates, cardio and fitness programs.
Since 2014, the Sports Center offers students an academic 2 credit course on Physical Education in the following disciplines: aerobics, cardio, fitness, basketball, volleyball, mini football, yoga and pilates. The curriculum for Physical Education at the University of KIMEP provides an independent choice for students on sports (from the list proposed by the Sports Center).
Since spring of 2016, students whose group of health does not imply physical activities (students with special needs) in Physical Education classes, are offered a chess class.
Since Fall 2016 semester, a dance course is introduced, which is a part of the curriculum for Physical Education.
At the first visit to the Sports Center, the visitor gets acquainted with the rules of the Sports Center, and also an individual schedule is drawn up with each student, which is entered to the database. Each student can compose an individual schedule independently through online tools.
Student Portal – Campus Life- Sport Activities-my sport activities
Check out the following link in order to get familiar with the rules of the Sport Center.

4. Organizational structure
1. The structure and staff of the Sports Center is approved by the President of JSC KIMEP University;
2. The Director of Sports Center carries out the management of the current activities of the Sports Center and reports to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs;
3. The organizational structure includes the Director of the SC, the coordinator, the medical nurse, the assistant and sport instructors.

5. Characteristics of the Sports Center
There are 4 halls in the Sports Center:
* Universal Hall – 330 sq.m;
* Cardio gym – 80 sq.m
* Free weights gym – 80 sq.m;
* Aerobics gym – 40 sq.m.
– Football Field – 1056 sq.m.
– Workout area – 210 sq.m.
– Streetball playground – 63 sq.m.
The Sports Center is equipped with new generation simulators, DVD players and music centers.
Also in the Sports Center there are locker rooms and showers (male and female).
The Sports Center is located on the territory of KIMEP, which is very convenient for out-of-town students who first came to Almaty.
For the safety of students in the Sports Center, video surveillance is installed.
The Sports Center has general rules and schedule for each gym.

6. Control and recording of economic and municipal issues
To monitor and record the economic and communal issues in the Sports Center, the requisition logs are introduced:
– for plumbers
– for electricians
– for the carpenter
– for telephonists
– for the disinfector
The following is registered in the journal: the date, the place, the reason of the request, the time of execution and the signature of the performer and are decided directly with the heads of the respective divisions.

7. Registration of visitors to the Sports Center
To record attendance at the Sports Center there is a logbook, which records information about the time, date and location of the student. Also there is a magazine where information is displayed about the passage of medical examination and familiarization with the rules of the Sports Center.

8. Organization and control of fire safety rules
The employees of the Sports Center are instructed on the Fire Safety Rules.

9. The organization of competitions and carrying out of Physical Education and mass events
Organization and conduct of competitions and Physical Education mass events aimed at fostering the conscious need for a healthy lifestyle.
Regularly every week there are trainings in volleyball, mini-football, basketball, table tennis and arm-wrestling in the Sport Centre. Working closely with the sports committees of the cities of Astana and Almaty, the staff of the KIMEP Sports Center organizes sports events on the territory of the University and provides universal assistance to students and sport teams of the KIMEP University participating in city, republican and international competitions in various sports.
These events are also conducted with the aim of preventing crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, HIV infections, with the aim of developing interpersonal communication skills among students, developing civic education, patriotism, love of the homeland, and respect for the state symbols of Kazakhstan.

10. Work with the regional departments of Physical Education
As part of sport activities, the Sports Center has established professional interaction with the regional departments of physical culture and sports and actively participates in their work on the coordination of the schedules of competitions and sport events for the city committee for physical culture and administration of Medeu district of Almaty. We closely cooperate with sports committees of Almaty and Astana.
The approved and agreed schedule of the competitions and physical culture events is attached.

11. Drawing up and monitoring the budget of the Sports Center
To compile the budget of the Sports Center, an analysis of the equipment of gyms is made (simulators, sports equipment, equipment, electrical appliances); needs for office supplies. The budget is provided in the form of a table developed by the Department of Finance and Accounting of KIMEP and, according to the established limit for expenses for the Sports Center, the budget table is filled.
The control of the expenditure of budgetary funds is recorded in the accounting and financial department, as well as directly at the Director of the Sports Center.

12. Planning and organization of current and major repairs of the premises of the Sports Center
Aiming at making a plan for carrying out repairs, a visual analysis of the condition of gyms and a football field, as well as the entire Sports Center in general, is carried out jointly with the Director of Support Service Division and the Engineer. Looking at the degree of wear condition of the wall surface, ceilings, facing tiles and sanitary equipment, a plan of necessary repair work of sports halls and sanitary units is made up.
The information on the analysis of the condition of the premises of the Sports Center is sent to Support Service Division of KIMEP.
The financial costs for capital and current repairs are laid in the budget of Support Service Division of KIMEP.

Provision on Sport Teams


In addition to the general provision, each sport team may determine additional membership rules. However, the membership requirements must be free from discrimination based on race, sex, religion, ethnic group. All students attending the University are eligible for membership in a sport sections. In addition, current faculty, staff and alumni of the University are also eligible to join sport sections. All Sport Team members must sign a membership form annually to be an active member of a recognized sport team.

  KIMEP  Sport Sections

Football (male) – maximum 20 students

Football (female) – maximum 20 students

American football (male) – maximum 25 students

Basketball (male) – maximum 15 students

Basketball (female) – maximum 15 students

Volleyball (male) – maximum 15 students

Volleyball (female) – maximum 15 students

Table Tennis (mixed) – maximum 12 students

Chess (mixed) – maximum 12 students

Arm-wrestling (mixed) – maximum 12 students

I. Mission and Aims

Sporting Teams exist to promote character traits of high value to personal development and success in later life, embrace the discipline needed to reach high standards; learn to work with others as a team in pursuit of a common goal; and adherence to codes of fairness and respect

Sporting sections have aims: 

  • To raise awareness and understanding of the needs of students within the sports and health sector, in order to change attitudes and increase participation in sport and physical activity
  • To empower individuals and communities to play a part in this change, and achieve their full potential through playing sport and being active

  The main tasks of sport section are:

  • participation in university-wide, urban, and international sports events;
  • attraction of students to sports;
  • popularization of sport games among students;
  • the formation of students’ perceptions of the role of physical culture and sport in the development of personality and a healthy lifestyle;

II. Organization of work

  1. Classes are in sport sections on mini-football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, American football, chess, arm-wrestling are run in the form of training sessions in accordance with the timetable approved by the Director of the KIMEP U Sports Center.
  2. Any full time student, faculty member, staff, and alumni of the University is eligible to be a sport team member.
  3. Classes are carried by the professional trainer or experienced athletes.
  4. Sport team related expenses may be covered by the Sport Center or KSA budget, donations from the sponsors, or team members.

III. Sport Team Selection Process

Eligibility criteria

General to all candidates:

  1. Full time KIMEP students, faculty, staff members, and alumni
  2. Health condition (health certificate)
  3. Approval of the Director of the Sport Center and EDSA

For employees:

  1. permission of the supervisor

For students only:

  1. GPA of 2,7 and above

For Alumni:

  1. Liability waiver form

The following, will give a competitive advantage to the candidates:

  1. Sport achievements including professional degrees in relative field
  2. Membership in the professional sport team or association

Selection Process

The Selection Process is a multi-step process. The descriptions below are meant to help applicants   understand each phase and their role in the process.

Selection process

  • Fill and submit application form
  • Pass the selection test
  • Go through the interview by the selection committee
  • Approval of selected candidates by Director of Sports Center
  • Selection to the main team or reserve team


  1. Application
    The first stage of the selection process is filling out the application form and collect all needed documents listed below:


  1. a) Application form and CV
  2. b) Motivation Letter
  3. c) Transcript


  1. d) Reference letter from faculty, staff member, or experienced member of the sport team
  2. e) Copies of certificates of achievements

All interested candidates must fill in and submit application form by the designated due date

  1. Test

The applicants have to pass selection tests for each activity in order to join the sport sections. The sport sections offered at KIMEP are Football, American football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, chess and arm-wrestling. The Sporting Teams encourage competing at the highest level possible in their respective sports, but each team provides an opportunity for players of all ages and capabilities to enjoy their sport.

  1. Interviews
    After the Selection Committee reviews the candidates applications and checks if they meet the criteria a group of candidates are passed on to the interview phase of the selection process. During the interview they meet the members of the selection committee to discuss their interest in the position.

All candidates are expected to demonstrate maturity, responsibility, and patience, aptitude for conflict resolution, creative thinking, enthusiasm and commitment.

The committee makes a decision and letters are sent to all applicants indicating if they are being offered a membership during 3 working days after the interview.

IV. Participation in international or any other tournament out of Almaty

If any KIMEP team is going to participate in international or any other tournament out of Almaty the Sport Center administration should prepare and submit the following documents to SA office:

  • Order is issued by PGDP or VPAA based on Sport Center’s recommendation (with list of students who will participate in)
  • Rules of behavior (signed by students)
  • Form with student and parent’ contacts (emergency contact info: name, email, phone number) signed by student
  • Liability waiver form signed by student
  • Detailed Budget
  • Sport section members who are under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian sign notarized form before they become eligible to participate in a sport activity abroad or out of Almaty. This form must be signed and submitted to the Director of Sports Center.

KIMEP Sports Center Rules

I.General Rules

The rules are introduced to provide safe, effective, and comfortable environment for exercises at the sports center

1.1 Visitors are expected to follow the rules, including separate instruction for exercising in a gym, practicing aerobics, using cardio simulators room, universal hall and other facilities of sport center

1.2 Visitors are welcome to share their vision of new rules and regulations to be introduced

1.3 Visitors may have a limited access to some of the sport facilities in case of University events

II.Registration Rules

2.1   Visitors are expected to become familiar with the Sport Center Rules, before registration for sport facilities

2.2 Visitors are expected to create their own schedule of training sessions by approaching the center staff of do it independently through the website by filling and submitting the online form. (Student Portal – Campus Life- Sport Activities-my sport activities)

2.3 Visitors are expected to present KIMEP ID card in order to have an access to the Sport Center

2.4 Visitors are expected to register in the journal and leave the ID card with the receptionist for the time of training session

2.5 Visitors are expected not to exceed the allocated hours and days per week (3 times per week, 90 minutes each) of the training sessions

2.6 PE student is not allowed to join the class, if he/she is late for more than 10 minutes

2.7 Visitor’s schedule is automatically canceled, if he/she misses more than one month of training sessions (without reasonable explanation)

III. Health and hygiene rules

3.1 All students are obliged to pass annual checkup at the KIMEP Medical Center and if pass successfully, may register for extracurricular training sessions. Alumni, master students, faculty, and staff are required to pass checkup at the Sports Medicine Center, submit health certificate to the KIMEP Medical Center for verification and receive permission to use sport facilities. Visitors are required to pass checkup at least once a year

3.2 Visitors should begin with a moderate load with gradual increase while using cardio simulators. The load must be controlled by measuring the heart rate and corrected in accordance with instructor’s recommendations

3.3 Visitors should stop exercising immediately and consult with an instructor if feeling unwell or faint

3.4 Visitors are expected to use their own workout towel during training sessions on all simulators and clean up the equipment and benches after each use

3.5 Visitors should ensure that open areas of body do not contact with synthetic turf of equipment. It is advisable to wear t-shirts and sweaters with long sleeves

3.6 Visitors are expected to have an appropriate sportswear to visit an aerobics. Clothing should be light, comfortable, and allow air; shoes should have absorbing sole, arch support and hard back (for aerobics)

IV.   Behaviour Policy and Recommendations

4.1 Visitors must wear trainers/sneakers/running shoes with a light-coloured sole when entering the workout areas; these shoes must not have previously been used outdoors

4.2 Visitors must wear clean, suitable sports clothing while using the facilities (long hair must be tied up) for her/his personal safety and to minimize wear and tear of the facilities

Athletic attire is required.

  • Shirt must cover torso.
  • Athletic shorts or pants — no jeans.
  • Athletic shoes — No sandals.

4.3 Visitors should avoid the use of heavy perfume or cologne

4.4 Visitors should be respectful and courteous to other gym users

4.5 Visitors have no right to interfere by incorrect comments and guidance in training process

4.6 Visitors should report immediately to Sports Center staff at the reception desk, if there are any injuries, accidents, or equipment failure

4.7 Visitors must return sport equipment (grips, weight plates, dumb-bells, handles, suspension belts, etc.) to specially designated areas in good condition after use

4.8 Visitors are obliged to keep the facilities clean and to throw any litter into the bins provided for this purpose, turn off the water and light in the shower rooms

4.9 Visitors will be charged a fee for damaged or lost equipment. Fees will be determined based on fair market value/replacement cost of the item

4.10 Visitors should give found items to the receptionist in the Sports Centre with the least possible delay

V. Prohibited

For health and safety reasons, and to help all our visitors enjoy their visit, Visitor is not permitted:

5.1 To coach or instruct any activity for your own responsibility unless agreed in advance with the sport center staff

5.2 To perform exercises with maximum weights without instructor

5.3 To use dumb-bells with weight plates without fixing locks

5.4 To move and combine simulators

5.5 To exercise barefoot and/or with uncovered body

5.6 To regulate air conditioner, music equipment and others on your own without agreement with administration of the Center

5.7 To visit the Center in alcoholic and drug intoxication

5.8 To smoke, spit, litter and soil walls

5.9 To bring in any food or drink or any dangerous or offensive substance. Only water bottles with lids

5.10 To use rude, inappropriate, and disrespectful language. Such behavior is not tolerated and will result in facility suspension

5.11 To take photographs or film, or arrange for the filming or broadcasting, of any activity or performance in the Sports Center without preliminary agreement with administration of the Center

5.12 To bring with you animals; vehicles (bicycles, baby carriages, scooters, etc.), as well as large items

VI. Safety rules:

The Center is not responsible for non-compliance with safety rules and its consequences.

6.1 Visitors must use all equipment appropriately having regard to the health and safety of his/hers and others

6.2 Visitors should ask sport center staff member for assistance, if he/she is unfamiliar with the use of any equipment. For visitors’ convenience, all instructions are available on each simulator

6.3 Visitors should put away all his/her personal belongings (jewelries) in order to avoid injuries

6.4 Visitors should not use a mobile phone while participating in any sport activity

VII. Working hours of the Center:

KIMEP Sport Center works:

Monday-Friday from 7 am till 9 pm
Saturday from 7 am till 8 pm

Sunday is day off.

* Training at the Center must be completed 20 minutes before closing time and leave the Center no later than the time of closure of the Center.
* No access 40 minutes before the Center is closing.
* The Center can change its working hours during season and in case of technical or other necessity, as well as circumstances beyond the control of the Center’s administration.

Wish you good health and best results!

Thank you for observance of the Rules! See you at trainings!

General schedule, SU1/2021

Sport Complex

Course Title Class_Times Days Instructor
Cardio 1 08:00-09:40 MTThF Gulnur Rakhmetova
Cardio 2 14:00-15:40 MTThF Gulnur Rakhmetova
Cardio 3 16:00-17:40 MTThF Gulnur Rakhmetova
Fitness 1 08:00-09:40 MTThF Natalya Pereverzeva
Fitness 2 14:00-15:40 MTThF Natalya Pereverzeva
Fitness 3 16:00-17:40 MTThF Natalya Pereverzeva
Pilates 1 08:00-09:40 MTThF Marina Golubnichenko
Pilates 2 10:00-11:40 MTThF Marina Golubnichenko
Pilates 3 12:00-13:40 MTThF Marina Golubnichenko
Pilates 5 14:00-15:40 MTThF Irina Ryazanova
Pilates 6 16:00-17:40 MTThF Irina Ryazanova
Chess 1 10:00-11:40 MTWTh Tsyganov Ivan
Chess 2 12:00-13:40 MTWTh Tsyganov Ivan
Chess 3 14:00-15:40 MTWTh Tsyganov Ivan

Sport Center Schedule







Sport Team Training Schedule


Semester Event Data Location
Fall 2024  
Mini-football competition among KIMEP student September 14, 2024 On campus
Almaty Marathon 2024 September 29, 2024 Almaty city
President’s Ping-Pong Cup 2024 October 5, 26, 2024 On campus
Special Olympics Games November 9, 30, 2024 On campus
International mini-football competition in Europe November, 2024 Europe
Spring 2025


Volleyball tournament among KIMEP students February 8, 2025 On campus
KIMEP Spring Chess Tournament 2024 March  2025 On campus
Basketball competition among KIMEP students March  2025 On campus
American Football match, Bishkek “AUSA”- Almaty “KIMEP” April, 2025


Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan