Name | Yuliya Frolova |
Position | Associate Professor of Management |
Email address | frolova@kimep.kz |
Education background | DBA KIMEP University
MBA KIMEP University BSC KIMEP University |
Overview | Dr. Yuliya Frolova is Associate Professor at the Bang College of Business, KIMEP University, Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan. In the academic year 2017-2018, she was an Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs at the Bang College of Business. Previously she was a Chair of Management and Marketing Department for 1.5 years.
Dr. Yuliya Frolova also serves as IMA (Institute of Management Accountants, USA) Campus Advocate for KIMEP University. Campus Advocates are committed to understanding and conveying the benefits of IMA membership to students majoring in accounting, finance, and information technology to prepare them for successful careers in the field of managerial finance and accounting.
In Fall 2013, Dr. Yuliya Frolova taught management and accounting as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Monfort College of Business, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley city, USA.
Dr. Yuliya Frolova holds DBA degree with major in management and minors in accounting and business law; MBA degree with majors in accounting and finance; and BSC degree in Business Administration with major in accounting. She also has professional qualifications in accounting for her knowledge of international accounting theory and practice and her relevant work experience in this field: Certified Management Accountant (CMA), USA; Professional Accountant, Russia; and Certified Accounting Practitioner (CAP), Kazakhstan.
Dr. Yuliya Frolova has been judged by KIMEP University to be academically qualified in management and professionally qualified in accounting under the AACSB (the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) guidelines. She teaches a variety of courses in management and accounting at undergraduate and graduate levels. Her mission is to constantly obtain new knowledge and to share it through teaching and research.
Research Interests | Professor Frolova’s primary research interest focuses on studying the influence of personality on various work-related outcomes. |
Publications | · Davis, P., Frolova, Y., and Callahan, W. (2017). Toward an Understanding of the Failure of Talent Identification Initiatives in the African Public Sector. Journal of Management Policy and Practice (ISSN:1913-8067), 18(1): 102-113.
· Davis, P., Frolova, Y., and Callahan, W. (2016). Retaining leadership talent in the African public sector: An assessment of the HR challenge. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics (ISSN: 1913-8059), 13(3): 67-78. · Davis, P., Frolova, Y., and Callahan, W. (2016). Perceptions, Antecedents and Consequents of Employee Engagement Initiatives in Australian Organizations. American Journal of Management (ISSN: 2165-7998), 16(1): 42-53. · Frolova, Y. and Mahmood, M. (2016). Employee Duty Orientation in Kazakhstan: A Multi-Level Analysis. Presentation made at the KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC-2016), Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 8-9, 2016. · Davis, P., Frolova, Y., and Callahan, W. (2016). Workplace Diversity Management in Australia: What do Managers Think and What are Organisations Doing? Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(2): 81-98. (Publisher: Emerald; listed in SSCI, Scopus) · Dixon, J. and Frolova, Y. (2015). Accounting Disclosures on Fair Value Valuations: The Material Misstatement Threats Facing Board of Directors in Kazakhstan. AFBE Journal, 8(2): 90-107. (ISSN: 2071-7873. Listed in CABELLS Directory.) · Frolova, Y. (2015). An Exploratory Comparison of Personal Values of Young People in Kazakhstan and the USA. Bulletin of Turan University, 2(66): 272 – 277 (In 2015, the Journal is in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ISBN 1562-2959). · Frolova, Y. (2015). What Job Will Bring Satisfaction for Young People in Developed Economy with Individualistic Culture and in Developing Economy with Collectivistic Culture? An Exploratory Comparative Analysis. Proceedings from XII KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC-2015), Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 3-4, 2015: 148-163. · Frolova, Y. (2014). What Job Will Bring Satisfaction? An Analysis Based on Responses of Students Studying Business in Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Business and Management, 2(2): 25-49. DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2014.02.02.00x (Listed in CABELLS Directory.) · Frolova, Y. (2014). Work-Related Ethical Perceptions and Choices of Students Studying Business in Kazakhstan and in the USA: An Exploratory Comparative Analysis. Bulletin of Turan University, 3(63): 219 – 224. (In 2014, the Journal is in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ISBN 1562-2959). · Soltwisch, B., Iyer, V., and Frolova, Y. (2014). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment and Performance of Exchange Students. 2nd International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16-19, 2014. · Frolova, Y. (2014). An Exploratory Comparison of Attitude-Based Leadership Styles of Young People in the United States of America and in Kazakhstan. AFBE Journal, 7(1): 62-77. (ISSN: 2071-7873. Listed in CABELLS Directory.) · Frolova, Y. (2014). Student Contributions to the Teaching of Ethics in Business Classes. In K. Nantz (Ed.), Business Education in Central Asia: Best Practices in Integrative Study and Teaching (pp. 43 – 52). North Charleston, South Carolina: U.S. Central Asia Education Foundation. · Frolova, Y. (2014). The Instructional Value of Case Studies Written for Students in Central Asian Universities. In K. Nantz (Ed.), Business Education in Central Asia: Best Practices in Integrative Study and Teaching (pp. 121 – 130). North Charleston, South Carolina: U.S. Central Asia Education Foundation. · Frolova, Y. (2014). The Benefits of Student Participation in the Grading of Group Presentations. In K. Nantz (Ed.), Business Education in Central Asia: Best Practices in Integrative Study and Teaching (pp. 187 – 194). North Charleston, South Carolina: U.S. Central Asia Education Foundation. · Frolova, Y. (2014). The Importance of Seeking Student Input To Improve Teaching Methods. In K. Nantz (Ed.), Business Education in Central Asia: Best Practices in Integrative Study and Teaching (pp. 195 – 206). North Charleston, South Carolina: U.S. Central Asia Education Foundation. · Frolova, Y. and Soltwisch, B. (2013). An Exploratory Study on Measuring the Level of Emotional Intelligence of Young People Studying Business in USA. Proceedings from the 1st Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference (HASSACC-2013), Slovak Republic, November 18-22: 113-118. · Dixon, J. and Frolova, Y. (2013). The Reliable Relevance of Bank Financial Statements in Kazakhstan: The Fair Value Challenge for Auditors. AFBE Journal, 6(2): 122-139. (ISSN: 2071-7873. Listed in CABELLS Directory.) · Frolova, Y. (2013). An Exploratory Study of Prevailing Leadership Styles of Kazakhstan Students Majoring in Management and Students Majoring in Accounting. KAFU (Kazakh-American Free University) Academic Journal, 1, 66 – 70. · Frolova, Y. and Dixon, J. (2013). Evidence of Psychological Traps Presence in Financial Reporting. Journal of Economy, Business and Financing, 1/2013, 1-7. (ISSN: 1339-3723. Publisher: Thomson Ltd., Zilina, Slovakia.) · Dixon, J. and Frolova, Y. (2013). Accounting for Good Governance: The Fair Value Challenge. Corporate Governance, 13(3), 199-219. (ISSN: 1472-0701. Publisher: Emerald; listed in SSCI, SCOPUS ) · Dixon, J. and Frolova, Y. (2013). The Hierarchical Civil Servant, Administrative Theory & Praxis, 35(2), 199-219. (ISSN: 1084-1806. Publisher: M.E. Sharper, Armonk NY, USA.) · Frolova, Y. (2013). An Insight into Attitude-Based Leadership Styles of Young People in Kazakhstan: A BSC Perspective. AFBE Journal, 6(1): 74-87. (ISSN: 2071-7873. Listed in CABELLS Directory.) · Frolova, Y. (2013). An Inquiry of Personal Values of Business Students in Kazakhstan. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 2(12): 13-30. (ISSN: 2047-2528. Listed in CABELLS Directory and GALE CENGAGE Learning.) · Erdener, C. and Frolova, Y. (2013). Managerial Ethics Research: Issues for Accounting in Kazakhstan. International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE) Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, June 15-17, 2013. · Frolova, Y. and Dixon, J. (2013). Kazakhstani Business Student Work-Related Ethical Perceptions and Choices: An Exploratory Analysis. Proceedings from X KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC-2013), Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 4-6, 2013. · Frolova, Y. and Dixon, J. (2012). Positive Organizational Behavior: Its Relevance and Transferability to Kazakhstan. KAFU (Kazakh-American Free University) Academic Journal, 3, 188 – 191. (In 2012, the Journal was in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.) · Frolova, Y. and Dixon, J. (2012). Positive Organizational Behavior: It’s Application to Kazakhstan. KAFU (Kazakh-American Free University) Academic Journal, 3, 198 – 201. (In 2012, the Journal was in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.) · Frolova, Y. and Dixon, J. (2012). An Exploratory Analysis of Business Student Perception of Ethics: A B.Sc. Perspective. Bulletin of UIB (University of International Business), 4(26): 120 – 122. (In 2012, the Journal was in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.) · Frolova, Y. and Dixon, J. (2012). An Epistemological Challenge of Psychological Traps Presence in Financial Reporting. Proceedings from the 1st Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas (ARSA-2012), Slovakia, December 3-7: 67-71. · Frolova, Y. and Dixon, J. (2012). An Epistemological Challenge for Fair Value Accounting: The Classification of Financial Instruments for the Purpose of the Fair Value Estimation by Kazakhstan’s Banking Industry. Proceedings from IX KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC-2012), Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 19-21: 19-24. · Dixon, J. and Frolova, Y. (2011). Existential Poverty: Welfare Dependency, Learned Helplessness and Psychological Capital. Poverty & Public Policy, 3(2), DOI: 10.2202/1944-2858.1158. (Online ISSN: 1944-2858. Wiley Online Library.) · Erdener, C. and Frolova, Y. (2010). An Exploratory Study of Some Possible Attitudinal and Cultural Antecedents of Accounting Fraud Risk in Kazakhstan. Proceedings from VII KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRK-2010), Almaty, Kazakhstan. · Leonard, J. and Frolova Y. (2007). A Regression Analysis of Kazakhstan’s Pension Funds. Caspian Digest May. · Leonard, J. and Frolova Y. (2006). Accounting: Kazakh Needs for IAS. Business Leadership in Central Asia, H. Gaggiotti (Ed), Almaty, Kazakhstan: Caspian Academic Press. |
Teaching | Courses taught at executive MBA level:
· Organizational Behavior and Development Courses taught at graduate (master) level: · MGT5201/MGT5101 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Ethics · MGT5200 Business Communication · ACC5203 Financial Reporting and Management Control · ACC5212 Financial Statement Analysis · FIN5113.1 Financial Reporting and Analysis · FIN5113.2 Financial Reporting and Analysis Courses taught at undergraduate (bachelor) level: · MG3299.12 Selected Topics in Management: Management of Organizations · MGT3212 Organizational Behavior · MGT3206 Leadership and Motivation · MGT3205 Decision Making · MGT3201 Business Communication · MGT4203 Performance Management · MGT4204 Cases in Management · ACC1201 Financial Accounting I · ACC1202 Financial Accounting II · ACC3201 Intermediate Financial Accounting I · ACC3202 Intermediate Financial Accounting II · ACC2201 Management Accounting I · ACC3110 Management Accounting II
Awards | · Certificate of Service Excellence awarded for the academic year 2004 – 2005 for preeminence in academic development and services at the College of Continuing Education (currently: Executive Education Center), KIMEP |