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Kurmanalieva Akmaral


Date  of birth :  September 4, 1972

Place of  birth : Taraz city

Education : in 1989 graduated Taraz second educational school # 5.

in  1994 graduated  filological faculty by “ Kazakh  language” KazNY after AL-Farabi.

in    1994 entered  to post- graduate program ot language institution after A.Baityrsynov

of  National  Scientific Academy of RK.


Scientific degree: in 1999 protected candidate dessertation  by specialization “Kazakh  language”.

Qualification : 1.Sertifacate of promotion of qualification of scientific-research institution near Kazstate

University of  foreign languages  after Abylaikhan.

2.Kazakhstan certificate of learning association “Development of thinking using experience of Reading and writing”, “WR for Critical Thinking Series of  Workshoр” .

  1. SertifacateInternational Reading  Association, 2010.


Workplaces: – by 1997 to 2006 teacher of  kazakh  language of Kaz.State Economic University after


  • by 2000 docent at Kazakh and Russian Department at Kazakh State Economic Univercity  after T.Ryskylov.
  • by 2001 Kazakh language teacher at KIMEP.

Living  place : Almaty city, Mamyr 1  microdistrict, 16-14. tel. 3751496

Scentific degrees :

  1. Words with many definitions and omonyms // School of Kazakhstan, 1995, 11, 38-40
  2. Gomogenic omonyms forced from somatisms // Kazakh  languages and


  1. Topic and motive groups of gomogenic omonyms   at Kazakh Languages

// Herald of Scentific Academy of RK.1994,1,76-81

  1. Itimology  meanings   of gomogtnic omonyms of Kazakh  language.

// History of languages and word  meanings, Almaty : scienc,1997, 40-44.

  1. Role of the Language in the social life af nation // Ways  of market  change

in the transit economy of Kazkhstan, 2000, 163-167.                    

  1.    “From  the history of Taraz  city”, article on “Historical- cultural heritage of

Turkic  people: discoveries, problems and perspectives,” Almaty, 2008,


  1. “Language and writteng index cultural cuteron”, article on “Kazakh

Language and cultural area”, Almaty, 2009,105-111

  1. “The language of old Turkic written monuments:/ comparative anlis,

connection  with civilization/” article on  KIMEP International Research

Conference. Them: “Оpportunities  and challenges in changing conomies”,

Almaty, 2009.203-204.

9.“The language of old Turkic written monuments” article on  International

Research Conference “Turkic world: language, nature, culture”. Аlmaty,

2009, May.