
KIMEP Exchange Alumni & Freshmen Club, 12 June 2018

It has become a good tradition of hosting a KIMEP Exchange Alumni & Freshmen Club which allows exchange program alumni to share their experiences with freshmen students who can learn a lot about the opportunities offered by KIMEP University. This club is designed to be a networking tool, which enables its participants to transfer knowledge and share great idea.

Last Tuesday the 17 exchange program alumni and the 9 freshmen students, who are going for a exchange program, attended the club’s meeting. The alumni shared their experiences gained through academic mobility programs taking place in the different parts of the globe and gave useful advice for freshmen in terms of both academic and students’ life.

It was an honor to have alumni, who have already graduated from KIMEP on campus: Altynay Mambetova (graduated in 2015) currently working at the National Bank of Kazakhstan; Aichurek Arzybekova (graduated in 2015) working at KPMG Kazakhstan and Safon Issak-Zade (graduated in 2018), employed recently to PwC Kazakhstan.

At the meeting, Zhamilya Utarbayeva, e-Astana Erasmus Mundus consortia alumnus and Coordinator on Outgoing Mobility, also shared her knowledge related and encouraged students to ask advice regarding Universities in the Basque Country of Spain.

Overall the event went very well and everyone enjoyed it, which is proved by the feedback provided by the participants who indicated that this type of activity was very efficient for both alumni and freshmen.