PhD in Sociology, The Nottingham University, United Kingdom, 2017
MA in Public Administration, The Nottingham University, United Kingdom, 2009
Bachelor of Public Administration, KIMEP, Kazakhstan, 2008
Courses Taught at KIMEP
Introduction to Social Science; Nutrition in Modern World
Courses Taught Elsewhere
Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Research Design in Social Policy, The Management Support of Youth Policy, Psychology Management
Research interests:
Gender Inequality, Leadership, Motivation, Education policy
- Bugytayeva, S. and Kazybekova, U. (2022). The South Korean component in the doctrines of the United States Presidents (1945-2022). Public Administration and Civil Service journal. Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No 3 (82).
- Polozhentseva, Y., Kazybekova, U., Subalova, M., and Ghosh, A. (2022). We or I? Survival and Success Challenges Jokeasses. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 12 No.1.
- Kazybekova U. (2014). Presented the paper on “Working mothers’ understanding of the shift from state to non-state pension provision” (Conference Stream: Negotiating Access to Research Participants) at the 7th Enquire Conference “4D Research: Early experiences of Designing, Debating, Doing and Disseminating Social Research”, The University of Nottingham, School of Sociology and Social Policy, 14th November 2014.
- Kazybekova U. (2013). Presented the paper on “Understanding of working mothers of the shift from state to private pension provision” at the 6th Enquire Conference “Normality in an Uncertain World”, The University of Nottingham, School of Sociology and Social Policy, 10th-11th September 2013.
- Kazybekova U. (2012). New model of educator’s personality in the educational system. Collection of materials of Republican Scientific Conference. “Spiritual and moral component in the triad of education-science-innovation”, Almaty, May 18, 2012, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
Contact information:
Office: # 231 Valikhanov building
E-mail: u.kazybekova@kimep.kz