Доктор Дилара Орынбасарова получила степень доктора философии PhD с отличием Высшей школы педагогики Назарбаев Университета. Она получила степени BSS и MPA с отличием в университете КИМЭП.
Она занималась академической и исследовательской деятельностью в Назарбаев Университете, Пенсильванском университете (США), Университете КИМЭП и Евразийском исследовательском институте. Также она возглавляла отдел анализа и качества в Независимом агентстве по обеспечению качества в образовании, работала в Аппарате Премьер-Министра РК, департаменте Информационно-аналитического центра (стажировки) и Центре исследований и консалтинга.
Доктор Орынбасарова преподает курс «Введение в социальные науки» в КИМЭП. Курсы, которые преподаются совместно и получают помощь в других местах, включают «Коммуникация и общество», «Предыстория мира», «Профессиональная идентичность», «Обучение работе», «Академическое письмо для докторантов», «Английский язык для исследований».
Ее текущие исследовательские интересы включают инновации в системе и политике высшего образования, многостороннее и межсекторальное партнерство, а также анализ социальных сетей.
Электронная почта: d.orynbassarova@kimep.kz
1. “Delivering Environmental Education in Kazakhstan Through Civic Action: second-wave values and governmental responses,” Environmental Values, 1, (2013), 101-122, with Dennis Soltys, UK, Harris
2. “Family Medicine as a Model of Primary Health Services Delivery: A Pilot Study in Almaty, Kazakhstan”, Central Asian Journal of Global Health, 4 (1), (2015), USA, University of Pittsburgh Press (Master Thesis Publication, USA, University of Pittsburgh) (Indexed in PubMed and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of the Web of Science)
3. “Entrepreneurial University Perspective: Tracking Labor Force Capacity to Support Industrialization Processes in the Emerging Markets, Evidence from Kazakhstan Data”. EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal 6(2), (2016), 5-11. USA, University of Pittsburgh Press. (Indexed in DOAJ, WorldCat)
4. “Teacher Education Research in Central Asia: An Analysis of Journal Publications (2006-2016), The Case of Kazakhstan”. Eurasian Research Journal, 2(1), (2020), 81-95.
Материалы конференций
5. “Developing University-Industry-Government Research Partnerships in Republic of Kazakhstan: factors enhancing and constraining”. Jun 15, (2020).The Proceedings of the 18th Triple Helix Conference. Future of innovation and Innovation for future online. Finland, Tampere University, 21-23.
6. “Modernization of Teacher Education in Kazakhstan: Experience of Finland”. Asyavrupa, 4 (46), (2019), 71-77.
7. “Teacher Education in the Context of Transformation Processes in Kazakhstan: Challenges and Perspectives”, Sep 19, (2017). The Collection of the International Conference on Institutionalization of Innovative Education Environment of High Pedagogic School, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and National Pedagogic Institute of Pavlodar.
8. “Policy Reception of Cascade In-Service Teacher Education Model in Kazakhstan through the Lens of Policy Borrowing Theory”, Jun 15-16, (2017), 340 (142), 79-84 The Collection of IV International Scientific-Practical Conference on Science and Education in Globalization Processes, Russian Federation
9. “Developing Research Competence Through a Student-Run Peer-Review Journal at Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan”, May 19-20, (2017), The Collection of the II-nd Annual Conference on Academic Integrity and University Governance, Kazakhstan, Astana, with Philip Montgomery, Anna CohenMiller and Kamila Kozhabayeva, KAZGUU University and Nazarbayev University.
10. “Guidelines for Writing a Book Review: Through the Lens of a First-Year Doctoral Student”. NUGSE Research in Education Journal, 2 (1), (2017), 43-44, Nazarbayev University, Editorial.
11. “A Comparative Study of Teacher Attitudes toward Inclusion in Kazakhstan and Turkey: A Literature Review”, (2017),2-16, Preprints of the Eurasian Research Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, Eurasian Research Institute, ERI Working Papers.
12. “New Methods and Approaches in Modernizing the Continuous Professional Development of Teachers in the World’s Practice: the case of Finland”, Feb 23, (2017), 15-20, The Collection of the International Scientific-Practical Conference on Continuous Professional Development of Teacher: From High School To Post-Graduate Education, Kazakhstan, Petropavl, National Centre for Professional Development ‘Orleu’ in the North-Kazakhstan region and Institute of Increasing Teachers’ Qualifications and Professional Skills.
13. “Putting inclusive principles into practice: teacher attitude and education as factors impacting inclusive education development”, Vol.1, No. 94 (Nov-20, 2015), p 234, The Collection of the II-nd International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Innovations in Education: Research and Solutions”, Kazakhstan, Astana, published by Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan, National Academy of Education named after Y.Altynsarin and Ural State Pedagogical University.