Rustam Atadjanov studied law in Uzbekistan (Karakalpak State University, 1999-2003), the United States (University of Connecticut School of Law, 2005-2006) and Germany (University of Hamburg, 2014-2018). From 2007 to 2014, he held various positions at the Regional Delegation in Central Asia of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) including the post of a Legal Adviser. Dr. Atadjanov is actively involved in research and publishes with a number of European and Asian academic journals on Central Asian law and practices, public international law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, human rights law, legal theory, constitutional law, criminal law and diplomatic law. Rustam is an editor and co-editor in several academic periodicals including the Central Asian Yearbook of International Law and International Relations and Ukrainian Law Review, and he is also a member of a number of international law associations and societies.
Courses taught at the School of Law:
– Theory of State and Law;
– Constitutional Law of Kazakhstan;
– Criminal Law of RK: General Part;
– Criminal Law of RK: Special Part;
– Law of International Treaties;
– Public International Law;
– International Human Rights Law;
– International Criminal Law;
– International Humanitarian Law;
– Diplomatic and Consular Law;
– History of International Law.
Contact email: r.atadjanov@kimep.kz