Dear students,
KIMEP International Office offers an outgoing e-mobility program (online exchange from home) for Fall 2022 in the following Partner Universities (tuition fee and application to KIMEP):
Fall 2022:
- Beijing Normal University, China
- Higher School of Economics under National Research University Moscow, Russia
- Hong Kong Baptist University, China
- Universitas Pertamina, Indonesia
- University of Deusto, Spain
Eligibility requirements:
- a solid command of English language (average GPA in English language courses min. B/ IELTS 6/ TOEFL IBT 72/ TOEFL PBT 523);
- have GPA of 3.00 or higher;
- be full-time degree student (bachelor and master)
- Earn:
- 30 credits for bachelor students;
- 9 credits for master students.
- At the application stage
- Have no disciplinary records
- Have no debts
Necessary application documents to be uploaded:
- Online Application form
Optional (only documents from the current study level):
- Certificates of intellectual challenges, Olympiads, competitions
- Certificates of athletic challenges
- Community service certificates
- Recommendation from the referee (you don’t need to ask for a recommendation letter just complete the form in application)
- Confirmation of vulnerability status
Link for application:
Or via My KIMEP Portal> E-mobility> Application for E-Mobility, F2022
Application deadline: May 10, 2022 at 23:59
- Policy on e-mobility —
- E-mobility program, list of partners, Fall 2022— L:\International Mobility\E-mobility
- List of courses — L:\International Mobility\E-mobility
- Universities Descriptions — L:\International Mobility\Before application\Description of Partners Universities (courses, application)
If you have any questions please let me know.