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Bibigul Zhakupova, MA


Senior Lecturer, from 2017 Doctoral student at KIMEP

Short biography:

Work experience includes working for the State Committee on Financial Control (Senior inspector), BG (British Gas) Kazakhstan (Chief Accountant), Foradex S.A. (Chief Accountant), KIMEP (Senior lecturer).

MS in Educational Administration and Policy Studies, SUNY Albany, 2009
MA in Economics, KIMEP, 1998
BA in Finance, Karaganda State University, 1993

Courses taught at KIMEP:

Financial Accounting I, Financial Accounting II, Intermediate Financial Accounting I, Intermediate Financial Accounting II, Advanced Financial Accounting I, Advanced Financial Accounting II, Management Accounting I, Management Accounting II.

Research interests:

The relationship between financial incentives and the quality of education at the state and institutional level.

Contact info:

Tel: 270-44-40 Ext: 2062
Office: 313 / Dostyk bld
Email: zbibigul@kimep.kz