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International Students Day (Fall 2017)

As is well known, International Students’ Day is celebrated worldwide on November 17. The history of this celebration dates back to the Second World War. It is dedicated to the memory of students who dared to stand up for their rights and freedoms in the Nazi-occupied Prague in 1939. A little later in 1942 at the International Student Meeting in London it was decided to establish November 17 as the day of international solidarity of students in memory of the Prague events of 1939. This year students are celebrating for the 75th time. In peacetime this celebration brings about a unifying cultural charge and allows students of all countries to unite and recognize their solidarity.

The Department of International Academic Mobility of KIMEP University (DIAM) organizes various cultural events that cultivate international spirit of KIMEP community in order to unify students from different countries and nations. Every year on November 17 DIAM gathers university community and guests to show solidarity with students around the world in a festive atmosphere.

So this year, following the tradition, DIAM and BIS Student Organization (Buddy International Students) presented a wonderful concert in the Great Hall. During his welcome Provost and General Deputy to the President, Dr. Timothy Barnett, emphasized the importance of intercultural dialogue throughout the world despite any political differences. In his opinion, student community is one of the driving forces of this process.

The concert was a bright series of performances by professional musicians and dancers alternated by performances from KIMEP talented students. The audience enthusiastically accepted musicians from Kurmangazy Orchestra, who played the “Music of the Kazakh Steppes” and a medley of favorite melodies, Kazakh, Uzbek and Uighur dances from the Tansu ballet group, as well as fervent Caucasian dance lezginka from the Magary ensemble and a dance with daggers. Members of student creative organizations, including KADA, and representatives of large Tajik Diaspora were especially passionate in their dancing that included dances of Pamir people, traditional Tajik dances and modern comic dances.

It has become a custom University hosted representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations, in particular, from Hungary, Egypt and Kyrgyzstan, as well as international exchange students and guests from other universities of Almaty. It was another unique opportunity for international guests to get more acquainted with the culture of Kazakhstan and the nations of our region.