KIMEP University is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and participation for students with diverse needs. It is the University’s policy that no qualified student with learning differences need be excluded from participating in any University program or activity, denied the benefits of any University program or activity, In this regard, KIMEP University:

  • strictly prohibits any form of discrimination on the basis of an individual’s special need
  • offers individualized academic placement and reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with special needs.

Definition of an Individual with a Special Need

For purposes of this policy, the term ‘special needs’ refers to a diverse range of needs often caused by a medical, physical, mental or developmental condition or disability. Special needs can include cognitive difficulties, physical or sensory difficulties, emotional and behavioral difficulties, and difficulties with speech and language. A student at KIMEP will need to demonstrate evidence of a record of such impairment.

 Eligibility for Services

To be eligible for services, students with special needs must identify themselves and present professional documentation to the Medical Center for verification. Until appropriate documentation is provided, support for the student with a special need may be delayed.

Students may receive services in one or more (but not limited to) of the following areas:

  • Mobility, visual, hearing, or speech impairment
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Developmental delayed learner
  • Various Mental Health Issues
  • Other chronic or health-related limitations that adversely affect educational performance

Professional Documentation and Verification

Documentation should be prepared by an appropriate professional who is not a family member. Documentation should be recent (within one year), relevant, comprehensive, and the original. The university has the discretion to require additional documentation.

 Records and Privacy

Medical information provided to the University by students as a part of a request for accommodation(s) is treated as confidential medical records under applicable laws and university policies. Such information is provided only to individuals who are privileged to receive it on a need to know basis. Such confidential records shall be separately maintained by the Medical Center.

Priority Registration

Students with documented special needs are eligible for early registration times. Students should submit the list of preferred courses three weeks prior to the registration period to the Learning Support Center. This accommodation will give students more flexibility when planning their schedules and to help arrange adequate time between classes and ensure that classes are scheduled in the easy accessible facilities.

 Reasonable academic adjustments and accommodations include but are not limited to:

  • Extended time for testing
  • Alternative testing sites
  • Permission to tape lectures
  • Volunteer readers
  • Scribes for classroom
  • Print materials in alternate format
  • Permission to bring food and drink into examination
  • Written instructions for those with a hearing impairment.
  • Enlarged font papers for those with a visual impairment
  • Take-home exam for students in wheelchair or with walking difficulty

Requesting Accommodations

Students are encouraged to speak directly with faculty members regarding any academic adjustments/accommodations they need. Discussing the needs with faculty members helps them better understand the student situation and allows them to get to know him/her personally.

Students should follow the below listed steps to request academic adjustments and/or accommodations:

  1. Apply for services as soon as possible and provide documentation of conditions that may warrant academic accommodations
  2. Provide all of the information regarding the type of expected accommodation to the LSC coordinator
  3. Explain the needs, and discuss possible accommodations with the instructor. If a student feels uncomfortable discussing his/her need with a faculty, the LSC coordinator will serve as a liaison between him/her and a faculty member
  4. Remind an instructor of the need for the accommodation, for extended time and/or quiet room accommodations for testing, before each test

Instructor’s responsibilities

  • Instructors should not compromise the academic integrity of a course by giving passing grades to students who have failed to demonstrate the required level of understanding or performance. Once instructors have provided accommodations, they should grade the work of students with special need as they would grade the work of any other students.
  • An instructor who has difficulty providing the accommodations or who disagrees with the accommodations should contact the LSC coordinator or the AVP of Student Affairs.
  • If the instructor and LSC are not able to come to agreement about an accommodation, they may contact VPAA who can assist in resolving the issue.
  • Instructors should not provide academic accommodations without notification from the Learning Support Center.
  • Instructors should ensure that all classroom materials, such as presentations, readers, handouts, media, and websites, are fully accessible.
  • Instructors will maintain student confidentiality.

Housing Services

Housing Services can assist students with special needs in securing priority for housing. In order to qualify for priority housing and receive the appropriate accommodations, student request has to be confirmed by the LSC.

Behavioral Concerns

The special need status does not excuse the inappropriate behavior of students.

  • An institution may discipline, with discretion and according to needs, a special need student for engaging in misconduct if it would impose the same discipline on a student with regular status.
  • Misconduct due to not following medical and/or therapeutic treatment protocols does not have to be accommodated.

Internal Grievance/Appeals Procedures

Students who have concerns about a granted service, accommodation, modification of a University practice or requirement, are encouraged to bring those concerns or complaints to the attention of the appropriate campus personnel, e.g., faculty, dean, student affairs for immediate resolution. Complaints or appeals related specifically to services for students with special needs provided by Learning Support Services should be immediately brought to the attention of the AVP of Student Affairs. He/she will review the matter and attempt to informally resolve the situation. In the event that the matter cannot be resolved, students have the right to appeal to the Provost and General Deputy to the President. All grievances or appeals must be in writing. The complaint should include the student name and ID and describe the alleged complaint or concern.