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Welcome party Fall 2016

Each semester KIMEP University hosts international students from different parts of the world. Some of them only come for a semester, others – for a full academic year program. To welcome all of them, KIMEP International Student Association and Department of International Academic Mobility (DIAM) organized a program of concert and entertainment, such as games, karaoke, etc.

The event started from the welcoming speech of Dr. David Landis – the Vice President of Academic Affairs, and of Elmira Suleimanova – the Director of DIAM. This was followed by Kazakh national dance show and playing national instruments as an introductory part of the concert. Students from such organizations as “Amanat”, “Art Revolution” and “KADA” prepared various kinds of performances to welcome all international students and new international faculty members. This time international students also prepared a parade of flags as a greeting to the whole KIMEP community and sang a song of famous singer Justine Timberlake.

Guests from consulate, administration and all students were invited to take part in the event. After the concert everybody was invited to the reception and entertainment part in the Fun Club, where all guests had a chance to try the traditional ethnic food and snacks.

Students from KISA (KIMEP International Students Association) showed interesting games and gave the traditional-style presents to the most active participants of the show. The party ended with karaoke entertainment, featuring the songs of all nations present, such as Italian, Korean, Tajik, American, Russian and many others.