
KIMEP Workshop – 29 October

On 28-29 October, 2019,  “KIMEP University” NJSC in collaboration with the European Fund of Management Development (EFMD) hold a workshop dedicated to Market Trends, EFMD Accreditations and Certification.

The workshop will cover standards and criteria of the EFMD accreditation portfolio and provide examples of business schools that have progressed rapidly in their development. Top management and accreditation professionals of local Universities and business schools will participate in the event. Participation is free of charge (no more than three representatives from one organization). Business trip expenses are borne by sending organizations.

The workshop will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Russian.

Registration is required for each participant. To register, please write a message to

Workshop dates: 28-29 October 2019
Venue: “Altyn Emel” conference hall, Hotel “Kazakhstan”