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Farewell Party for International Students Fall 2016

Farewell Party for International Students Fall 2016

Another semester is coming to an end. On December 8, 2016 the Department of International Academic Mobility (DIAM) of KIMEP University held the award ceremony for international students. We’ve shown a video of the most interesting moments of the semester and farewell wishes. During the event the Director of the Department Mrs. Elmira Suleimanova, as well as department employees Aizhan Akhmetova and Sholpan Orazaliyeva congratulated student Yohan Shin from South Korea, who participated in “Mr. KIMEP” contest.

Students thanked DIAM and their fellow students for care and warm welcome. Zhanna Imel, who arrived from the United States said, “I really enjoyed the special atmosphere created by the department. Employees immediately embraced us as equal partners, and did everything possible to make friends with us. I was particularly pleased with a friendly attitude towards all international students, and vigor and enthusiasm of DIAM team during their events. My university does not have such an active and fun office”.

Jang Yong, student from South Korea, shared his experience as well, “Compared to my previous exchange programs KIMEP University offered me the best experience. Here I feel admired and greatly cared. My stay in Almaty was memorable largely thanks to DIAM team. I learned a lot about Kazakhstan and was greatly pleased with the exchange program.”

The event was hosted at the University library, and Universal Catering (KIMEP Grill) prepared treats for the guests.

To all international students finishing up their studies with us this semester, we would like to wish success and good luck in all their future endeavors.Farewell Party for International Students Fall 2016