Name | Alexander Ostrovsky |
Position | Assistant Professor of Marketing |
Contact detail | aostrovs@kimep.kz, ex) 2288 |
Education background | DBA (Marketing studies), KIMEP University
MBA, KIMEP University
Overview | Professor Ostrovsky’s primary research interest focuses on investigation and identification of social factors influencing on purchasing behavior of Kazakhstani consumers toward products manufactured in countries of Eurasian Economic Union and delivered on Kazakhstani market.
Research Interests | Consumer behavior: Investigation of Kazakhstani consumers’ reactions toward products manufactured and delivered to the Kazakhstan from countries – members of Eurasian Economic Union, namely Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. Study reactions and preferences of Kazakhstani consumers toward products produced and delivered from China and Turkey, foreign products represented by specific trade categories. Investigation of influence of consumer ethnocentrism’s antecedents, such as socio-psychological, economic, political or demographic predictors on consumers’ preferences in purchasing of services or products.
Selected Publications | Article (In process)
· Ostrovsky, A., Garkavenko, V. & Rybina, L. (2018). Silk Road trade: Influence of consumer behaviour factors on service and products purchasing by Kazakhstani consumers. Service Industries Journal
Conference Papers
· The 1st Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism & Hospitality in June 2017, Japan. Liza Rybina, Vladimir Garkavenko, & Alexander Ostrovsky, “Transition Age Youth’s Conflict Resolution Strategies in Selecting Travel Destination by Tourists from Central Asia” · 14th KIMEP International Research Conference in April 2017, Alexander Ostrovsky/ Vladimir Garkavenko/ Liza Rybina “Application of mixed methods in marketing research”, Alexander Ostrovsky/ Vladimir Garkavenko/ Liza Rybina “Consumer animosity and conservatism of Kazakhstani consumers toward foreign products · International Conference on “Multidisciplinary Innovation in Academic Research” (MIAR-2015), July 29-30, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Alexander Ostrovsky “Interaction of Consumer Ethnocentrism and Country-of-origin with Buying Preferences of Kazakhstani Consumers” · 12th KIMEP International Research Conference, Kazakhstan, Almaty, in April 2015, Liza Rybina, Alexander Ostrovsky “A Comparison of Attitudes towards Mobile Advertising between Youth and Adults in Kazakhstan” and ”University Marketing and Consumer Preferences of University Selection Criteria in Kazakhstan · 11th KIMEP International Research Conference, Kazakhstan, Almaty, in April 2014, Liza Rybina, Alexander Ostrovsky “The Role of Marketing in formation of Corporate Culture of Kazakhstani companies” and” Social marketing as a part of brand platform building”. · 10th KIMEP International Research Conference, Kazakhstan, Almaty, in April 2013, Liza Rybina, Alexander Ostrovsky “The Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism on Airline Preference among Kazakhstani Travelers”. · 9th KIMEP International Research Conference, Kazakhstan, Almaty, in April 2012, Alexander Ostrovsky, Liza Rybina “The effects of consumer ethnocentrism and country of origin on consumers’ preferences in Kazakhstan” and “Gender differences in negative expectances of smoking among youth in Kazakhstan”. · “Second International Conference on Globalization and Consumer Protection”, India, Kalasalingam University, in January 2011, Monowar Mahmood, Alexander Ostrovsky “Materialism and frugality in economic recession, a study on university students in Bangladesh” (article in the conference book)
Teaching | Current Courses Taught
· Principles of Marketing · Strategic Marketing · Consumer Behavior · Fundamentals of Selling · Retailing · Marketing Communications · Cases in marketing and management · Marketing Management |
Grants | |
Awards | · Recognition as best teacher in 2016. |