
Chan Young Bang, PhD


  • A Korean Peninsula Free of Nuclear Weapons: Perspectives on Socioeconomic Development (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)
  • 북한의 비핵화를 위한 전략적 구성과 정책방안, 유월애출판, 2017.
    Strategies and Policies for Denuclearization of North Korea (Seoul, Korea: Yuwolae Press, 2017).
  • 김정은 위원장의 위대한 도전, 유월애출판, 2017.
    Bold and Audacious Challenge for Chairman Kim (Seoul, Korea: Yuwolae Press, 2017).
  • 북한의 비핵화와 시장지향적 개혁, 개방을 통한 동태적 경제발전, 유월애출판, 2017.
    Denuclearization of North Korea and Economic Modernization through Market-Oriented Reform and Opening (Seoul, Korea: Yuwolae Press, 2017).
  • 북한, 비핵화와 시장지향적 개혁·개방을 통한 동태적 경제발전: 어떻게 하면 문재인 대통령이 북한의 비핵화를 평화적으로 달성하고 남북한 공동의 동태적 경제발전을 이룩할 수 있을까?, 노드미디어사, 2017.
    North Korean Denuclearization and Economic Modernization through Market-Oriented Reform and Opening: A Proposal to President Moon Jae-In for Peaceful Denuclearization of North Korea and Reciprocal Economic Prosperity in the Korean Peninsula (Seoul, Korea: Node Media, 2017).
  • 북조선의 개혁, 개방을 위한 합리적 대북정책의 모색, 박영사, 1996.
    The Search for Rational Policy toward North Korea (Seoul, Korea: Pakyoungsa, 1996).
  • 기로에 선 조선민주주의인민공화국, 박영사, 1995.
    Democratic Republic of North Korea in at the Crossroads (Seoul, Korea: Pakyoungsa, 1995).
  • 北朝鮮崩壊せず: 金正日を支える「変身」と「みなし」の理論, 光文社, 1996.
    • Co-authored with 重村智計 (Toshimitsu Shigemura)
    • [역: “북한이 붕괴하지 않는 이유: 김정일 정권을 지탱하는 ‘개혁’과 ‘간주’ 정신”, 광문사, 1996.]
    • [Trans: How North Korea survives: Spirits of ‘transformation’ and ‘consideration’ that support Kim Jung-il’s regime (Tokyo, Japan: Kobunsha, 1996).]

Online Media


  • Joint Korea University-DPRK Strategic Research Center conference titled “From Hostility to Stability: New Approaches to Peace and Prosperity on the Korean Peninsula”, June 17, 2024.
  • Joint KIMEP-KMAC Seminar, KIMEP and Korean Management Association Consulting, July 9, 2019.
  • KMAC Republic of Korea Public Conference, Korean Management Association Consulting, July 5, 2019.
  • Joint KIMEP-KMAC Seminar, KIMEP and Korean Management Association Consulting, June 19, 2019.
  • Cooperation in Northeast Asia Under New Circumstances, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of World Economics and Politics, April 29, 2019.
  • ‘북한의 비핵화와 동태적 경제발전 (Nuclear Disarmament for Sustainable and Dynamic Economic Development in the Korean Peninsula),’ 국제학술세미나 개최, KIMEP University, Oct. 20-21, 2016
  • ‘한반도의 핵군축: 정착지에 대한 전망’ 국제학술세미나 개최 – 키멥대학교 아시아 문제 연구소, 2016.10

Scholarly Articles