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Dr. Sayapin participates in the Jessup National Rounds in Ukraine

On 10 – 12 February 2017, Dr. Sergey Sayapin, Assistant Professor at the School of Law and Director of the LLB in International Law programme, attended the 22nd National Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup Moot Court Competition on International Law in Ukraine, as a Judge. The Competition bears the name of Philip C. Jessup, an international law scholar and a former US Judge at the International Court of Justice, and takes place annually since 1959. It is the largest and most prestigious moot court competition on international law in the world.

This year, eleven teams representing various higher education institutions competed in the Ukraine National Rounds. The Competition’s issues involved the equitable use of shared natural resources, the protection of cultural property, and human rights – in particular, the rights of refugees and migrants.

KIMEP University congratulates the winners of the Ukraine National Rounds – the teams representing the Kyiv Institute of International Relations and the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy – and wishes them success at the Competition’s International Round’s in Washington D.C.

This year, a team representing KIMEP University will participate in the Philip C. Jessup Competition for the first time. KIMEP University’s students are looking forward to meeting colleagues from other countries, and to becoming members of the Jessup community.

