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Welcome Party for International Students (Spring 2017)

The beginning of the year is always a wonderful time for the Department of International Academic Mobility (DIAM) of KIMEP University. The main reason is that annually KIMEP University warmly greets its international students. This year was no exception, so on January 20 DIAM, in line with its traditions, together with Buddy International Students (BIS) Team and KIMEP Library hosted a great welcome party. The event featured a presentation about Kazakhstan, the national cuisine, a beautiful “dombra” (national instrument) performance and a skit of the Kazakh fiancée tradition called “Betashar” by the BIS Team.

Elmira Suleimanova, the Director of DIAM, in her welcoming speech mentioned that KIMEP University hosts representatives of more than 30 countries.

BIS team prepared an interesting game called “3 minutes only” where teams of students had only 3 minutes to present funny topics such as seals, toilet paper, and chocolate. Keeping the audience engaged and creating a warm atmosphere of enjoyment was the main purpose of the performance, and this was truly accomplished.

Afterwards, as a tradition, everyone came together to take memorable pictures, taste Kazakh national cuisine and snacks, network and enjoy a friendly atmosphere all around.