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Admission to Master programs

Graduate studies at KIMEP: what does the second stage of higher education mean?

For many years, Kazakhstan has used the Bologna – two-level – system of higher education, which implies the basic (four years) training under the bachelor’s program and advanced studies at the master’s level (lasting from one to two years). The aim of the restructuring the foundations of the educational process was a smooth transition to uniform European standards and expanding the scientific and career opportunities for students.

The most capable and motivated students continue their studies to obtain their master’s degree. At the same time, they can both develop their skills in their previously chosen area, or change the direction and take a training in another area – if they successfully pass the internal tests and exams by the specialization and meet all the requirements for admission to master’s programs.

Studying at the graduate level develops a deeper specialization and analytical competencies, also it sets the foundation for a scientific or managerial career. With this qualification, it is easier to get a prestigious job and take off from a higher starting position. In addition, a master’s degree diploma is a mandatory requirement for those planning to study for a doctorate degree.

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KIMEP University accepts applications in Russian, Kazakh and English, or – with the notarized translation into the listed languages.


Portal for applicants is available 24/7 365 days a year

  1. Fill in the online application at the applicants’ portal: https://www.kimep.kz/ext/application/online/
  2. Upload the scanned copy of the State ID card (for the citizens of Kazakhstan) or your passport (for foreign citizens)
  3. Upload the copy of your higher education diploma (with a supplement) *
  4. Upload the copy of your official labor record or a CV
  5. Upload 1 reference letter – for applicants to MPA, MEPM and MIR programs
  6. Digital photo. Uploading your digital photo into the “Photo” field is very important, because all KIMEP units will use this picture of yours for your personal identification. The digital photo with a resolution of 300 ppi (pixels per inch) with a size of no less than 8 MP (Megapixels) in JPEG format with low compression (high quality).
  7. Upload the valid copies of IELTS/TOEFL certificates, if any
  8. You may upload the list of your research and methodical works, upon your discretion

Additional requirements for foreign applicants

  1. Bank statement (is not required for ethnic Kazakhs)
  2. Criminal record (according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Migration)

Please, refer to the following contacts: +7 727 2704316, Mob./Whatsapp +77079704316, finaid@kimep.kz on issues of scholarships and financial aid


To take the KEPT you will have to fill in the online application and upload the copy of your state ID card to the applicants’ portal: https://www.kimep.kz/ext/application/online/ru-RU/
You may find out the format of tests at KIMEP website by the following link: https://kimep.kz/prospective-students/ru/admission/kimep-university-tests-schedule/
The applicant submitting the valid international certificates is released from taking the KEPT.
*Academic credentials issued by the foreign academic institutions should be accompanied by the notarized translation into Kazakh or Russian language and undergo the procedure of nostrification / recognition during the first academic semester. Please, refer to Ainur Mukhamejanova – the Senior Registration Officer, ainur@kimep.kz, +7 727 270 43 14 (ext.3239) on related issues.

Level of English Foundation Course  









TOEFL (computer)



Direct to program  






(not less than 4. 5 in each section)



(with no sub score below 15)



(with no sub score below 25

105 & above

(not less than 100 in each section)




A2 –B1


(not less than 4.0 in each section)



(with no sub score below 10)



(with no sub score below 17)


(not less than 90 in each section)






(not less than 3.0 in each section)



(with no sub score below 7)



(with no sub score below 10)


(not less than 75 in each section)


< 20 %

Beginner or False Beginner  







79 & below

Attention! The table is valid for all programs except the Master of Arts in Education Policy and Management (MEPM), the Master of Science in Psychology (MSP) and the Master of International Law (LL.M.) programs.
The minimum IELTS test score for MEPM and MSP is 5.5 (no less than 5.0 in each section).
The details of the LL.M. program are posted in the separate subsection titled “Specific requirements for LL.M. program”


3.1. COMPREHENSIVE TEST (only for Kazakhstani citizens)

According to the Standard Rules of Admission to Graduate and Postgraduate Programs, approved by the Order # 600 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of October 31, 2018, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan applying to master programs need to take Comprehensive Testing (CT) developed by the National Test Center (NTC).
Comprehensive Test consists of (1) a foreign language test, (2) test in the field of specialization and (3) learning readiness tests in Kazakh or Russian language.
Applicants who have international certificates confirming English language proficiency in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) are exempt from a foreign language test in the CT followed by the assignment of the maximum score: IELTS – at least 6.0; TOEFL IBT – at least 60; TOEFL PBT – at least 498.
Detailed information regarding the testing is available at the web-site of the National Testing Center at http://www.testcenter.kz/ru/postupayushchim-v-magistraturu-i-doktoranturu/

Applicants are eligible to be admitted to master programs based on the following results of CT:

  • At least 75 points for MAFL program (Foreign Language – Two Foreign Languages): at least 25 points on foreign language test; at least 7 points in the field of specialization (on tests with one correct answer); at least 7 points in the field of specialization (on tests with one or more correct answers); at least 7 points on learning readiness test.
  • At least 30 points for all other programs: at least 7 points in the field of specialization (on tests with one correct answer); at least 7 points in the field of specialization (on tests with one or more correct answers); at least 7 points on learning readiness test.

CT application deadlines are regulated by the Department of Higher Education and are published on the web-site of the National Test Center at http://testcenter.kz/ru/

MBA program applicants are exempt from taking Comprehensive Test and are taking examinations determined by KIMEP University – KIMEP English Language Placement Test (KEPT) and MBA entrance exam (KGET).


Program Exam Threshold score Program coordinator
MBA*, MACTA, MFIN KIMEP Graduate Entrance Test (KGET)**

Problems for logic, critical thinking and mathematics

15 out of 50 Lazzat Tashanova, 302-1 (Dostyk Building),

+7 727 2704440 ext.2356, bcb-graduate@kimep.kz

Aizada Agabayeva, +7 727 270 4440, ext.2347,


MAE 14 out of 50 Kamila Mussina, 507 (Valikhanov Building),

+7 727 2704212 ext.3266, css_coordinator@kimep.kz

MEPM KIMEP Graduate Entrance Test (KGET)**

Online interview in the form of questions

14 out of 50

50 out of 100

Marina Kim, 227 (Dostyk Building),

8 701 717 38 06, marina.kim@kimep.kz

MAFL Online interview 50 out of 100
MIR, MPA, MAIJ Pass / Fail Kamila Mussina, 507 (Valikhanov Building),

+7 727 2704212 ext.3266, css_coordinator@kimep.kz

ExMBA Live Interview Samal Jazykbayeva, 202 (Dostyk Building),

+7 727 237 47 86 ext. 1117,

+7 777 002 19 16, jsamal@kimep.kz

LLM Yelena Glazova, glazova@kimep.kz, 121 (New Academic Building)

+7 727 271-71-71 ext.2728

MSP Marina Kim, 227 (Dostyk Building),

8 701 717 38 06, marina.kim@kimep.kz


*Additional criterion for MBA program applicants – no less than 2 years of work experience or its equivalent

**The valid GMAT/GRE certificates are accepted to release the applicant from taking the KGET


  1. Authentic copy of higher education diploma
    To the Medical Office of KIMEP:
  2. Medical Certificate – the Form # 075-y or its equivalent for foreign citizens.
    KIMEP Medical Center may request a notarized translation of the medical certificate equivalent, therefore it recommends international students to undergo a medical examination upon arrival to Almaty. The Form should include conclusions from a general practitioner, surgeon, neurologist, ENT-doctor and the results of micro-reaction blood test, as well as the original chest X-ray shot which should have two signatures and two stamps by doctors (the certificate is valid if issued no earlier than 6 months ago).
  3. Copy of vaccination record (only for applicants younger than 32 years of age)

Medical Center: Medical Center: Natalya Yasa, Senior Doctor, tel: 8 (727) 237 48 05 ext.1087, e-mail: n.yasa@kimep.kz
Original documents may be scanned and uploaded to the Applicants’ Portal and sent by courier service: 050010, Republic of
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Abai avenue 4, offices 103, 103A, 107 – Admission and Recruitment Office


  1. Since e-mail communication is the official channel of KIMEP University to inform the applicant the e-mail address indicated in the online application form should be active at the moment of becoming admitted to KIMEP University.
  2. Notice of Admission to KIMEP University will be sent to your e-mail as well as placed at the applicants’ portal in «Acceptance Package» section.
  3. The Contract for Educational Services will also be placed at your applicant’s portal in «Acceptance Package» Two printed out and signed by you copies of the Contract should be submitted to the Admissions Office before the end of the period of registration for the Fall semester.


Please, refer to the program coordinators on the issues of scheduling, tuition calculation and registration for courses whose contact information is provided in “KIMEP Entrance tests by programs” section of this letter.

Online application process

  1. Fill in the online application at the applicants’ portal: https://www.kimep.kz/ext/application/online/
  2. Upload the scanned copy of the State ID card (for the citizens of Kazakhstan) or your passport (for foreign citizens)
  3. Upload the copy of your higher education diploma (with a supplement) * – Undergraduate Law degree or KIMEP minor in Legal Studies/equivalent in English
  4. Upload the copy of your official labor record or a CV – at least three years of legal work experience
  5. Upload 2 reference letters
  6. Digital photo. Uploading your digital photo into the “Photo” field is very important, because all KIMEP units will use this picture of yours for your personal identification. The digital photo with a resolution of 300 ppi (pixels per inch) with a size of no less than 8 MP (Megapixels) in JPEG format with low compression (high quality).
  7. Upload the valid copies of IELTS/TOEFL certificates, if any
  8. You may upload the list of your research and methodical works, upon your discretion
  9. Sign up for Zoom interview through applicants’ portal.
  • Pass Complex test (for KZ citizens only) and get a threshold score. Details are available on website of the National Testing Center: http://www.testcenter.kz/

Correspondence table of the minimum scores of English language certificates for direct admission to the program:

Program Name CEFR+ KEPT IELTS TOEFL IBT TOEFL (computer) Duolingo
LL.M. B2/B2 mid 85 6.0 (not less than 5.0 in each section) 75 195 and above 110

  1. Completed higher education
    • Copy of a diploma confirming the completion of undergraduate degree(s).
    • Copy of a transcript (diploma supplement) with grades
  1. Complex Test (CT)
    CT follows the method developed by the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.All graduate applicants – citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan – have to take Complex Test in order to secure admission to the graduate program. Applicants to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program are exempted from the Complex Test.
  1. Entrance examinations by specializations
    1. Entrance examination for Economics (MAE) program and Education Policy and Management (MEPM) – KGET (KIMEP Graduate Entrance Test) with a score not lower than 14;
    2. Entrance examination for Business Administration (MBA), Accounting and Audit (MACTA), Finance (MFIN) programs – KGET (KIMEP Graduate Entrance Test) – with a score not lower than 15; an additional criterion for admission to the MBA program is at least 2 years of work experience or equivalent including internship and volunteering work;
    3. Entrance examinations for Public and Municipal Administration (MPA), International Relations (MIR), Education Policy and Management (MEPM), and Business Administration for Executives (EXMBA) programs are held in the form of an on-line interview in the field of study by departmental committees; an additional criterion for admission to the EXMBA program is a requirement of a minimum of 7 years of work experience or its equivalent;
    4. Entrance examination for the Two Foreign languages (МАFL) program has two stages (а) On-line essay and b) live interview via Skype conference or other application at the discretion of the departmental committee.
    5. Entrance examination for International Law (LLM) and Psychology – live interview via Zoom.

    The guide on how to take an Interview is available if you click on the program of your interest
    Public and Municipal Administration (MPA)
    International Relations (MIR)
    International Law (LLM)
    Education Policy and Management (MEPM)
    Two Foreign languages (МАFL)
    International Journalism (MAIJ)

    KIMEP graduates with GPA of 3.0 and above are exempted from entrance examinations by specializations.

  1. KIMEP University accepts international certificates of GMAT and GRE tests for the appropriate graduate programs, which are considered on an individual basis by departments.
    Code of KIMEP University for GMAT examination is BLP-9V-74 and BLP-9V-70

Knowledge of English is not a criterion for admission. Still, because KIMEP University is an institution with English as a medium of instruction, applicant’s English proficiency level must be assessed prior to being admitted. Therefore, defining level of English proficiency is mandatory, except for:
1. Holders of completed undergraduate, graduate or doctoral degrees or their equivalents from English medium universities (authentic diploma, transcript and confirmation of English teaching form the university concerned), including KIMEP University Graduates
2. Students of dual degree programs between KIMEP and partner universities
3. Students in the Russian cohorts of the EXMBA program

Students that did not undergo evaluation of their English-language proficiency begin their studies at the beginner level (FEC C).
To evaluate English-language proficiency, KIMEP University accepts international English proficiency test certificates
• TOEFL (Code of KIMEP University for the examination is 2104)
• Cambridge English Examinations
• KIMEP English Placement Test

Level of English Foundation Course  









TOEFL (computer)



Direct to program  






(not less than 4. 5 in each section)



(with no sub score below 15)



(with no sub score below 25

105 & above

(not less than 100 in each section)




A2 –B1


(not less than 4.0 in each section)



(with no sub score below 10)



(with no sub score below 17)


(not less than 90 in each section)






(not less than 3.0 in each section)



(with no sub score below 7)



(with no sub score below 10)


(not less than 75 in each section)


< 20 %

Beginner or False Beginner  







79 & below

CEFR* – Common European Framework of Reference (Common European competencies of foreign language proficiency: studying, learning, assessment)

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The KIMEP University Admission and Scholarship Committee reviews applications for academic programs separately from applications for financial aid.
Admission to academic programs of KIMEP University does not guarantee financial aid to applicants.
The Admission and Scholarship Committee is the standing committee of the KIMEP Academic Council. It sets the policies and procedures for the financial aid. KIMEP University Financial Aid Program.

The Financial Aid Office sets the deadlines and requirements for the submission of documents to receive financial support.

KIMEP students may also apply for external funds and tri-lateral contracts. Students willing to apply for external funds should contact the department of Corporate Development of KIMEP University.

The Corporate Development Office deals with sources of external funding and manages trilateral contracts.

Contact Information of the Financial Aid Office:
KIMEP University, Abai Ave. 4, Valikhanov Building, office 203
Email: finaid@kimep.kz
Tel: +7 (727) 270 43 16

Contact Information of the Corporate Development Department:
KIMEP University, Abai Ave. 4, Dostyk Building, office 401
E-mail: cdd@kimep.kz
Tel.: +7 (727) 270 42 26
Fax: +7 (727) 270 44 59

With respect to State regulations, documents issued by the foreign academic institutions should undergo the procedure of nostrification.
For more information about Nostrification/ Recognition of foreign diploma, please contact:

Ainur Mukhamejanova
Tel: 8 (727) 270-43-14 (3239)
E-mail: ainur@kimep.kz

Additional requirements for foreign citizens
Foreign citizens should submit the documents listed below before registering for any course (according to the Law on Migration, Chapter 5):
1. All foreign students, except for ethnic Kazakhs, should provide a financial/bank statement demonstrating the student’s availability of funds to cover accommodation and tuition in accordance with the educational services contract.
2. Non-conviction record

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for KIMEP graduates (only for admission purposes)

  1. KIMEP graduates with a GPA of 3.0 and above are exempt from KIMEP internal tests and exams such as KIMEP Graduate Entrance Test (KGET) and online interview
  2. KIMEP graduates are exempt from KIMEP English Placement Test (KEPT)
  3. Internal transfer of undergraduate credits is possible if established criteria are met

*Please seek clarification from your college manager regarding undergraduate credits transfer

Program Program Coordinator





Lazzat Tashanova, 302-1 (Dostyk Building), +7 727 2704440 ext.2356, bcb-graduate@kimep.kz



Marina Kim, 227 (Dostyk Building), 8 701 717 38 06, marina.kim@kimep.kz




Kamila Mussina, 503 (Valikhanov Building), +7 727 2704212 ext.3266, css_coordinator@kimep.kz
LLM Yelena Glazova, glazova@kimep.kz, 121 (New Academic Building)

+7 727 271-71-71 ext.2728