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Yevgeniya Kim, MBA

Yevgeniya Kim (2)

Senior Lecturer


DBA student, KIMEP University, 2011-present

ABD Status, Chonbuk National University, MIS and Operations Management, 2001-2003

MBA, KIMEP University, Production and Operations Management, 1998-2000

B.S. in Economics, Taraz State University, Honor Diploma, 1994-1998

Work experience:

Senior Lecturer, KIMEP University, OMIS Department, 2003-present

Business consultant, “Mimioriki”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2011-2012

Guest researcher, TU/e, School of Industrial Engineering Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing Group 2009-2011

Business consultant, “Aura plus”, 2009-present

Consultant, “Real Estate Ltd.”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2005-2008

International Researcher, IFR Program, Chonbuk National University, S. Korea, Research field: “Rapid growth in Korean economy”, 2000-2001

Сourses taught at KIMEP:

Management Information Systems, Business Intelligence (ExMBA), Operations Management, Logistics Management, Transportation and Distribution Management, Computer Applications in Business, E-commerce, Internet marketing, Total Quality Management,  Spreadsheet based Simulation

Research interests:

E-commerce, Internet, Social Network Sites, Social Media Supply chain management, Operations Management

Conference proceedings:

  1. Elmira Bogoviyeva & Yevgeniya Kim (2012), “The Successful Launch of the Kazakhstani Children’s Clothing Brand Mimioriki”, Proceedings of Academy of Marketing Conference 2012, Southampton, UK, July 2-5
  2. Tatyana Domashenko, Elmira Bogovieva, Yevgeniya Kim (2012), Social Media in Marketing Activ ities of Kazakhstani Companies”, Proceedings of Academy of Market5ing Conference 2012, Southampton, UK, July 2-5 (poster presented).
  3. “Interaction between Personality, Social networking sites, leisure activities and Academic performance in Kazakhstan”, 9th Annual KIMEP International Research Conference, KIRC-2012, April, 19-21, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  4. “Two Lines of Defense for Overcoming Product Deficiencies: Dealing with the Effects of Accelerated NPD and Newness on Product Quality”, Global Conference on Business and Finance, January, 2-5, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  5. “NPD acceleration: trade-off between product failure and recovery strategies”, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), conference, June 1-4, 2010, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  6. “Mobile ads from customer perspectives: Kazakhstani case”, conference paper, International conference Transcending Horizons through Innovative Global Practices, December 28-31, 2007, Hyderabad, India
  7. “The forming of e-government: experience of Kazakhstan”, conference paper, International Conference on Advances in the Internet, Processing, Systems, and Interdisciplinary Research, IPSI-2007, April 28 – May 1, 2007, Venice
  8. “E-commerce adoption in Transition country: Kazakhstan”, conference paper, International Conference on Advances in the Internet, Processing, Systems, and Interdisciplinary Research, IPSI-2005, April 28 – May 1, 2005, Costa Brava, Spain

Professional Qualifications and Certificates:

2010                            Certificate in Technology Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management, Eindhoven, TU/e

2009                            Certificate “Course Design”, TU/e

2002                            Certificate of scholarship from Overseas Korean foundation, S. Korea

1998                            “Case analysis in Small business entrepreneurship”, California State University”

Contact information:

Tel: 270-44-40 Ext: 2017
Office: 316 / Dostyk bld
Email: ydk@kimep.kz