Date: Friday, 11 December
Time: 1:30 pm
Professor Nabizhan Mukhametkhanuly is going to give a talk within the Salon Lecture Series between KIMEP and Qingdao University on
The development of Kazakhstan-China relations
The talk will be in
Chinese with translation into English
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 611 8040 6700
Passcode: 123456
Short bio:
In 1977, Professor Mukhametkhanuly graduated from the Faculty of History at the State University named after Sun Yat-sen in the city of Guangzhou in China.He worked as a specialist for the Kazakh Regional Committee ILI of the People’s Republic of China and as chief scientist and executive deputy director of the Institute for Science of Central Asian Studies at the Academy of Social Sciences in Xinjiang, China. In 2001, he was awarded a doctoral degree from the Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology at KazNU with a thesis on the History of Kazakh Society in China 1860-1920. He has since worked at KazNU, where he served as Professor of International Relations and World Economy at the Faculty of International Relations from 2007 to 2014 and as director of the Centre for the Study of Modern China since 2012. He has published twelve books and more than 300 scientific articles.