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International Students Day Fall 2016

On November 17, 2016, as part of celebrating the 25th anniversary of KIMEP University, Department of International Academic Mobility with a support of KISA (KIMEP International Students Association) student organization, was proud to hold an International Students Day. The event hosted representatives of 20 different countries, including Egypt, Afghanistan, South Korea, Russia, China, Norway, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, France, USA, Italy, Slovenia, Japan, Nigeria and Turkey.

Guests invited to the festival included consuls of different countries, members of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, as well as students and representatives of universities of the country. Within the concert program, in addition to the famous orchestra named after Kurmangazy, there was a bright performance of Korean “NamSon” group, and “Magari” Caucasus dance ensemble presented a lively lezginka dance. Also the guests saw performances of students from China, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Uzbekistan and from other countries.

For several weeks the students were busy with preparing presentations, designing stands and posters and cooking national dishes for the feast. As a result the guests enjoyed the savory taste of ethnic meals and the colorful diversity of cultures, traditions and dresses. Thus, because of our event everybody got an opportunity to “visit” 20 different countries in one day.

Students competed in such nominations as “The Best Poster”, “The Best Dish” and “The Best Presentation”. Finally, the phenomenon of international friendship was recognized as the ultimate winner!

Video materials about the event, prepared by Marketing, Communications and PR Department of KIMEP University, as well as by KISA, are available at our web-site.